"Type","dc-creator","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Name","Redirect","dc-description","Collection","Chronology","Id","Icon","dc-title","UserLevel","dc-date" "Lot","","","","Β 326","","6th-5th c. black glaze; black figure etc; some Hellenistic disturbance: later lamp fragments; stamped black glazed etc.","Agora","6th-5th c. B.C.-Hellenistic","Agora:Lot:Β 326","","Fill over Road; Layer III; Red","","25-26 February 1935" "Lot","","","","Β 331","","Black glaze; black figure; red figure; selected coarse; lamp fragments Type II and III.","Agora","6th-5th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Β 331","","Fill over Road; Layer II; Red","","23-25 February 1935" "Lot","","","","Β 332","","Black glaze; black figure; red figure; selected coarse; lamp fragments Type II and III.","Agora","6th-5th B.C.","Agora:Lot:Β 332","","Fill over Road; Layer II; Red","","23-25 February 1935" "Notebook","R. S. Young","","","Β-8","","1389","Agora","","Agora:Notebook:Β-8","Agora:NotebookPage:Β-8-1::/Agora/Notebooks/Β/Β 008/Β 008 001.jpg::1227::2048","Mixed","","25 February 1935- 19 March 1935" "Object","","","","P 4759","","From a heavy closed pot. Black glaze outside, much peeled.; ; Inscribed inside; the letters very lightly scratched. ","Agora","","Agora:Object:P 4759","","Ostrakon of Hipparchos Charmou (Kollyteus)","","26 February 1935" "Object","","","","P 4760","","From a tile, glazed black on the outside where the letters are incised.; ; ","Agora","","Agora:Object:P 4760","","Ostrakon of Hippokrates Anaxileou","","26 February 1935" "Object","","","","P 4761","","From the base of a cup. Incised underneath.; ; ","Agora","","Agora:Object:P 4761","","Ostrakon of Alkibiades Kleiniou Skambonides the Elder","","26 February 1935"