"Redirect","Name","dc-description","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Type","dc-date","UserLevel","dc-title","Id","Icon","Chronology","Collection" "","E 13:1","Carefully cut in bedrock with firm footholds on either side. The use filling is represented by a few fragments of water jars (uninventoried), indicating a short period of use. The dumped filling, below 17.35m., contained a high proportion of figured and glazed pieces, in contrast to the scanty common household pottery.","","","","Deposit","21 March-16 April 1935","","Well 5","Agora:Deposit:E 13:1","","Ca. 470-425 B.C.","Agora" "","G 11:8","Well 8 (in Tholos), put out of use by a fall of the rock walls and replaced by well G 11:3. Scanty use filling at and near the bottom, separated by a mass of fallen rock from a debris filling in the upper part of the well and around its mouth.","","","","Deposit","8 May 1934; 3-22 April 1935","","Well 8","Agora:Deposit:G 11:8","","Ca. 550-500 B.C. and 480 B.C.","Agora" "","G 12:21","Circular well cut through the old road after it had gone out of use, and filled probably at the time of the building of the drain and building A, and the throwing of fill over the road.","","","","Deposit","20 March-5 April 1935","","Well 2","Agora:Deposit:G 12:21","","Ca. 430-400 B.C.","Agora"