"dc-title","dc-date","Chronology","Redirect","Name","dc-creator","UserLevel","Id","Collection","Type","dc-description","dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject" "Roof Tile","June 1937, June 1938","","","A 938","","","Agora:Object:A 938","Agora","Object","Dimensions fully preserved; much of one side, and middle, missing; made up in plaster. Laconian type.; Coarse pinkish-brown clay; red to black glaze wash on concave face.","","Agora:Image:2000.06.0162::/Agora/2000/2000.06/2000.06.0162.tif::1013::586","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Roof Tiles" "Mold for Draped Female Figurine","June 1937, June 1938","","","T 1895","","","Agora:Object:T 1895","Agora","Object","Mold for part of the upper left side of a figure.; Finished edge preserved at the top.; Figure wrapped in a cloak, its folds carefully rendered.; Pink to buff clay.","","Agora:Image:2012.70.1672::/Agora/2012/2012.70/2012.70.1672.jpg::2048::1351","" "Mold for Figurine","June 1937, June 1938","","","T 1896","","","Agora:Object:T 1896","Agora","Object","Mold for the back of a small head.; Broken at the bottom.; Broad edge around head. Deep string at top. ; Traces of red surfacing inside and out.; Red to buff clay.; ; ADDENDA, D. Burr-Thompson: More likely mold for a lamp nozzle.","","Agora:Image:2015.04.0279::/Agora/2015/2015.04/2015.04.0279.jpg::2953::2149","" "Lamp: Maker's Mark","July 1938","","","L 3583","","","Agora:Object:L 3583","Agora","Object","Fragment from lower body, with the start of the handle.; Reverse, within a single circular groove, letters; a palm branch between.; Unglazed.; Fine yellow-buff clay.; ; Type XXVIII of Corinth collection.; ; ","","","" "Lamp","June 1937, June 1938","","","L 3584","","","Agora:Object:L 3584","Agora","Object","The top preserved; handle and tip of nozzle missing.; Broad down sloping rim, a ring of raised dots and ribs on the top; a large double-spiral lug on either side. On the throat of the nozzle, a large palmette in relief.; Red to black glaze, somewhat chipped.; ; Type XVIII of Corinth collection.; ; ADDENDA Four fragments of lamps of similar type remain in the tray, three of fifth to fourth century types.","","","" "Black Glaze Plate","June 1937; June 1938","","","P 13670","","","Agora:Object:P 13670","Agora","Object","Most of the foot, with the center of the floor preserved, and small parts of the rim; restored in plaster. Shallow plate on medium high ring foot; rolled rim; groove around wall outside. ; ; Poor black glaze over all; much worn.","","","Hellenistic Pottery and Wheelmade Table Ware | Vessels For Food Service | Plate And Saucer | Plate: Rolled Rim" "Black Glaze Bowl","June 1937; June 1938","","","P 13671","","","Agora:Object:P 13671","Agora","Object","Slightly less than half preserved; restored in plaster. Deep plate, or shallow bowl, on medium high ring foot. Flaring wall, incurved slightly at the rim. Groove around wall outside. ; ; Dull black glaze, worn, over all.","","Agora:Image:2012.78.0213::/Agora/2012/2012.78/2012.78.0213.jpg::2048::1378","Hellenistic Pottery and Wheelmade Table Ware | Vessels For Food Service | Bowl, Small Bowl, And Saltcellar | Echinus Bowl | Large, With Grooved Wall" "Black Glaze Plate Fragment with Rouletting: Stamped","June 1937; June 1938","","","P 13672","","","Agora:Object:P 13672","Agora","Object","A single fragment preserves the high ring foot and the center of the floor. Within a rouletted circle, four scattered palmettes. Stacking marks prominent. ; ; Dull black glaze over all, except for scraped groove at junction of foot and floor and resting surface of foot, reserved.","","Agora:Image:2015.04.0197::/Agora/2015/2015.04/2015.04.0197.tif::5846::4816",""