"Icon","dc-subject","Redirect","dc-description","Name","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-creator","Id","Chronology","dc-title","Type" "Agora:Image:2013.09.0011::/Agora/2013/2013.09/2013.09.0011.tif::4276::2380","","","Pyre in House N, room 2, layer 5 (RSY=Pyre 8).; Near northern corner of room 6. Artifacts, bone, burnt logs, and cinders in square pit dug from level of layer 5, through layers 5 and 6; thin clay floor laid over it. Young identified layer 6 as the latest house floor and concluded that this pyre was buried after the abandonment of the house. Layer 4, however, appeared to be a deliberate clay floor, suggesting continued occupation, with the pyre associated with floor renewal. The stratigraphic situation may therefore indicate a renovation rather than abandonment. The pyre lies well below the mudbrick layer of wall decay in this room. The edges and bottom of the pit were reddened, indicating burning in situ. Wood cinders and logs mixed with bones lay below the pottery.","B 19:5","","18-19 September 1947","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:B 19:5","325-300 B.C.","Pyre in House N, Room 2, Layer 5","Deposit" "Agora:Image:2012.39.1186::/Agora/2012/2012.39/2012.39.1186.jpg::2048::1481","","","AMS","2012.39.1186 (Section ΝΝ 1063)","","","","Agora","","Agora:Image:2012.39.1186","","Grave, looking south: at right, bit of north-south wall. At left, Layer 4, cleared.","Image" "Agora:Image:2012.39.1188::/Agora/2012/2012.39/2012.39.1188.jpg::2048::1458","","","AMS","2012.39.1188 (Section ΝΝ 1065)","","","","Agora","","Agora:Image:2012.39.1188","","","Image" "Agora:NotebookPage:ΝΝ-31-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΝΝ/ΝΝ 031/ΝΝ 031 001.jpg::1262::2048","","","6001","ΝΝ-31","","1947","","Agora","R. S. Young","Agora:Notebook:ΝΝ-31","","Notebook","Notebook" "Agora:ReportPage:1947-ΝΝ-1::/Agora/Reports/1947 ΝΝ/1947 ΝΝ 001.jpg::1582::2048","Checked","","Excavation continued in section ΝΝ with the aim of clearing the area for the new museum. Because of the unforeseen depth of filling, the area remained unfinished.; Several features were dug and examined. The Great Drain and the Post-Sullan Drain were cleared out throughout their length within the section, as was the Late Roman Water Channel running under the Roman Bath, which was proved to have two periods of use. A second Roman Bath was found. The two baths were separated by a street overlying Drain A. ; The excavation of several houses continued. Of particular interest was a large cutting which produced a heavy deposit of ostraka. A number of burials were excavated, amongst them a Mycenaean chamber tomb.; Fifteen of twenty-two wells totally found in the section, were dug, as were two cisterns.","1947 ΝΝ","","10 Mar-3 Nov 1947","","Agora","Rodney S. Young","Agora:Report:1947 ΝΝ","","Section ΝΝ: 1947","Report"