"dc-creator","dc-subject","dc-date","UserLevel","Name","Collection","Icon","dc-publisher","Redirect","Id","Type","Chronology","dc-description","dc-title" "","","1939","","ΝΝ-7","Agora","Agora:NotebookPage:ΝΝ-7-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΝΝ/ΝΝ 007/ΝΝ 007 001.jpg::1232::2048","","","Agora:Notebook:ΝΝ-7","Notebook","","1201","Finds" "","Amphoras | Roman","4 May 1939","","SS 8786","Agora","","","","Agora:Object:SS 8786","Object","","Part of rim preserved.; ; Stamped on rim; two lines.; Cf. P 20013.","Stamped Mortar Fragment: Roman" "","","4 May 1939","","L 3732","Agora","","","","Agora:Object:L 3732","Object","","End of nozzle missing; filling hole chipped.; Raised globules on rim and lower wall; ridges around filling hole. Pierced handle with four grooves on the front. ; On reverse, two circular ridges, enclosing four small raised dots.; Unglazed.; Yellow-buff clay, the top burned gray to black.; ; Type XXVII variant of Corinth collection.","Lamp" "","","4 May 1939","","P 14986","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.79.1305::/Agora/2012/2012.79/2012.79.1305.jpg::2048::1374","","","Agora:Object:P 14986","Object","","Rim fragment from a large Western Sigillata plate with flat floor and vertical rim thickened at top and bottom. In applied relief on the rim, a lyre-shaped ornament, a palmette filling its center. ; ; Glaze somewhat chipped.","Plate Fragment with Relief Decoration" "Rodney S. Young","Checked","26 Sep 1938-24 Jun 1939","","1939 ΝΝ","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1939-ΝΝ-1::/Agora/Reports/1939 ΝΝ/1939 ΝΝ 001.jpg::1575::2048","","","Agora:Report:1939 ΝΝ","Report","","Section ΝΝ lies at the mouth of the valley between Pnyx and Areopagus, which was the important thoroughfare from the Agora to the Pnyx and to the southern parts of the city, as well as to the Piraeus Gate, and it is outside the area of the public buildings of the Agora. ; The filling over the whole area was very deep, most of it washed down from the surrounding slopes. The whole section was cleared down to ancient or Byzantine levels. Extensive remains of private houses and a bath of the Roman period were discovered, as well as walls of houses from earlier periods. The Great Drain traverses the whole section and part of its course was opened. Other drains, and also parts of several roads, were examined. ; At the southeast side of the section the hillside was occupied by an archaic cemetery. Twenty-two graves were opened. In addition, twenty-one sacrificial pits were found.; Eleven wells were found, of which two were completely cleaned out.; Over 1500 objects were catalogued, mostly amphora handles. The most important group of finds is the pottery from the archaic graves.","Section ΝΝ; Season of 1939"