"dc-description","Type","Icon","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Redirect","Chronology","dc-title","Name","Collection","Id","dc-date" "Fragment from lower left part; bottom and side preserved; broken elsewhere.; Relief decoration on front much worn, but enough of tendrial and three letters in relief below remain to assign the fragment to the ΑΘΗΝΑΙΟΥ series.; Three letters preserved; clay buff at core; orange buff at surface; many impurities.","Object","","Architecture | Terracottas | Antefixes | Plastic | Inscribed","","","","","","Antefix Fragment: Plastic and Inscribed","A 1205","Agora","Agora:Object:A 1205","3 April 1947" "An oval tube with bit of original flat surface-perhaps joint surface with separate base piece (?)-preserved at bottom. Broken at top, where bit of lower part of irregularly shaped lamp or dish preserved.; Vertical grooves and broad ridges on sides of tube with smooth panels in front and back; banded top and bottom by ridge, of which one at top decorated with slanting incised lines.; Remains of matte red paint.; Gritty cinnamon-brown clay.","Object","","","","","","","","Stand of Lamp","L 4401","Agora","Agora:Object:L 4401","28 April 1947" "Mended from several pieces; about two-thirds preserved with the full profile. Flat bottom, low flaring wall, keeled rim. On the floor, two groups of concentric grooves around an illegible stamp. ; ; Light brown clay; orange-red glaze, badly flaked and peeled. Samian.","Object","Agora:Image:2007.01.1839::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.1839.tif::3020::1970","","","","","","","Plate: Stamped","P 17742","Agora","Agora:Object:P 17742","28 April 1947" "Handle and part of wall of a micaceous one-handled jug. ; ; Scratched just below the handle: ; ; Brown fabric black on the surface.","Object","","","","","","","","Jug Fragment: Inscribed","P 17591","Agora","Agora:Object:P 17591","26 March 1947"