"dc-subject","Redirect","dc-description","Icon","Chronology","dc-title","Type","Name","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Collection","Id","dc-creator" "","","1601","Agora:NotebookPage:ΠΠ-9-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΠΠ/ΠΠ 009/ΠΠ 009 001.jpg::1232::2048","","Finds/Coins","Notebook","ΠΠ-9","","1947","","Agora","Agora:Notebook:ΠΠ-9","" "","","Fragment of black glaze skyphos base. ; ; Incised on unglazed bottom inside ring foot: ","Agora:Image:2019.06.1603::/Agora/2019/2019.06/2019.06.1603.JPG::6000::4000","","Black Glaze Skyphos Fragment with Graffito","Object","P 20019","","12 May 1949","","Agora","Agora:Object:P 20019","" "Red Figured And White Ground | Calyx-Kraters | Single Register","","Made up from: ΝΝ 3279, ΝΝ 4482, ΠΠ 754. From the wall of a calyx krater. Preserved is part of the interior of a shield, with a tassel from the cords, and part of the arm band, this decorated with pairs of figures painted in silhouette. To the right, part of the bearer of the shield, or of some other object. Careful work; glaze wash for the shield interior. From a large battle scene.; A) Achilles mourning.; B) Battle scene.; a) ΝΝ 3279 + ΝΝ 4482 k. Shield.; b) Mended from four pieces; rim.; c) Rim.; d) Lower rim and wall.; e) Bit of rim ornament.; f) Mended from three pieces; raised arm and shield rim or helmet crest.; g) Lower edge of rim with helmet crest(?).; h) Draped bearded figure. Raised dots for the beard.; i) Speckled object; upper torso of woman(?).; j) Seated youth. Gives the head, right arm and shoulder and a little of the legs of a youth seated left, his head bent to his breast, his forehead supported by his raised right hand. A cloak is drawn up over the back of his head, and its folds pass across his right arm. The hair is bound by a purple fillet, the locks above the brow indicated in raised black dots.; k) ΠΠ 754. Mended from two pieces.; Firm relief contour; lustrous glaze.; Also fragments l) (ΝΝ 4971) and m), rim fragments.","Agora:Image:2016.05.0660::/Agora/2016/2016.05/2016.05.0660.tif::5709::4388","","Red Figure Calyx Krater Fragments","Object","P 18278","","1 July 1947","","Agora","Agora:Object:P 18278",""