"dc-date","Collection","Icon","dc-publisher","Type","dc-creator","Name","UserLevel","dc-title","Id","dc-subject","Redirect","Chronology","dc-description" "June 1938","Agora","Agora:Image:2007.01.0406::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0406.tif::1995::1556","","Object","","G 185","","Bottle Fragment","Agora:Object:G 185","","","","A single fragment preserves part of the bottom and part of one side of a square-bodied bottle.; On bottom a geometric design in low relief.; Green glass." "1938","Agora","Agora:NotebookPage:Ψ-5-1::/Agora/Notebooks/Ψ/Ψ 005/Ψ 005 001.jpg::1229::2048","","Notebook","","Ψ-5","","Finds/Coins","Agora:Notebook:Ψ-5","","","","16-26 (pp. 807-808)" "18 June 1938","Agora","","","Object","","L 3615","","Lamp Fragment","Agora:Object:L 3615","","","","A single fragment preserves the handle, some of the rim and a bit of the discus.; Discus, plain as far as preserved. On rim, raised triangles. Handle, tall, flat, pointed at top, unpierced.; Unglazed; surfaced with buff (?). The mold very dim.; Pinkish clay.; ; Type XXXI of Corinth collection." "24 Jan-18 Jun 1938","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1938-Ψ-1::/Agora/Reports/1938 Ψ/1938 Ψ 001.jpg::1577::2048","","Report","Eugene Vanderpool","1938 Ψ","","Section Ψ Season of 1938","Agora:Report:1938 Ψ","Checked","","","Finds from Section Ψ span from Turkish down to the Neolithic and Geometric times. Several wells and cisterns from various periods were found and explored. The most extensive remains in the section belong to a building of the late Roman period."