"Collection","Redirect","dc-date","Id","Name","Type","Icon","dc-description","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Chronology","dc-title","UserLevel","dc-creator" "Agora","","15 June 1938","Agora:Object:B 589","B 589","Object","Agora:Image:1997.10.0206::/Agora/1997/1997.10/1997.10.0206.tif::1065::609","Fragment from thigh (?) of nude figure.; Note a small patch over a round hole left probably by one of the rods that held the moulds apart.; ; Cf. B 591 (ΟΔ 17) and the fragments of bronze statues earlier found in this same vicinity.","","","","Statue Fragment","","" "Agora","","8 June 1938","Agora:Object:B 591","B 591","Object","Agora:Image:2012.52.0882::/Agora/2012/2012.52/2012.52.0882.jpg::2048::1560","Fragment preserving the lobe and lower back part of the left ear of a large statue, well over life size.; ; Cf. B 589 (ΟΔ 14).","","","","Ear Fragment","","" "Agora","","10-12 April 1934","Agora:Object:B 163","B 163","Object","Agora:Image:2012.52.0883::/Agora/2012/2012.52/2012.52.0883.jpg::2048::1559","a) Preserves part of the body.; b) Preserves part of the hip.; c) Is a large right hand, the thumb almost entirely preserved, the rest of the fingers broken off.; ; In the Autumn of 1935, I. Bakoulis, going over the dump of 'skouria' found many pieces of bronze presumably belonging to the same statue. Most of the pieces come from the nude body, but two are from the head showing coarse hair. The largest body fragment and two head fragments are numbered B 163 d, e, and f. ; ; ADDENDA, 2002: Another small hair fragment joins to fragment e, which then joins to fragment f .","","","","Fragments of a Statue","",""