"Redirect","dc-creator","Icon","Id","UserLevel","Type","dc-date","Collection","Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description" "","","Agora:Image:1997.13.0122::/Agora/1997/1997.13/1997.13.0122.tif::736::951","Agora:Deposit:N 19:2","","Deposit","6-16 June 1938","Agora","Early to Late Roman","N 19:2","","","Roman Well at 52/I","Well at 52/Ι, on the lower northeast slopes of the Areopagus. It was cut down and re-used in the late Roman period, in connection with the water channel." "","","","Agora:Deposit:P 19:1","","Deposit","3-18 June 1938","Agora","Late 1st (?) cent.-early 3rd to 6th cent.","P 19:1","","","Well at 52/ΛΣΤ","Tile well at 52/ΛΣΤ, in the northern late Roman building in the room with the apse. The top was covered by a large stone, and the well had never been filled after the last period of use. water stood to within two meters of the top and the first fill was at 23m. From 23 to 25m, the well was filled with pottery, mainly water jars of varying sizes, dating from the 5th or perhaps sixth centuries. Below this point, there is much less pottery, and the last few baskets show clearly that the well was in use at least as early as the first half of the third century."