"Collection","Id","dc-creator","dc-publisher","UserLevel","dc-date","Name","dc-title","Type","Chronology","Icon","dc-description","Redirect","dc-subject" "Agora","Agora:Card:B-790-1","","","","","B 790","","Card","","Agora:Card:B-790-1::/Agora/Cards/B 0xxx/B-00790-1.jpg::2048::1407","","","" "Agora","Agora:Deposit:H-I 12:1","","","","1-9 June 1951 (Ζ); 8-9 July 1947 (Θ)","H-I 12:1","Burnt Layers","Deposit","Mid-3rd c. A.D.","","Burnt Layer inside retaining wall of Middle Stoa Terrace (Θ) and NW Corner of Middle Stoa, burnt debris inside terrace retaining wall (Ζ).","","" "Agora","Agora:Publication:Agora 28","Boegehold, A. L.","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","1995","Agora XXVIII","The Lawcourts at Athens Sites: Buildings, Equipment, Procedure, and Testimonia","Publication","","Agora:Image:2009.09.0059::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0059.jpg::378::500","A comprehensive, three-part study of the sites and procedures of Athenian lawcourts in the 5th, 4th, and 3rd centuries B.C. Part I discusses various courts, their names and possible sites, and reconstructs their history and daily workings, synthesizing literary, documentary, and physical evidence. Part II discusses the buildings which could have served as courts and the objects found in them. Such court paraphernalia included ballots, receptacles for documents, water clocks (used to time speeches), allotments machines and their accessories (for assigning jurors to the courts), seating tokens, and a curse tablet. Part III collects 355 testimonia on Athenian lawcourts, with Greek text, translation, and commentary.","",""