"dc-title","dc-subject","Id","UserLevel","Type","Collection","Redirect","dc-creator","Name","dc-date","dc-publisher","Chronology","dc-description","Icon" "Section Φ Season of 1937","Checked","Agora:Report:1937 Φ","","Report","Agora","","Eugene Vanderpool","1937 Φ","25 Jan-17 Jun 1937","","","In antiquity the area included in Section Φ lay outside the Agora proper and were apparently occupied only by houses and small buildings. The earliest period of which any considerable remains were found was the Geometric: three Protogeometic graves and one well, as well as one Geometric grave and one disturbed well, were discovered and excavated.; Pottery from the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the 6th century B.C. were found in a small hollow in the bedrock. A big well was excavated and black-figured and red-figured pottery was found. Some of the objects from the well belong to the early years of the 5th century B.C. ; In the northeast corner fragments of terracotta water pipes were found, some in situ, dating from the late 6th or the 5th century B.C.. A small building with polygonal limestone walls were cleared, its purpose uncertain. It was built in the early 4th century B.C. and continued in use until the end of the 2nd century B.C.; Remains of the Hellenistic period are few. From the Roman period a house was partly cleared. It was destroyed in the late 3rd century A.D. Two Roman wells were excavated, as well as a late Roman tomb. A late Roman building covered almost the whole section and was probably part of the great complex of late Roman buildings that covered most of the center of the Agora. The most prominent feature is an apse. The building was destroyed in the 6th century A.D.; Numerous traces of dark age habitation were found, but few from the Byzantine period, and some from the Turkish period.","Agora:ReportPage:1937-Φ-1::/Agora/Reports/1937 Φ/1937 Φ 001.jpg::1555::2048" "Sections Φ, Χ, Ψ, April-June 1957","Checked","Agora:Report:1957 Excavations Φ, Χ, Ψ","","Report","Agora","","A. L. Boegehold","1957 Excavations Φ, Χ, Ψ","10 Mar-12 Aug 1957","","","Three private dwellings, already known from the preliminary excavation of 1937, formed the major themes of the investigation this year: Southwest House, Polygonal House and Late Roman House and Water Channel. Most of the excavation was carried out in Section Φ. In the report each building is treated separately, and then a summary point out how they are related to one another.","Agora:ReportPage:1957-Excavations-Φ,-Χ,-Ψ-1::/Agora/Reports/1957 Excavations Φ, Χ, Ψ/1957 Excavations Φ, Χ, Ψ 001.jpg::1594::2048"