"Chronology","Id","Type","dc-description","dc-title","Icon","Collection","Redirect","dc-publisher","dc-date","UserLevel","Name","dc-subject","dc-creator" "","Agora:Deposit:E 14:7","Deposit","Two periods of use.; Outside the SW corner of the market square, to the west of the north-south road; lower use of filling, of 1st to early 2nd c. A.D.","Well C","","Agora","","","10 -11 June 1935; 20 May-20 June 1937","","E 14:7","","" "1st-early 2nd c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:E 14:7.2","Deposit","Coins perhaps Hadrian 117-138 A.C.; No XXVII lamps and no XX catalogued (but excavator notes their presence in fill).","Lower fill","","Agora","","","12-20 June 1937","","E 14:7.2","",""