"dc-description","dc-subject","dc-title","Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Id","dc-date","Collection","Type","Icon","Redirect","dc-creator" "Lamps all found together at the southeast corner of the excavated area, in a deposit running in part under the dike of earth which has been left against the wall of the street.; Includes 10 lamps in Section Η' from the burnt layer, ca. 0.60m. above bedding for S foundation of Stoa of Zeus at 19/ΝΕ, see nbp. 568.","","Late Roman Lamp Deposit","","H-I 7:1","","","Agora:Deposit:H-I 7:1","17-18 June 1931; 15 May 1933","Agora","Deposit","","",""