"Chronology","dc-date","Name","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-creator","Icon","dc-title","Id","Collection","Type","dc-publisher","dc-description","Redirect" "Late 8th c. B.C.","25 October 1956","Q 17:6","","","Homer A. Thompson","Agora:Image:1997.20.0264::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0264.tif::1417::1164","Urn burial","Agora:Deposit:Q 17:6","Agora","Deposit","","Child's grave, Geometric.; The bones of a child about one month old had been placed into P. 25787, which was lying on its side. The upper side of the pot was cut away in later times. The mouth was closed with the base P 25788. The four small pots were placed outside to one side.","" "650-625 B.C","18-25 July 1952","R 8:2","","","","","Well behind Stoa Shop 18","Agora:Deposit:R 8:2","Agora","Deposit","","Well behind Stoa Shop 18 (Well G: EB). Provides useful antecedents for many later shapes both black and plain.; Diameter at bottom 0.88m. Eight pairs of footholds preserved. The influx of water during excavation was moderate. No stratification. Mostly third quarter of 7th century B.C., with a little material of the last quarter.; NOTE: XVIII has been erased and replaced by XVII (p. 2906). In the index is written XVI (p. 5423).","" "750 to early 7th century B.C.","20 April-2 May 1951","R 9:2","","","","","Double Well by E. Entrance to Square Building (Well A)","Agora:Deposit:R 9:2","Agora","Deposit","","Double Well by E. Entrance to Square Building (Well A) (formely a O 8:1)","" "725-700 B.C.","6-11 May 1950","R 10:5","","","","","Geometric Well East of Stoa Room 10","Agora:Deposit:R 10:5","Agora","Deposit","","Geometric Well East of Stoa Room 10","" "750-700 B.C.","28 May 1955","R 11:4","","","","","Late Geometric Pocket","Agora:Deposit:R 11:4","Agora","Deposit","","Pocket of late Geometric pottery in bedrock behind Stoa Shop V; apparently a household deposit.","" "Ca. 520-480 B.C.","28 January-6 February 1950","R 12:1","","","","","ΘΡΑ Well East of Stoa Room 2","Agora:Deposit:R 12:1","Agora","Deposit","","Thra (ΘΡΑ) Well (East of Stoa Room 2). Heavy dumped filling, including figured, black and plain wares, and also a quantity of animal bones, mostly skulls of oxen. On many of these the horns had been sawn off sharply near the base; the freshness of the sawn surface suggested that this had been done at the time of slaughtering rather than while the animal was still alive.; This deposit has much in common with the more spectacular Q 12:3; here the black-figure supports the association with the Persian sack.","" "725-700 B.C.","5-6 May 1950","R 12:2","","","","","Geometric Well East of Stoa Room 4","Agora:Deposit:R 12:2","Agora","Deposit","","Geometric Well East of Stoa Room 4. Diameter 1.10m; narrows at bottom. Rough-cut, with irregular footholds north-south and east-west sides. Little water; no use fill","" "600-550 B.C.- with some later disturbance","29 May-6 June 1933","R 13:3","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:R 13:3","Agora","Deposit","","Well at 3/Ζ (see cistern 21/ΙΗ, upper fill).",""