"Type","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-description","Redirect","Name","dc-creator","Id","Icon","Collection","Chronology","dc-date","UserLevel","dc-title" "Object","Architecture | Balustrades, Fence Posts, Etc.","","Five fragments.; The larger fragment, c), is broken at both ends, as is the scroll underneath. Part of the finished top is preserved. It is flattened and well dressed at the back. The front has a raised bevel molding which tapers from left to right. The upper surface consists also of a tapering band, flat. Below the bevel is attached a bit of a scroll, with a deeply carved groove, on both sides. The under surface of the scroll slopes from the edge of the groove to a central rib.; Two other fragments, a) and b), are part of this scroll. Each of them shows, on the outer surface, a small triangular projection, broken at the end.; Two more fragments, d) and e), also belong.; Interpreted as a Kithara of Apollo Patroos S 2154. ; Pentelic marble. [ADDENDA: more likely coarse island marble. (A.S. 7/16/2014).; ; ADDENDA Originally entered as carved balustrade (see catalogue card).; See correspondence with O. Walter, February 1952.; ; ; ADDENDA These 3 are in Nb. p. 134. In the box with them are two fragments, none of the same marble and thus probably form the same kithara. Also in the box is one fragment of a volute in Pentelic marble, presumably from another kithara, unumbered. See nb. p. 668 (A.S. 7/16/2014).","","A 41","","Agora:Object:A 41","Agora:Image:2014.04.0601::/Agora/2014/2014.04/2014.04.0601.jpg::4188::2912","Agora","","17 June 1931, 3 July 1931","","Fragments of Kithara of Apollo Patroos" "Object","","","A life-size statue, the head and right arm are missing; the upper front part of the body has been cut away; the draped left arm is preserved to the lower forearm, which was separately inserted, and part of which is preserved. This arm was fastened in by means of three peg holes and cement, which was found in place. The feet are broken away at the front (a fragment preserving toes, except the big toe, of right foot was found in 1933 in a marble dump in section Ζ, N.W. corner; repairs?). ; The figure is standing with the weight on the right foot, and the left knee bent, with the whole body tilted backwards in a rather insecure posture. The figure is wearing a thin Ionic chiton, which reveals the modeling of the body, and which contrasts with the denser, heavier folds of the himation. The latter is thrown over the left arm, carried across the back and caught up at the middle of the front.; At this point, where the drapery is caught up, the marble has been pieced by the insertion of a block, the cutting for which is carefully finished for the reception of the carved piece, which is preserved.; On the himation, around the hips and following one of the folds down the front, appears a series of holes (8) probably for the attachment of some ornament.; For the style and execution of the drapery cf. the sculpture from the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros, probably by Timotheos, Richter (1929), Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks, figs. 710-719 (figs. 757-766 in forth edition 1970).; Pentelic marble.; ; Cf. Hesperia 86 (2017), p. 290, n. 39.","","S 37","","Agora:Object:S 37","Agora:Image:2010.01.0274::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0274.tif::1721::2953","Agora","","6 June 1931","","Draped Standing Female Figure" "Object","","","A life-size female figure. Missing: head, right arm below elbow, left arm just below shoulder legs below knees.; Left shoulder mended from several fragments. ; Island (Parian) marble.; Cf. S 1852 (Η' 920), the fragments may be from the same figure.; ; ***Fragments in Conservation for Desalination.","","S 182","","Agora:Object:S 182","Agora:Image:2008.01.0076::/Agora/2008/2008.01/2008.01.0076.tif::2628::4220","Agora","5th century B.C.","12 February 1932","","Draped Female Figure: Nereid Akroterion" "Object","","","Broken at hips and on left shoulder; the thin clinging drapery is chipped. Right arm made separately: two dowel holes for attachment in rough picked surface at right shoulder. At neck, coarsely picked socket for setting in head. Slight graceful figure, about life-size.; Over the thin sleeved chiton (two buttons preserved on right shoulder) was worn a himation of which only the folds at the left side, and across the back, where it is drawn diagonally, from left shoulder to right hip, remain.; Pentelic marble.","","S 210","","Agora:Object:S 210","Agora:Image:2010.01.0277::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0277.tif::2475::2953","Agora","","1932","","Torso Fragment of Draped Female Figure" "Object","","","The fragment first found comes from the middle of the back of the figure. The hair, worn in a heavy mass, square at the bottom, falls nearly to the small of the back. The folds of the garment, drawn tight, are indicated by broad, shallow, stylized folds.; A second fragment, of the right shoulder, was added from circled marbles ΙΙ, March 1954.; From replica of Munich Tyche.; White marble.","","S 375","","Agora:Object:S 375","Agora:Image:2012.53.1434::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.1434.jpg::2048::1586","Agora","Early Roman Period (?).","6 June 1933, March 1954","","Draped Female Figure Fragments" "Object","","","Missing: the head, the right arm from above the elbow, the left hand, the left foot (doweled on) and parts of the drapery.; The figure is seen walking swiftly forward, the left leg advanced, the drapery blown back around it. She wears a thin undergarment, with sleeves gathered by buttons, and over this a chiton of heavier material, highly girded, and with an overfold. A small shawl covers her left shoulder, passes round her back and crosses in front to fall over her bent arm. The preserved right foot wears a sandal. The left foot, which was separately attached, projected out over the plinth.; Pentelic marble.","","S 440","","Agora:Object:S 440","Agora:Image:2013.04.9258::/Agora/2013/2013.04/2013.04.9258.jpg::1326::2000","Agora","","13 March 1934","","Draped Female Figure" "Object","","","The head is preserved from crown to mouth, the nose and lips battered.; The hair is parted in the middle and drawn severely down over the ears; in the back it is worked in shallow waves. A headdress of folds, radiating from a knot over the brows, covers the top of the head only.; Pentelic marble.; Cf. S 1922 (Η' 928) for hair.; ; ADDENDA Cf. Delos Aphrodite Group for coiffure (and scale), Hellenistic, late 2nd to 1st c. B.C.?","","S 491","","Agora:Object:S 491","Agora:Image:2013.04.9348::/Agora/2013/2013.04/2013.04.9348.jpg::2000::1782","Agora","","1934","","Head Fragment of Female Figure" "Object","","","Female seated on throne with drapery drawn across lap and hanging down left side.; Good work.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA. No traces of running drill. Ca. 400? (AS)","","S 2110","","Agora:Object:S 2110","Agora:Image:2013.04.9277::/Agora/2013/2013.04/2013.04.9277.jpg::2811::2968","Agora","","9 July 1959","","Draped Female Figure Fragment"