"dc-date","dc-title","UserLevel","Icon","Id","Chronology","Collection","Redirect","dc-description","Name","dc-publisher","dc-subject","dc-creator","Type" "17 May 1932","Portrait Head Fragment of Female Figure","","Agora:Image:2022.04.0067::/Agora/2022/2022.04/2022.04.0067.tif::2048::1667","Agora:Object:S 220","Julio-Claudian period.","Agora","","Upper part of much damaged head, over life-size. Back of head broken away. Remains of close set eyes and upper part of nose; spreading ears. Front hair waved, bordered at brow by row of flat ringlets.; Pentelic marble. ; Drilled for setting on base 1950.","S 220","","Keep","","Object" "1953","Portrait Sculpture","","Agora:Image:2009.09.0031::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0031.jpg::104::150","Agora:Publication:Agora 1","","Agora","","Presented in catalogue form are 64 portrait heads, headless torsos, and fragments (of both categories) ranging in date from the first half of the 1st century B.C. to the 5th century A.D. The catalogue is preceded by an introduction dealing with “finding-places,” “material,” “forms of portraits,” and “subjects.” Special emphasis is placed on stylistic criteria for dating each work, and the more interesting examples are discussed in some detail. There are not many great works of art illustrated, but many interesting types. As the author says in her introduction, “the Agora portraits interest us, not because they are unique, but because they are representative.”","Agora I","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","Harrison, E. B.","Publication"