"dc-subject","dc-creator","Id","dc-description","Name","dc-title","Collection","UserLevel","Chronology","dc-publisher","Icon","Redirect","dc-date","Type" "","","Agora:Deposit:J 11-12:1","Burned filling over area of NW Temple (apparently Herulian destruction debris) = Trench I, 18-22/ΛΑ-ΜΣΤ and northwest trench, center at 15-19/ΛΣΤ-Μ","J 11-12:1","Burned filling","Agora","","","","","","28-30 March 1933; 5-6 April 1933","Deposit" "","","Agora:Deposit:F 13:2","Dump, 4th c. Cut through a cistern which was probably constructed in the 4th c. B.C, near the southwest corner of the market square.","F 13:2","Well 7","Agora","","Second half 1st c.-end 2nd c.","","","","6 May-1 June 1935","Deposit" "","","Agora:Deposit:H-I 12:1","Burnt Layer inside retaining wall of Middle Stoa Terrace (Θ) and NW Corner of Middle Stoa, burnt debris inside terrace retaining wall (Ζ).","H-I 12:1","Burnt Layers","Agora","","Mid-3rd c. A.D.","","","","1-9 June 1951 (Ζ); 8-9 July 1947 (Θ)","Deposit" "","Homer A. Thompson","Agora:Deposit:I 16:1","Well at the northwest foot of the Areopagus. Use filling of the Roman period. After the abandonment of the well and the collapse of the well-curb, the upper 2m of the shaft were filled with a dump apparently dug up from nearby. Material for the most part of the 5th c. B.C., but containing a little that is alter and also pots apparently from a sacrificial pyre of the early 4th c. B.C.; ; Several objects are from unknown depth or containers and do not appear in subdivisions.; Same deposit with I 16:2.","I 16:1","Well","Agora","","1st-3rd c. A.D., 5th century","","","","19 May-13 June 1932","Deposit" "","Perlzweig, J.","Agora:Publication:Agora 7","Nearly 3,000 specimens of lamps of “Roman” character are catalogued in this volume that covers the period from the 1st century B.C. to the 8th century A.D. The lamps are not easy to classify because the appearance of the clay used is not an infallible guide to the place of manufacture and the molds used to create the shapes were used widely around the Mediterranean. Terracotta lamps were probably made for local consumption in most cities of Greece; only a few centers, notably Athens and Corinth, developed an export trade capable of competing with local manufacturers. Since lamps from Athens do appear at other sites, the presentation of a well-dated sample of these finds provides useful reference material for scholars working at other sites.","Agora VII","Lamps of the Roman Period: First to Seventh Century after Christ","Agora","","","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Agora:Image:2009.09.0038::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0038.jpg::104::150","","1961","Publication"