"dc-description","Type","Icon","dc-date","Id","Collection","Name","Chronology","dc-title","Redirect","dc-publisher","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-subject" "Below packed clay floors in Room 2 of Classical Building II; bordered on east and south sides by polygonal cross wall and back wall extension for Classical Building. Late Roman wall and drain installation above west side. Chamber cut into soft bedrock, depth ca. 50.926msl, diameter ca. 2m. roughly square.; ; Upper part of tomb cut away by leveling for floors of Classical Building. Loose fill of stones and earth with large number of Geometric sherds ranging from Protogeometric to late Geometric in date, from top of cutting extending down into layer of tomb contents. At floor of tomb, concentration of bone fragments and pots, mostly broken in situ, concentrated against the north side of the tomb, with some bone fragments across the middle, and on the south side with more pots. Decoration appears to be mostly LHIII A:1 with some possibly earlier motifs. Both decorated and undecorated wares. Toward the west against the north side, a bronze dagger and spear point.","Deposit","Agora:Image:1998.01.0006::/Agora/1998/1998.01/1998.01.0006.tif::1515::928","3 July 1998; 27-29 July 1999; 13-21 June 2001; 23 July 2001","Agora:Deposit:J-K 2:2","Agora","J-K 2:2","LHIII A:1","Chamber Tomb Below Floor of Room 2 of Classical Building II","","","David Scahill","","Excavations | 2001 | Trenches | Scahill | Tomb J-K 2:2" "Behind northeast corner of Classical Building; east wall C. Below Hellenistic levels and early Classical pit. Chamber cut through bedrock, depth ca. 0.90m., diameter ca. 2m., roughly square in shape, angling inward toward top. Possible dromos cutting in northwest corner, running under wall C. ; Loose fill of stones and earth filling tomb with large number of geometric sherds ranging early to late Geometric. Fallen bedrock in northeast corner with geometric pot imbedded in the top. At the floor of the tomb, bone fragments, broken pottery, two figurines and bronze implements along south wall. Pottery appears to be LH III A:1 with some possibly earlier. More bone fragments in middle and north. Bronze objects in northeast corner. Two distinct clay layers at floor; fine orange layer in northern half, dark brown layer in southern half.","Deposit","Agora:Image:1997.06.0070::/Agora/1997/1997.06/1997.06.0070.tif::1233::1183","3-24 July 1998; 26-27 June 2001","Agora:Deposit:K 2:5","Agora","K 2:5","LH III A:1","Mycenaean Chamber Tomb","","","David Scahill","",""