"Name","UserLevel","dc-creator","dc-title","dc-subject","Id","Chronology","Redirect","dc-description","Collection","Icon","dc-date","dc-publisher","Type" "J 1:11","","Brian Martens","Mycenaean Chamber Tomb","","Agora:Deposit:J 1:11","LHIIIA","","Mycenaean Chamber Tomb J 1:11, located in the area north of Wall K, was partially excavated during the 2014 season. At this point the full western extent of the chamber has not been located because of a dividing baulk and a possible second chamber or passage appears to open at the northeast. At season-end, the chamber measures about 3x2.25 m. The ceiling collapsed over the center of the tomb in antiquity, but large segments are preserved along the walls indicating that the chamber was at least 1.25 m high.; The chamber was disturbed during the Late Geometric period (ca. 700 B.C or the decades shortly thereafter), when it was packed with fill, apparently as part of a deliberate operation.; Two articulated skeleton, both adult females (one with fetus in utero), were found along the northern and southern walls of the chamber, respectively. The skeleton along the southern wall wore a necklace of carnelian and glass-paste beads, which was excavated in situ. Just to the north, we excavated additional glass-paste beads, presumably part of a second strand.; The work on J 1:11 was concluded in the 2015 season. A small cutting at the northeastern boundary of the chamber was explored. We removed a segment of the preserved ceiling that measured about 1m by 0.50-0.60m, in order to reach this cutting safely. A wide and steeply sloping dromos was revealed, approaching the chamber from the west (with later well J 1:12 cutting through its eastern extent). The southern edge of the dromos, cutting into the marl bedrock, was excavated up to Wall 7. Only a small portion of the northern edge, cutting into the rocky red virgin fill, could be revealed; the remainder is presently concealed under the scarp of still-standing Wall P. the stomion and its intact blocking wall were found behind a thin layer of fill centered at the western side of the chamber. The blocking wall consists of typical rubble construction , but includes an unusual vertical slab that acted as a jam. At the end of season, a strip of fill remained atop the blocking wall.; ; Cf. Hesperia 87 (2018), p. 663.","Agora","Agora:Image:2019.03.0794::/Agora/2019/2019.03/2019.03.0794.tif::2362::1305","27 June-4 August 2014; 17 June-2 July 2015","","Deposit" "J 1:13","","Marcie Handler","Tomb","Three distinct strata of fills within the grave:","Agora:Deposit:J 1:13","LHIIB-LHIIIA:1","","This deposit is a Mycenaean cist grave with two cover slabs, a type of burial described by Immerwahr in Agora XIII (pp. 103-104). Cist graves appear side by side with chamber tombs in the Mycenaean cemeteries of the Agora.; The cutting for the grave measured 1.80m long (E to W) and 1.06m wide (N to S). Two slabs: a worked, flat, roughly rectangular poros limestone slab on the east (which had collapsed in the tomb,, sloping down to the north), and an unworked boulder with a naturally flat top surface and uneven underside on the west (it was still in situ). Six small stones were found wedged between the edges of the boulder and the edges of the cutting, and four more small stones were found just south of the collapsed poros slab, indicating that they were also used to line the cutting or fill the gap between the cutting and the slab.; The fill on top of poros slab (Lot ΒΖ 2135) included pottery dating mostly to the late 8th c. B.C., but also it included a few sherds of the first quarter of the 5th c. B.C. and an Ostrakon of Xanthippos (ΒΖ 1983), providing a terminus post quem of 484 B.C for the fill that collapsed on top of the slab. The upper fill covering the boulder on the west end of the cutting (Lots ΒΖ 2128 and 2130) dated to ca. 500 B.C., and the fill lying directly on top of the boulder (Lot ΒΖ 2131) dated to the late 8th c. B.C., indicating that the tomb was covered over in the late Geometric period.","Agora","Agora:Image:2015.01.0013::/Agora/2015/2015.01/2015.01.0013.jpg::5152::3864","8 July-14 July 2015","","Deposit" "J 1:15","","Brian Martens","Probable Well","","Agora:Deposit:J 1:15","Third quarter of 5th c. B.C.","","Located in the southern section of Room I, now bound by the scarp of Wall U at the north,, the scarp of Wall L at the east,, and a modern pit at the south. At its now low elevations, excavated in the 2015 season to 49.420 masl, it seems most probable that the feature fulfilled a hydraulic feature. The finding of numerous pieces of broken tile lining and a fragmentary wellhead with rope wear advance this identification. The roughly circular cutting is better articulated along its upper elevations; however, as it continues deeper we lose definition and the fill expands outward in all directions. This expansion is probably the result of a collapse in antiquity. The upper fills were explored during the 2013 and 2014 seasons. Fill excavated during the 2015 season is closely related, but with increased pottery . The fill is perhaps Persian destruction cleanup, deposited during the third quarter of the 5th c. B.C.","Agora","Agora:Image:2015.20.0248::/Agora/2015/2015.20/2015.20.0248.tif::5513::3677","17 June 2014- 31 July 2014; 3 July 2015-31 July 2015","","Deposit" "J 2:30","","Marcie Handler","Ritual Pyre","","Agora:Deposit:J 2:30","375-350 B.C.","","Pyre under floor no. 9 in the center of Room 4. It was adjacent to the southern face of Wall 4, but at lower elevation than the lowest course of the wall foundation (which was found at 52.250 masl.), suggesting that the pyre was deposited during a phase of the building that predates Wall 4. Pyre J 2:30 was located approximately 0.20m below Pyre J 2:28, which was excavated during the 2007 excavation season.; The oblong pit for Pyre J 2:30 was cut into Floor no 10 (removed in Lot ΒΖ 2122) and was covered by Floor no 9 (removed in Lot ΒΖ 2120), both of which dated approximately to the last quarter of the 5th c. B.C. The top surface of Floor no 10 was found at 51.977-52.072 masl, and the edges of the cutting for the pyre pit were found at virtually the same elevation (51.933-52.003 masl). The bottom of the pyre pit was found at 51.911 masl, giving the pyre deposit an approximate depth of ca. 9 cm Floor no 9, which covered over the pyre deposit, was found at 52.060-52.097 masl.","Agora","Agora:Image:2015.01.0015::/Agora/2015/2015.01/2015.01.0015.jpg::5152::3864","16-19 July 2015","","Deposit"