"dc-title","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-creator","Id","Chronology","dc-subject","Type","dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection","dc-description","Icon","Name" "Well in East Colonnade of Roman House H","","","","Agora:Deposit:P 21:2","","","Deposit","","29 July 1970","Agora","Well in East Colonnade of Roman House H. Diameter 0.80m, lined with field stones set in mortar. used as a cistern as well.; No useful pottery dates. Capital from colonnade A 3866 and part of shaft found at 2.50m-3.00m, indicating destruction of house (late 6th, 580's by Slavs). Three marble heads found at -4.65m to -5.25m suggest change from Pagan to Christian in early 6th c. A.D. (ca. 529 A.D.).; See also Q 21:4 from same house. Marble heads (S 2354-2356) deliberately discarded before house went out of use.","Agora:Image:2004.01.1887::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1887.tif::1826::1180","P 21:2" "Well in Room 7 of Roman House H","","","","Agora:Deposit:Q 21:4","6th c. A.D.","","Deposit","","23 July 1971","Agora","Well in Room 7 of Roman House H, partially covered by caldarium of added bath complex (Room 6). Stone well-head; 0.85m in diameter. Stpped because of danger of collapse. Cut through bedrock, water from ca. -4.00m on down.; Found empty for upper -12.00m, deliberately sealed shut.","Agora:Image:1997.17.0064::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0064.tif::1288::968","Q 21:4" "Sigma Table","","","","Agora:Object:A 3869","","Architecture | Miscellaneous | Sacred Tables","Object","","15 July 1970","Agora","About one half preserved, mended. Horseshoe shaped slab, smooth on bottom, with a broad raised surface around the edge on top into which are sunk depressions also of horseshoe shape, the rounded side pointing outward.; Smooth, polished marble, rough-picked along sides.; Cf. Corinth XVI (1957), pp. 139 ff. (Scranton, Medieval Architecture).","Agora:Image:2000.02.0687::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0687.tif::1345::2056","A 3869" "Lamp","","","","Agora:Object:L 5628","","","Object","","21 August 1970","Agora","Intact except for tip of nozzle.; Disc with channel to wick hole. Cross with flaring bars ornamented with dots.; On rim, rings within rings. Pointed knob handle. Ridge from base ring to handle.; Dark buff clay.; ; 7th. century A.D. (?).; ; Cf. Agora VII, no. 2921.","Agora:Image:2017.03.0220::/Agora/2017/2017.03/2017.03.0220.tif::3543::2703","L 5628"