[Agora Deposit] Q 10:1: Filling of Outer Foundation of Square Building

Filling of S outer foundation of Square Building. 310-275 B.C., with substantial amount of residual early material. Coins: 25 August 1953 #1-#3 ... 325-300 B.C. (?)

[Agora Deposit] D 16:1: Cistern A

Cistern (diameter 0.90m) with two channels; the fill of the cistern proper, below the scant upper (Byzantine) deposit, appears to have been dumped all at the same time, to 325-275 B.C. Notebook says "all ... 325-275 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 17:5: Cistern

Built against the south wall of the annex to the Poros Building west of the Areopagus. At the west the upper layer of marble chips carried against it, the lowest were cut by it. Part of same system as ... 225-100 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 3:1: Cistern at 44/Η

Cistern with considerable dumped fill at the north foot of Kolonos Agoraios. It may have been abandoned ca. 295-295 B.C.; it will have been filled by 280 B.C. Multiple vessels share same stamps, and painted ... Ca. 325-250 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 11:2: Well

Well associated with the Tholos, with scanty use fill but primarily dumped filling. Coins: 5 April 1934 #1-#4 10 April 1934 #1-#2 11 April 1934 #1 12 April 1934 #1 18 April 1934 #1-#2 19 April 1934 #1-#5 ... Ca. 350-294 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 16:1: Demeter Cistern

Cistern at 9/Β (10/Β on plan), at the NW foot of the Areopagus, some 200m to the west of the Coroplast's Dump. It had evidently belonged to one of the small houses in that thickly populated residential ... Second half 4th c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] F 16:8: Menon's Cistern and Well

Cistern and well in Marble Worker's House. Coins: 5 August 1968 #1-#6 (#5 and #6 disintegrated. Missing 19/7/1973) 6 August 1968 #1bis-#25 (#5 in Lot 503 not a coin but bronze bits of nail. #6 not a coin ... 325-275 B.C.