
[Agora Deposit] O 16:3: Tiled Well at South Edge of EW Road

Tiled Well at S edge of E-W Road, 73/ΜΗ. Contemporary upper and lower fills separated by layer of sterile mud. Latest coin dates ca. 200. Koan amphora handle with stamped handle dates slightly after 200 ... 210-160

[Agora Deposit] P 21:4: Cistern at 53/NE

Cistern at 53/ΝΕ, bottle-shaped, stucco-lined, in the east aisle of the peristyle of Roman House H (courtyard of Greek House G, just west of andron). Lower diameter 2.73m. Homogenous fill all apparently ... Into early 2nd century B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 5:2: Cistern in ΛΛ

Cistern connected by tunnel to another chamber filled in Byzantine period. Small Hellenistic deposit on floor. somewhat contaminated by Byzantine fill above No stamped amphora handles later than 3rd c.; ... 250-190 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:1: Cistern

Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the ... Use filling of late 4th-early 3rd c. B.C. Accumulative fillings of late 3rd-early 2nd and late 1st c. B.C. Upper dumped filling of 3rd c. A.D.