
[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 225, p. 186

Fill. Well. Cistern. Charitonides, 1981, A. 299, p. 182, fig. 6:α, pl. 37:στ. AvP VIII, ii, no. 1013, p. 460. CVA, Mainz 1 [Germany 42], pl. 44 [2057]: 8-10. Zahn, 1908, p. 72, note 30a. Empereur, 1977, ... Agora 29 186 SS 4096 SS 7518 SS 13163 H 12:1 F 13:3 F 19:3 M 20:1 N 19:1


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 343, p. 304

Agora 27, no. 212, p. 197, pl. 49. PF II, p. 48, note 22. Cistern. Rotroff, 1994, p. 22, pl. 3:γ. Well. Fill. Agora 22, no. 224, pp. 71-72, pl. 44. Other ... Agora 29 304 P 20193 P 16370 P 26852 P 28778 P 16256 P 13675 P 283 P 18328 P 6764 P 22882 P 27613 P 10738 P 28166 F 19:2 E 14:1 P 21:4 N 21:4 G 5:3 A-B 19-20:1 F 13:3 M-N 15:1 I-O 15:1 F 5:1 F 17:4 ... 225-200 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 345, p. 306

Fill. Watzinger, 1901, no. 16, pp. 73-74. Agora 22, no. 122, pp. 58-59, pl. 23. Cistern. Agora 22, no. 224, pp. 71-72, pls. 44, 83, 94. Well. Agora 22, nos. 108, 147, pp. 57, 61, pls. 19, 27, 78. H.A ... Agora 29 306 P 22895 P 23641 P 28540 P 6764 P 1448 P 21031 P 20280 P 24809 P 5718 P 19942 P 2870 P 22837 P 7390 P 6326 P 21029 P 6766 M-N 15:1 P 21:4 F 13:3 E 14:1 D 17:5 G 13:4 E 3:1 ... 200-175 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 374, p. 335

Cistern. H.A. Thompson, 1934, E 34, pp. 395-396. H.A. Thompson, 1934, E 35, E 39, pp. 395-396. H.A. Thompson, 1934, E 38, pp. 395-396. Well. H.A. Thompson, 1934, E 38, pp. 395-396, fig. 117. Agora 27, ... Agora 29 335 P 21005 P 19753 P 18720 P 3343 P 18721 P 28169 P 3344 P 3348 P 14297 P 3347 P 14298 P 19751 P 25447 P 26264 P 25446 P 3342 P 7035 P 17026 P 5706 P 617 P 6206 P 3351 P 10887 P 11417 P 19752 ... 225-175 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 375, p. 336

Cistern. Well. H.A. Thompson, 1934, C 4, p. 347, fig. 28. M. Thompson, 1961. Fill ... Agora 29 336 P 5647 P 28629 P 5705 P 2390 P 3160 P 22186 P 28088 P 14206 P 10253 P 5996 P 22943 P 26156 P 8576 P 8577 P 13677 P 18721 P 13679 P 5702 P 23062 P 10770 P 4350 E 14:3 P 21:4 F 13:3 G 6:2 F ... 150-50 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 391, p. 352

Agora 12, no. 1194, p. 319, fig. 11, pl. 39. Cistern. Well. Agora 12, no. 1196, p. 319, pl. 39. Stella G. Miller, 1974, no. 21, p. 231, pl. 31. Patsiada, 1990, no. 183, p. 192, fig. 30, pl. 76:στ. Vanderpool, ... Agora 29 352 P 6952 P 9075 P 10256 P 10684 P 31929 P 28028 P 31930 P 31931 P 19356 P 22850 P 30938 P 28637 P 5654 D-E 8-9:1 N 18:3 B 13:8 P 10:1 F 13:3 F 16:8 D 16:1 R 13:9 P 21:4 E 14:1 E 14:3 ... 200-150 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 412, p. 373

Williams, 1977, no. 3, p. 68, pl. 24. Cistern. CVA, Copenhagen 4 [Denmark 4], pl. 181 [184]:4. H.A. Thompson, 1934, B 24, p. 339, fig. 19. Pit. Well. Agora 21, F 225, p. 44, pl. 20 ... Agora 29 373 P 3700 P 18460 P 27868 P 26056 P 634 P 7605 P 18304 P 31926 P 23523 P 31927 P 22189 Lot Γ 154 L 17:7 H 16:3 C 14:7 F 13:3 ... 225-175 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 416, p. 377

Cistern. Stella G. Miller, 1974, no. 64, p. 238, pl. 34. Votives and Other Vessels for Religious Use. Schefold, 1934, no. 299, p. 35, pl. 49. Kerameikos XIV, no. 119:35, p. 118, pl. 51:3. Belin de Ballu, ... Agora 29 377 P 8414 P 27979 P 26853 P 284 P 17461 P 22870 P 6756 P 26260 P 11837 P 15260 Lot Δ 20 D 11:2 F 16:8 E 14:1 F 13:3 M 18:10 N 19:1 A-B 19-20:1 ... 3rd B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 434, p. 395

Well. Cistern. PF II, F 58, F 59, F 60, pp. 108, 115, pl. 46. Δελτ 27, 1972, Β' 2 [1977], ππ. 340-341, pl. 292:στ. PF II, F 56, p. 115, pl. 46. PF II, F 58, p. 115, pl. 46. PF II, F 62, pp. 108, 115, pl ... Agora 29 395 P 31294 P 8129 P 6021 P 31923 P 14815 P 31753 P 20545 P 8532 P 14436 Lot ΣΑ 345 Lot ΚΚ 129 F 13:3 C 10:1 E 14:3 O 22:1 D 17:11 M 20:1 ... 115-86 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 445, p. 406

Fill. Bruneau, 1991, no. 56 (110), p. 633. Oliver, 1977, nos. 38, 39, p. 74. AvP V, i, p. 64, pls. XXXVI, XXXVII. Green, 1979, p. 80, fig. 4, pl. 20. Rotroff, 1990, p. 37. Cistern. Morel, 1986, nos. 71, ... Agora 29 406 P 15372 P 12748 P 9033 P 31969 P 18336 P 31928 P 31866 P 19108 C 20:2 O 20:2 N 19:1 N 20:4 A-B 19-20:1 F 13:3 M 21:1 ... 200-150 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 446, p. 407

Dedet, 1974, no. 33, pp. 265-266, figs. 3, 4. Morel, 1981, no. 2257a2, p. 155, pl. 41. Dèlos XXVII, D 64, p. 249, fig. 127, pl. 43. Romano, 1994, nos. 33-36, pp. 75-76, figs. 6, 7, pls. 18, 19. Morel, ... Agora 29 407 P 23595 P 6765 P 17887 P 31938 P 26395 Q 9:4 F 13:3 N 21:9 M 21:1 ... 110-75 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 455, p. 416

Well. Ancient Macedonia, no. 362, pp. 390-391. Veroia, pp. 117-120, fig. 13-15, pls. 18-20. Sokolovska, 1994, p. 217, pl. 165:δ. CVA, Stuttgart 1 [Germany 26], pls. 51, 52 [1263, 1264]. CVA, Philadelphia ... Agora 29 416 P 5661 P 19882 P 16110 P 3794 P 3229 P 20593 P 7942 P 5776 P 31965 P 18743 Lot Γ 77 E 15:7 G 14:2 F 13:3 O 17:6 M 21:1 ... 250-175 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 457, p. 418

Well. Cistern. Rotroff, 1983, no. 195, p. 297, fig. 6 on p. 269, pl. 61. AvP XI, i, nos. 147, 152, 237, pp. 123-124, pls. 43, 48, 65. AvP XI, i, nos. 244, 247, 248, 262, 264, 269, pp. 87-88, pl. 51:2 ... Agora 29 418 P 6757 P 11825 P 5640 P 8573 P 4405 P 21013 P 6861 P 11536 P 10847 P 26075 F 13:3 N 19:1 E 14:3 E 6:2 F 12:3 E 10:1 E 5:2 O 17:7 ... 225-150 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 458, p. 419

Cistern. Samothrace II, ii, nos. 98-102, 113, pp. 70-71, 74. McCredie, 1965, pp. 115-116, pl. 35:a, b. Samothrace II, ii, pp. 22, 32. Samaria III, no. 39, p. 259, fig. 52:39. Burkhalter, 1987, no. 134, ... Agora 29 419 P 8674 P 20496 P 3265 P 9175 P 4195 P 17022 P 6499 P 31295 P 17516 P 11432 Lot Γ 19 Lot Β 324 C 8:2 E 14:3 D 11:1 D 19:2 F 13:3 B 20:7 E 5:2 ... 115-50 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 459, p. 420

Pit. Cistern. Veroia, Π 2127, p. 89, fig. 22 on p. 131, pl. 60. Agora 27, no. 246, p. 200, pl. 52. Other. Well ... Agora 29 420 P 4705 P 12099 P 6268 P 14035 P 11833 P 27218 P 8559 P 23597 P 16857 P 5655 P 5775 Lot Ζ 743 G 12:6 N 20:4 E 14:1 N 20:7 N 19:1 E 6:1 Q 9:4 E 14:3 F 13:3 ... 115-50 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 489, p. 450

Well. Cistern. Pyre ... Agora 29 450 P 25304 P 25303 SS 2663 L 1727 F 12:3 F 11:2 F 12:7 F 13:1 F 13:3 F 15:2 F 15:3 E 15:2 E 15:7


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 541, p. 502

Pithos. Cistern. Well. Howland, Type 33 B. Howland, Type 34 A. Other. Fill. Howland, Type 34 B ... Agora 29 502 L 558 L 4574 L 3155 L 4141 L 3574 L 5113 L 892 L 893 L 896 L 931 L 4991 L 5016 L 5017 L 5047 L 5050 L 5119 L 5125 L 5150 L 4615 L 5106 L 461 L 5093 L 5080 L 4723 L 4756 L 4567 L 3107 L 3640 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 542, p. 503

Howland, Type 35 A. Cistern. Fill. Well. Howland, Type 35 A'. Howland, Type 35 B. Howland, Type 35 C and C '. Howland, Type 35 D. Howland, Type 36 A. Pyre ... Agora 29 503 L 5327 L 1305 L 1306 L 1309 L 1310 L 1312 L 1386 L 1387 L 3087 L 3799 L 1779 L 3321 L 3309 L 1784 L 4667 L 5489 Λ 4038 L 1788 L 2094 L 3153 L 4712 L 4857 L 3753 L 4638 L 2900 O 17:6 F 15:2 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 546, p. 507

Howland, Type 43 C. Well. Cistern. Howland, Type 43 D. Fill. Howland, Type 43 D'. Howland, Type 43 E. Howland, Type 44 A ... Agora 29 507 L 4673 L 1852 L 1856 L 4172 L 849 L 4992 L 5052 L 3293 L 270 L 2734 L 2500 L 4229 L 5565 L 894 L 1006 L 5672 L 5676 L 1115 L 5021 L 4550 L 4568 L 3198 L 2543 L 3794 L 3820 L 3755 L 1782 L ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 547, p. 508

Cistern. Well. Howland, Type 44 B'. Howland, Type 44 C; 44 D. Howland, Type 45 A. Howland, Type 45 B. Fill. Howland, Type 45 C ... Agora 29 508 L 2719 L 3222 L 3718 L 2285 L 3783 L 3807 L 706 L 5055 L 5148 L 1888 L 1846 L 1850 L 527 L 3180 L 2739 L 5563 L 932 L 4761 L 4994 L 5051 L 4749 L 4192 L 4731 L 3638 L 5042 L 3197 L 3584 L ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 549, p. 510

Howland, Type 46 E. Well. Pyre. Cistern. Howland, Type 47 A. Fill. Howland, Type 47 B. Howland, Type 47 C. Howland, Type 48 A. Pithos. Drain ... Agora 29 510 L 5667 L 5317 P 5667 L 822 L 5063 L 1109 L 5419 L 4763 L 5018 L 3289 L 1091 L 4614 L 3908 L 4088 L 3818 L 1926 L 841 L 5061 L 5136 L 5149 L 5652 L 4370 L 4753 L 551 L 552 L 553 L 1304 L 1330 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 22, s. 89, p. 72

Cistern. Thompson C 18. Well. Courby, fig. 80:10. Weinberg, Corinthian Relief Ware: Pre-Hellenistic Period. Hesperia 023, 1954, p. 1936, pl. 33, d. Pagenstecher, Expedition Ernst von Sieglin II, iii, pl ... Agora 22 72 P 30363 P 402 P 23069 P 21050 P 23745 P 27715 P 26076 P 14290 O 17:7 F 13:3 M 21:1 M-N 15:1 H-K 12-14 ... 200-150 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 22, s. 101, p. 84

Agora 005, G 48. Cistern. Well. Pnyx, no. 107. Δελτ 20, Β', 1956 (1967), p. 32, pl. 31:β ... Agora 22 84 P 15552 P 30433 P 6314 P 8126 P 15736 P 14399 P 16109 P 14471 P 2239 P 20002 P 20488 E 14:3 R 21:2 F 13:3 E 14:1 C 10:1 M 20:1 G 14:2 ... 145-86 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 22, s. 117, p. 100

Well. Agora 004. Agora 012. Edwards, Panathenaics, p. 335, note 51. Cistern. Svoronos, pl. 106:48-51. Svoronos, pl. 79:38-42. Grace, The Canaanite Jar, pp. 95, 108, no. 2. Grace and Savvatianou-Petropoulakou, ... Agora 22 100 P 30396 SS 3679 SS 3680 SS 9461 SS 8196 SS 14658 Β'-1097 N 3961 G 5:3 F 13:3 M 21:1 P 21:4 F 19:3 F 19:6 F 15:2 F 15:3 F 5:1 L 19:2 F 17:4 ... 1st half 1st B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 22, s. 131, p. 114

Cistern. Well. Fill. Drain ... Agora 22 114 P 4577 P 10878 P 4597 P 11411 P 4598 P 11412 P 4879 P 11413 P 5218 P 11414 P 5304 P 11425 P 5638 P 11426 P 5718 P 11427 P 5813 P 11428 P 6013 P 11429 P 6015 P 11430 P 6017 P 11431 P 6200 P ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 22, s. 135, p. 118

Cistern. Well. Fill ... Agora 22 118 P 27436 P 28588 P 27581 P 27583 P 28589 P 27715 P 28590 P 28093 P 28591 P 28198 P 28592 P 28098 P 28594 P 28099 P 28595 P 28100 P 28601 P 28101 P 28602 P 28603 P 28608 P 28200 P 28609 P 28300 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 22, s. 136, p. 119

Cistern. Drain. Well. Fill. Pithos. Coins ... Agora 22 119 SS 64 SS 6515 SS 9395 SS 66 SS 6517 SS 9461 SS 68 SS 6518 SS 9464 SS 74 SS 6579 SS 9465 SS 82 SS 6585 SS 9472 SS 148 SS 6613 SS 9539 SS 282 SS 6818 SS 9542 SS 6845 SS 9546 SS 326 SS 6846 SS ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 23, s. 274, p. 258

Lekanides. Lekanides; Lidless. Well. Gorgon Painter. ABV 10, 26. Pit. Other. Fill. Group of the Dresden Lekanis. ABV 680, 1 bis. Paralip. 14, 1 bis. Boeotian Horse-bird Group. ABV 680. KX Painter. ABV ... Agora 23 258 P 5354 P 26546 P 5232 P 21705 P 10194 P 4677 P 14690 P 8973 P 13842 F 13:3 T 18:4 N 10:1 P 7:9 B 14:5 E-F 12-14 S 21:2 G 15:6 U 25:2 ... 1st quarter of 6th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 12.2, s. 16, p. 389

Pit. Agora, 10, p. 58. Other. ARV 1040, 18. Hesperia, 7, 1938, pp. 344-345, fig. 28. Hesperia, 27, 1958, pl. 48 b and p. 201, note 100. ARV 1149, 24. Well. Hesperia, 24, 1955, p. 178, under no. 1. Hesperia, ... Agora 12 389 P 9486 P 6503 P 16427 P 5084 P 5201 P 6582 F 5:3 E 14:14 F 6:2 E 15:6 F 11:2 F 12:3 G 11:4 E 16:1 E 19:4 E 19:5 F 12:5 I 14:1 J 14:3 E 19:7 F 12:6 E 29:1 E-F 2-3:2 F-G 3:1 F 12:8 E-F 12-14 ... 450-420 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 12.2, s. 30, p. 403

Well. Fill. Burial. Other. Pit ... Agora 12 403 P 4433 P 5105 P 5248 P 4444 P 5116 P 5250 P 4446 P 5117 P 5252 P 4447 P 5118 P 5119 P 5120 P 5121 P 5254 P 4448 P 5122 P 5256 P 4459 P 5123 P 5124 P 5125 P 5258 P 4462 P 5126 P 5259 P 4463 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 12.2, s. 31, p. 404

Cistern. Well. Pit. Other. Fill. Ostraka ... Agora 12 404 P 5719 P 6376 P 6932 P 5730 P 6377 P 6935 P 5734 P 6378 P 6937 P 5735 P 6379 P 6938 P 5736 P 6383 P 6939 P 5780 P 6384 P 6940 P 5802 P 6385 P 6984 P 5811 P 6388 P 6949 P 5829 P 6389 P 6952 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 23, s. 347, p. 331

Cistern. Well. Agora XII, p. 388. Agora XXI, p. 97. Agora XII, p. 389. Road. Pit. Other. Fill. Agora XII, p. 390. Agora XXI, p. 98. Agora XII, p. 388-389 ... Agora 23 331 D-E 8-9:1 F 11:2 F 12:3 G 11:4 D-E 18-19 F 12:5 E 2:3 F 12:6 E 13:1 F 12:7 E 14:5 F 13:3 E 14:8 F 14:1 E 14:11 F 19:4 F 19:5 E 15:6 F-G 12:1 E 19:5 E 19:7 G 3:1 E 29:4 G 6:3 E-F 12-14 F 10:1 ... 330-305 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 23, s. 358, p. 342

Fill. Other. Well. Road. Pit ... Agora 23 342 P 4746 P 5229 P 4749 P 5230 P 4750 P 5231 P 4754 P 5232 P 4803 P 5237 P 4807 P 5280 P 4815 P 5294 P 4818 P 5295 P 4822 P 5296 P 4823 P 5297 P 4824 P 5300 P 4837 P 5302 P 4888 P 5303 P 5341 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 4, s. 248, p. 238

Well. Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 165-166. Hesperia, Suppl. IV, pp. 98-101, C, on plan, p. 99, fig. 75. Type 37 B; Collars Added to Globular Bodies; Pointed Nozzles. Type 49 A; Ephesos Lamps; Collars and Decorated ... Agora 4 238 F 12:3 E 15:6 F 12:5 F 13:2 E 16:1 F 13:3 F 15:2 F 2:1 F 15:4 F 5:1 F 16:1 F 5:2 F 5:3 F 16:6 F 11:2 F 19:2 F 19:4 ... Late 2nd B.C.-86 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 29.1, s. 74, p. 35

Other. Knigge, 1988, pp. 44, 82. Kerameikos X, pp. 139-140. Kerameikos X, pl. 6:b. H.A. Thompson, 1990, p. 27. Camp, 1986, p. 181. Shear, 1971, p. 252. Pounder, 1983, pp. 254-255. H.A. Thompson, 1940, ... Agora 29 35 G 13:8 A-B 19-20:1 D-E 15:1 H 12:1 T 27:1 B 22:4 E 6:2 F 13:3 M 20:1 N 19:1 O 17:5 C 10:1 M 18:2