"Id","Collection","Date","Title","Icon","Chronology","UserLevel","Name","Type" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-127","Agora","","Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Asklepios; CL 2243; Walters 1217, fig. 261; Preimos; CL 1832; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Athena Parthenos; Broneer 582; Broneer 583; Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, Beilage XXVII, 4; Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 182-183, pl. LXII; Hesperia, XXVII, 1958, pp. 159-160, pl. 46; Broneer 1102-1108; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Bust of Athena Promachos; Agora, V, L 63, p. 81, pl. 36; Tarsus, I, 209, p. 116, fig. 102; ""Die 'Promachos' des Pheidias und die Kerameikos-Lampen,"" Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. 59-74; Waldhauer 476, pl. XLV; ""Die große eherne Athena des Pheidias,"" Ath. Mitt., LVII, 1932, pp. 151-157; ""The Bronze Athena at Byzantion,"" J.H.S., LXVII, 1947, pp. 31-33; Les reproductions de statues sur les monnaies grecques, Liege, 1949, pp. 281-286; ""Die 'Promachos' des Pheidias und die Kerameikos-Lampen,"" Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. 63-64; Group 1; Group 2; Polykarpos; Leonteus; Olympios; Eutyches","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-127::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 127 (111).png::1449::2048","Mid 3rd A.D.","","Agora 7, s. 127, p. 111","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-14","Agora","","Pauphilet, D., ""Monument Megalithique à Mactar,"" Karthago, IV, 1953, cf. pp. 58-59, pl. IX; P. Perdrizet, Fouilles de Delphes, V, Paris, 1908, cf. pp. 184-195; E. Pernice, Die hellenistische Kunst in Pompeji, Band IV: Gefäße und Geräte aus Bronze, Berlin and Leipzig, 1925; W. M. Flinders Petrie, Roman Ehnasya, London, 1905; Pfuhl, E., ""Zur Geschichte der griechischen Lampen und Laternen,"" Jahrbuch, XXVII, 1912, pp. 52-59; Philadelpheus, A., Ανασκαφαί εν Νικοπόλει, Πρακτικά, 1913, pp. 83ff.; Philadelpheus, A., Πρεβέζης Μουσειον, Αρχ. Εφ., 1922, pp. 69-73; Pick, Behrendt, ""Mitteilungen aus dem Kerameikos V. Die 'Promachos' des Pheidias und die Kerameikos-Lampen,"" Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. 59-74; G. R. Davidson and D. B. Thompson, Small Objects from the Pnyx: I (Hesperia, Supplement VII), Princeton, 1943; Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικης Εταιρίας; Th. Wiegand and H. Schrader, Priene, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1895-1898, Berlin, 1904; The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine; Revue Archéologique; Rhomaios, K., Ευρήματα ανασκαφης του επί της Πάρνηθος άντρου, Αρχ. Εφ., 1906, cf. pp. 110-115; Richter, G.M.A., ""A Greek Silver Phiale in the Metropolitan Museum,"" A.J.A., XLV, 1941, pp. 363-389; Richter, G.M.A., ""Greek Fifth-Century Silverware and Later Imitations,"" A.J.A., LIV, 1950, pp. 357-370; Robert, L., Les gladiateurs dans l'Orient grec, Paris, 1940; C. Robert, Die antiken Sarkophagreliefs. Berlin, 1890-1939; Agora 5; Rodenwaldt, G., ""Sarcophagi from Xanthos,"" J.H.S., LIII, 1933, pp. 181-213; Rodenwaldt, G., ""Zur Kunstgeschichte der Jahre 220 bis 270,"" Jahrbuch, LI, 1936, pp. 82-113; Rodenwaldt, G., ""Sarkophagprobleme,"" Röm. Mitt., LVIII, 1943, pp. 1-26; Corinth, XIV; Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung; Rushforth, G. M., ""Funeral Lights in Roman Sepulchral Monuments,"" Journal of Roman Studies, V, 1915, pp. 149-164; A. Furtwängler, Die Sammlung Sabouroff, Berlin, 1883-1887; Saria, B., ""Positivmodelle römischer Öllampen aus Poetovio,"" Germania, XIX, 1935, pp. 27ff.; Schmidt, Hubert, Heinrich Schliemann's Sammlung trojanischer Altertümer, Berlin, 1902, cf. pp. 199ff.; Schneider, A. M., ""Samos in frühchristlicher und byzantinischer Zeit,"" Ath. Mitt., LIV, 1929, cf. pp. 133-134; J. P. Shear, ""Athenian Imperial Coinage,"" Hesperia, V, 1936, pp. 285-327; Shear, J. P., ""The Coins of Athens,"" Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 231-278; Shear, T. L., ""Excavations at Corinth in 1930,"" A.J.A., XXXIV, 1930, pp. 427-428; Skias, A., Τό παρά την Φυλήν αντρον του Πανός, Αρχ. Εφ. 1918, pp. 15-18; Soterious, G. A., Αι Χριστιανικαί Θηβαι της Θεσσαλίας, Athens, 1931, cf. pp. 102-104; V. Spinazzola, Pompei alla luce degli scavi nuovi di via dell'Abbondanza (Anni 1910-1923), Rome, 1953; J. Strzygowski, Catalogue general des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, Koptische Kunst, Vienna, 1904; Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Danish National Museum; Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. G. Kleiner, Sammlung von Aulock: Pontus, Paphlagonien, Bithynien, Berlin, 1937; F. B. Tarbell, Catalogue of Bronzes, etc. in the Field Museum of Natural History, reproduced from Originals in the National Museum of Naples, Chicago, 1909; Excavations at Gozlu Kule, Tarsus, vol. I: The Hellenistic and Roman Periods, ed. by Hetty Goldman, Princeton, 1950; Taylor, J. Du Plat, ""Roman Tombs at 'Kambi', Vasa,"" Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1940-1948, cf. pp. 40-42; Thiersch, H., ""Griechische Leuchtfeuer,"" Jahrbuch, XXX, 1915, pp. 213-237; Thompson, H. A. and Scranton, R. L., ""Stoas and City Walls on the Pnyx,"" Hesperia, XII, 1943, cf. pp. 363-364, 371; Thompson, H. A., ""Terracotta Lamps,"" Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 195-215","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-14::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 014 (xiii).png::1449::2048","","","Agora 7, s. 14, p. xiii","PublicationPage"