Agora 13, s. 171, p. 150Graef, Ant. Vasen, I, pl. II, 27-29
Korakou, p. 26, fig. 36, p. 33, fig. 47, pl. II
Aigina, figs. 28-29
Πρακτικά, 1953 [1956], pp. 77ff.
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Graef, Ant. Vasen, I, no. 67
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Graef, Ant. Vasen, I
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Graef, Ant. Vasen, I, pls. II, 42, III, 71
Graef, Ant. Vasen, I, pls. II, 40, III, 60
Graef, Ant. Vasen, I, pl. III, 57, 58
Graef, Ant. Vasen, I, pl. II, 59
Graef, Ant. Vasen, I, pl. II, 45
Broneer, Gnomon, XXXV, 1963, p. 709
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P 5875Cup30 May 1935  
Agora 8, s. 106, p. 92Fragment of Neck; Middle Protoattic
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 18, pl. 19, 2
Neck Fragment of Amphora; Early Protoattic
Ram Jug Painter
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 41
Αρχ. Εφ., 1952, pp. 150ff., especially pl. 6
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 31, pl. 10, nos. 2-4, pl. 11
Analatos Painter
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 126
Fragment of Mug; Early Protoattic
Fragmentary Amphora; Middle Protoattic
Brann S 1
Fragment of Spouted Bowl; Middle Protoattic
Fragments of Stand; Middle Protoattic
Brann S 2
Nessos Amphora
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 5, 102
Polyphemos Painter
Jacobsthal, Greek Pins, p. 47, ills. 209-218
Kerameikos Mug Group
Kübler, Alt. Mal., pp. 52-53, figs. 37-39
Arch. Anz., XLIX, 1934, pp. 211-214, figs. 9-11
CVA Berlin 1, p. 7, "Maler der Widderkanne," no. 4
Kraiker, Aigina, pl. 42, nos. 584-585, 577, 578, 554
Αρχ. Εφ. 1952, pp. 150-151, figs. 12, 14
Kraiker, Aigina, pl. 42, no. 11, pl. 17, 2
CVA Musée Scheurleer 2, III H b, pl. 4, 4
Αρχ. Εφ. 1952, pl. 9, 4
Arch. Anz., XLIX, 1934, p. 219, fig. 14
CVA Heidelberg 1, pl. 31, 5
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 163, fig. 13, 23
Fragment of Closed Pot; Middle Protoattic
Jahrb., II, 1887, p. 52, fig. 13
Kübler, Alt. Mal., pp. 43-44, figs. 19-20
Brann F 21
Αρχ. Εφ. 1952, p. 151, figs. 13, 15
CVA Berlin 1, p. 7, no. 7
 Mid 7th B.C.
1st quarter of 7th B.C.
650 B.C.
2nd quarter of 7th B.C.