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Hesperia Supplement 11, s. 14, p. 3    
Agora 11, s. 33, p. 14Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pp. 290-304, pls. 81-84
Richter, Kouroi (2), no. 7, p. 47, figs. 54-59, 68
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Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pp. 294-295
Richter, Kouroi (2), no. 6
Richter, Kouroi (2), p. 47
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Schefold, Antike Kunst, IV, 1961, pp. 76-78
Brunn-Bruckmann, pls. 751-755
Ath. Mitt., LII, 1927, p. 209
Agora 11, s. 226pl. 14   
Hesperia Supplement 11, s. 25, p. 14    
Agora 23, s. 314, p. 298Cups; Siana Cups; Overlap Decoration
C Painter
Louvre F 65
ABV 52, 11
Mainz, Univ. 89
Paralip. 23, 12 bis
Corinth CP-552
ABV 52, 13
Montreal 59.Cb.2
ABV 52, 14
Paralip. 23, 14
ABV 54, 67
ABV 55, 82
ABV 52, 23
London B.M. B 382
ABV 51, 5
ABV 55, 81
 560 B.C. 
Agora 23, s. 204, p. 188Oinochoai; Olpai; Trefoil Mouth
H. A. Thompson, AJA 37, 1933, p. 292, fig. 1
Scheibler, JdI 76, 1961, pp. 3, 5, fig. 6, and p. 18, no. 4
Group of the Early Olpai
ABV 14, 16
Gorgon Painter
ABV 9, 15
Paralip. 7, 15
ABV 14, 17
Paralip. 9
T. L. Shear, Hesperia 9, 1940, p. 269, fig. 5
R. D. Lamberton and S. I. Rotroff, Birds of the Athenian Agora (Agora Picture Book 22), Princeton 1985, ill. 3
ABV 10, 5
Scheibler, JdI 76, 1961, p. 22 and p. 29, figs. 30, 31
H. A. Thompson, Hesperia 25, 1956, p. 58, pl. 17:c
M. Lang, Graffiti in the Athenian Agora [Agora Picture Book 14], Princeton 1974, ill. 11
ABV 11, 14
Paralip. 8, 14
 600 B.C.
Early 6th B.C.
600-590 B.C.
Corinth 14, s. 11, p. xi