Agora 23, s. 181, p. 165Volute-Kraters
Leagros Group
Munich 1416
ABV 367, 90
London, B.M. 1926.6-28.7
ABV 375, 211
London, B.M. B 271
ABV 375, 212
Brooklyn 62.147.2
Paralip. 166, 163 bis
New York, M.M.A. 41.162.179
ABV 373, 174
CVA, New York 4 [USA 16], pl. 38 [766]:7
Bologna 52
New York, M.M.A. 06.1021.68 A
ABV 376, 231
ABV 289, -
Paralip. 126, 22 bis
Würzburg 199
ABV 289, 27
 Early 5th B.C.
520 B.C.
510-500 B.C.
520-510 B.C.
510 B.C.
Late 6th B.C.
2012.50.1168 (XII-59)Wall A' at left and west wall of Building A.15 Feb 1938  
1997.15.0437 (XII-58)Wall A', central section.15 Feb 1938  
2012.50.1167 (XII-58)Wall A', central section.15 Feb 1938  
1997.15.0438 (XII-59)Wall A' at left and west wall of Building A.15 Feb 1938  
Agora 23, s. 53, p. 37Hydriai; Shouldered Hydriai
ABV 85
Louvre F 39
ABV 174, 5
Paralip. 72, 5
Louvre F 38
ABV 108-109, 12-19
Paralip. 45
ABV 174, 7
Paralip. 72, 7
London B 76
ABV 86, 4, 5
Paralip. 32, 4
ABV 85-86, 1-3
Paralip. 32, 1-2 bis
ABV 108, 12-18
H. Bloesch, JHS 71, 1951, pp. 29-39, esp. 35-37
ABV 109, 19
New York, M.M.A. 17.230.14
ABV 144, 3
Paralip. 59, 3
CVA, New York 4 [USA 16], pls. 16-19 [744-747]
M. B. Moore, AJA 83, 1979, p. 99, note 166
Dresden ZV 1779
ABV 268, 21
Dresden ZV 1780
ABV 268, 22
Louvre E 735
ABV 85, 2
Agora 23, s. 103, p. 87Group E
Lysippides Painter
Berlin 1699
Painter of the Vatican Mourner
Whyte Painter
Painter of London B 174
London B 174
Amasis Painter
Heidelberg Painter
ABV 133-138
Paralip. 54-57
Athens, N.M. 2414-2417
ABV 146, 23
Paralip. 60, 23
ABV 136, 53
Paralip. 55, 53
Paralip. 61
Athens, N.M. 1044
ABV 147, 5
New York, M.M.A., 56.171.12
ABV 134, 22
CC 692
Akropolis 853
ABV 147, 7
Paralip. 55, 22
Munich 1380
ABV 135, 34
Akropolis 926
ABV 147, 8
ABV 138-143
Paralip. 57-59
ABV 148, 9
Akropolis 647
ABV 148, 10
Copenhagen, inv. no. 7068
ABV 134, 14
ABV 150-158
Paralip. 62-67
Bothmer, Amasis Painter, passim
CVA, Copenhagen 3 [Denmark 3], p. 83
J. Boardman, JHS 78, 1958, pp. 1-3
Bothmer, Amasis Painter, p. 239
Akropolis 821
ABV 136, 51
Akropolis 789
ABV 137, 64
Akropolis 790
ABV 137, 65
Kerameikos, inv. no. 1682
ABV 137, 66
Paralip. 55, 66
Akropolis 649 and 650
ABV 137, 67
Akropolis 648
ABV 137, 68
ABV 318, 70
S. Karouzou, Amasis Painter, p. 28
ABV 139, 13-15
Agora, North Slope A-P 1044
New York, M.M.A., 62.11.11
Paralip. 66-67
Bothmer, Amasis Painter, pp. 194-197, cat. no. 52
ABV 145, 19
Paralip. 60, 19
Berlin 1811-1826
ABV 146, 22
Paralip. 60, 22
London, B.M. B 548
Agora 23, s. 107, p. 91Potters and painters of Little Master, Proto-A, and Type A cups
Painter of Agora P 1241
Taleides Painter
Marmaro Painter
Painters of small lekythoi
Mertens, Attic White-Ground, p. 42
ABV 179-183
Paralip. 74-76
ABV 191
Paralip. 79
Antimenes Painter
Louvre F 38
ABV 174, 7
Paralip. 72, 7
Louvre CA 1778
ABV 201
ABV 198
ABV 294, 21
Paralip. 128, 21
Callipolitis-Feytmans, Les plats attiques, p. 377, no. 5, pl. 73, fig. 60
ABV, chap. 32
Mertens, Attic White-Ground, pl. 4:1
ABL, pp. 14-16, 193-194
ABV 457-459
Paralip. 199-200
ABV 164-166
Paralip. 68