Agora 8, s. 90, p. 76Analatos Painter
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 50, figs. 32-34
V. Jantzen, Griechische Greifenkessel, Berlin, 1955, pp. 85-86
Fragment of Lid; Early Protoattic
Hesperia, XIV, 1945, pl. XI, 2
Annuario, XXXIII-XXXIV, 1955-1956, p. 235, fig. 28
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 50, figs. 31-34
CVA Munich 3, pl. 130
Kunze, Bronzereliefs, pl. 52, a, b
Analatos Workshop
Burr 330
Arch. Anz., XLVIII, 1933, p. 274, fig. 9
Black and White style
Arch. Anz., LIII, 1938, p. 596, fig. 10
Mylonas, Eleusis Amphora, pl. B
A.J.A., XLIV, 1960, p. 71
Fragment of Bowl; Early to Middle Protoattic
Fragments of Closed Pot; Early Protoattic
Jahrb., II, 1887, pl. 4
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pls. 41, 42, b
Fragment of Krater, Early Protoattic
Oinochoe; Early to Middle Protoattic
Young B 71
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 42, b
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 46, fig. 23
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 49, fig. 29
Lion's Head from Bowl; Early Protoattic
Burr 158
Analatos Hydria
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 38, b
Analatos Krater
CVA Karlsruhe 1, pl. 5, 1
 1st quarter of 7th B.C. 
Agora 8, s. 88, p. 74B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 192, pl. 55, c
G. S. Kirk, "Ships on Geometric Vases," B.S.A., XLIV, 1949, pp. 93ff.
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 163, fig. 13, 20
Hydria; Early Protoattic
Hesperia, VII, 1938, p. 341, fig. 23
B.C.H., LXI, 1937, pl. XXXV, B
Fragments of a Ship Krater; Late Geometric
CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 2, III H b, pl. 1, 1, b
Fragment of Ship Krater; Early Protoattic
Röm. Mitt., LXII, 1955, pl. 35, 2
Vulture Painter's Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 53-54, figs. 69-71
Black and White Style
Kübler, Alt. Mal, p. 52, fig. 37
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 47
Fragment of Fenestrated Stand; Late Geometric
Brann P 14
L. Casson, The Ancient Mariners, New York, 1959, p. 85
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 40, b
Athens 810
Hampe, Grabfund, figs. 33-39
B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 196, pl. 16, 2
B.C.H., LXXXI, 1957, pl. IV
Analatos Painter
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 35, fig. 18
 700 B.C.
7th B.C.
1st quarter of 7th B.C.
725 B.C.
Agora 12.2, s. 79, p. 452Curtius, E., Penthaus (88. Berliner Winckelmannsprogramm, Berlin, 1929, p. 1, fig. 1
Diehl, E., Die Hydra, Formgeschischte und Verwendung im Kult des Altertums, Munich, 1964, pl. 7,3, pl. 10, 1 and 3, pl. 12, 2, pl. 43 below
Études Thasiennes VII, L. Ghali-Kahil, La Céramique Grecque, Paris, 1961, pl. 19, 6 and pl. C, pl. 29, 116-118, pl. 52, 3-4 and pl. G, pl. 52, 10, pl. 56, 40, pl. 56, 41 and pl. G, pl. 57, 45-46, pl. 57, 47
Bulletin of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, from 1958
Dacia: Revue d' archéologie et d' histoire, ancienne, Bucharest, new series, from 1957
Dyggve, E., and others, Das Heroon von Kalydon, Copenhagen, 1934, fig. 153, 57
Fasti archaeologici, Florence, VIII, 1953, p. 92, fig. 6, p. 93, fig. 7
Dalton, O.M., The Treasure of the Oxus, British Museum, Department of British and Medieval Antiquities, 3rd edition, London, 1964, pp. xxviii and 43, figs. 19 and 71, 179, p. 45, fig. 72, 182
Ebert, M., Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte, Berlin 1924-1932, pl. 1
Fasti archaeologici, Florence, XIV, 1959, pl. V, fig. 14
Edgar, C.C., Catalogue Général du Musée du Caire: Greek Vases, Cairo, 1911, pl. 12, 26215
Festschrift Eugen v. Mercklin, ed. E. Homann-Wedeking and B. Segall, 1964, pls. 17-22
Darebbero, C., Saggio, E., and Pottier, E., Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines, Paris, 1877-1919, II, 1896, p. 1131, fig. 3046
Elferink, L.J., Lekythos, Amsterdam, 1934, pl. 3c
Festschrift zum 400-jährigen Jubiläum des Herzog-Wolfgang-Gymnasiums, Zweibrücken 1559-1959, Zweibrücken, 1959
Eliot, C.W.J., Coastal Demes of Attica, (Phoenix, Suppl. 5), Toronto, 1962, p. 18, fig. 1
Filow, B., Welkow, I., and Mikow, V. Die Grabhügelnekropole bei Duvanlij in Südbulgarien, Sofia, 1934, p. 54, fig. 66, pp. 57-58, figs. 73-74, pp. 64-65, figs. 81-82 and pl. 5, p. 67, fig. 84, p. 71, fig. 90, p. 78, fig. 100, p. 152, fig. 177
Dedalo, Milan, V, 1924-25, p. 402
Ἐπιστημονική Ἐπετηρίς Φιλοσοφικῆς Σχολῆς, Ἀριστοτέλιον Πανεπιστήμιον Θεσσαλονίκης, VII, 1960, pls. 1-2
Exploration archéologique de Délos faite par l' École française d' Athènes, X, C. Dugas, Les vases de l' Heraion, Paris, 1928, pls. 16-18
Τό ᾽Έργον: Annual report on the work of the Greek Archaeological Society, presented by the Secretary, A.K. Orlandos, Athens, 1955, p. 86, fig. 84
Exploration archéologique de Délos faite par l' École française d' Athènes, XV, C. Dugas and C. Rhomaios, Les vases préhelléniques et géométriques, Paris, 1934, pl. 4, 9-11
Filow, B., and Schkopil, K., Die archaische Nekropole von Trebenischte am Ochridasee, Berlin, 1927, p. 30, figs. 26-27, 1 and 27, 2, 117
Exploration archéologique de Délos faite par l' École française d' Athènes, X, C. Dugas, Les vases orientalisants de style nonmélien, Paris, 1935, pls. 47-48
Flower, B. and Rosenbaum, E., Apicius, The Roman Cookery Book, London, 1958
Exploration archéologique de Délos faite par l' École française d' Athènes, XVIII, W. Deonna, Le mobilier délien, Paris, 1948, p. 57, fig. 83, p. 87, fig. 122, pls. 18-19, 21-25, 43, 308-309
Τό ᾽Έργον: Annual report on the work of the Greek Archaeological Society, presented by the Secretary, A.K. Orlandos, Athens, 1956, p. 19, fig. 17, p. 82, fig. 82, p. 85, fig. 84
Fölzer, E, Die Hydria, Leipsic, 1906
Τό ᾽Έργον: Annual report on the work of the Greek Archaeological Society, presented by the Secretary, A.K. Orlandos, Athens, 1959, pp. 8-9, figs. 4-5
Forbes, R.J., Studies in Ancient Technology, Leiden, from 1955
Τό ᾽Έργον: Annual report on the work of the Greek Archaeological Society, presented by the Secretary, A.K. Orlandos, Athens, 1961, p. 27, fig. 26
Exploration archéologique de Délos faite par l' École française d' Athènes, XXI, C. Dugas, Les vases attiques a figures rouges, Paris, 1952, pls. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
Τό ᾽Έργον: Annual report on the work of the Greek Archaeological Society, presented by the Secretary, A.K. Orlandos, Athens, 1966, p. 62, fig. 70, p. 117, fig. 140
Fouilles de Delphes, V, V.P. Perdrizet, Monuments figurés, Paris, 1908, p. 164, fig. 687, p. 181-183, figs. 772-777
Essays in Memory of Karl Lehamnn (Marsyas, Suppl. I), Locust Valley, N.Y., 1964, pp. 204-227, figs. 1-23, fig. 4, fig. 14, pp. 153-159, figs. 1-4 and ill. 1
Fouilles et Recherches (Razkopki i prouchvanya) Musée National Bulgare, Sofia, II, 1948, T. Ivanov, La céramique de la nécropole d' Apollone, p. 41, fig. 50, p. 44, fig. 50, p. 46, fig. 56, p. 47, fig. 57
Devambez, P., Greek Painting, New York, 1962, pl. 92
Fraser, H., Malcolm, Beeking in Antiquity, London, 1951, fig. 6
Fraser, P., and Rönne, T., Boeotian and West Greek Tombstones, Lund, 1957
Agora 8, s. 100, p. 86Davison, "Geometric Workshops," fig. 116, a-b
Stathatou Workshop
Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 228, figs. 22, 23
I.L.N., July 9, 1938, p. 59, 12-13
R. Lullies, Eine Sammlung griechischer Kleinkunst, Munich, 1955, pl. 10, 30
Analatos Group
Athens N.M. 19332
A.J.A., LXIV, 1960, p. 71, pl. 15
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 41, 1
Cook, B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 177
Mesogeia Painter
Hesperia, XIV, 1945, pl. V, 1
Neck Fragment of Hydria; Late Geometric
New York Nessos Amphora
J.H.S., XXXII, 1912, pl. XII
A.J.A., LIX, 1955, pl. 32
Délos, XVII, passim
B.S.A., XLIV, 1949, pp. 19-21, pl. 8, 4-5
Kunze, Bronzereliefs, p. 149, Beil. 3, e
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 82-83
Brock, Fortetsa, pl. 64, 1
M. Möbius, Jahrb., XLVIII, 1933
Fragment of Bowl; Protoattic
C. Decamps de Mertzenfeld, Ivoires phéniciens, Paris, 1954, pl. CXIX, no. 1059
CVA University of California 1, III H, pl. II
Graef, Akropolis Vasen, pl. 12, A-C
Ath. Mitt. LXIII, 1933, p. 99, fig. 41
Fragment of Lid; Protoattic
Ohly, Goldbleche, pl. 17
Burr 164
Wile Style
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 11
A. Akerström, Der geometrische Stil in Italien, Lund, 1943, p. 142, figs. 50-51
Fragments of Large Closed Pot; Early Protoattic
K. Kerenyi, Labyrinth-Studien, Zurich, 1950, pp. 34-35, 46, fig. 11
R. Eilmann, Labyrinthos, Athens, 1931, pp. 38ff.
Olpe; Early to Middle Protoattic
 700 B.C.
Late 8th B.C.