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A 3475Statue Plinth2 September 1964  
I 5105Marble Fragments: Bouleutic Lista) (Ψ 8) 15 November 1937 b-c) (Ψ 12b and Ψ 12c) 16 November 1937 d) (Ψ 28) 18 November 1937 e) (Ψ 33) 24 November 1937 f) (Ψ 49) 25 November 1937 g) (Ψ 55) 30 November 1937 h) (Ψ 61) 30 November 1937 i) (Ψ 66) 1 December 1937 j) (Ψ 72) 2 December 1937 (Ψ 136) 2 March 1938 k) (Ψ 74) 6 December 1937 l) (Ψ 80) 17 December 1937 m) (Ψ 81) 9 January 1938 n) (Ψ 85) 16 November 1937 o) (Ψ 140) 3 March 1938 p) (Ψ 143) 4 March 1938 q) (Ψ 150) 9 March 1938 r) (Ψ 174) 31 March 1938 s) (Ψ 175) 1 April 1938 t) (Ψ 176) 1 April 1938 u) (Ψ 177) 1 April 1938 v) (Ψ 178) 1 April 1938 w) (Ψ 180) 2 April 1938 x) (Ψ 232) 9 May 1938 y) (Ψ 239) 12 May 1938 z) (Ψ 290) 16 May 1938 aa) (ΕΕ 23 and 29) 20, 22 February 1939 bb) (ΚΤΛ 567) 1879  
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Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1519, 15 and 17
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Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1519, 21
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Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1527, 11
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1554, 1-2
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1555
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1556 bottom
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1561, 1-3 above
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1578 below
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1610 middle
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1611, 7
Boardman, John, Greek Art, New York, 1964, p. 92, fig. 77
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1611, 8
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1612
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1622, 7 bis
Boardman, John, Greek Emporio: Excavations in Chios 1952-1955 (British School of Archaeology in Athens, Supplementary volume no. 6), Oxford, 1967, p. 155, fig. 104, 712 and pl. 58, 712, pl. 97, 614
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1630 addenda to p. 164, addenda to p. 169
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1632 below
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1634, 1 bis
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1638, 2 bis
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1651 bottom
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1666 added as 31 bis
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1666 to p. 691
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1669 below middle addenda to p. 772
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Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1694, 13 bis, addenda to p. 1455
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Beazley, J.D., Campana Fragments in Florence, Oxford, 1933 [Beazley CF.], pl. 2, B 2
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Bother, D., von, Ancient Art from New York Private Collections, New York, 1961, pl. 100, 270, pl. 100, 276
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Brashinski, I.B., Athens and the Northern Black Sea, Moscow, 1963 (published by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Institute of Archaeology, p. 49 a-b, pp. 86, 88
The Birth of Western Civilisation, ed., M. Grant, New York, 1964, p. 154, fig. 78
Blavatsky, B.D., Antichhaya Arkheologiya, Moscow, 1961, p. 141, fig. 63
Benndorf, O., Griechische und sicilische Vasenbilder, Berlin, 1883, pl. 44
Bloesch, Hansjörg, Antike Kunst in der Schweiz, Zurich, 1943, pl. 47, 25
Breccia, E., Catalogue générale des antiquités égyptiennes, musée d' Alexandrie: La Nécropole di Sciatbi, Cairo, 1912, pl. 43, 59, pl. 52, 96-98, pl. 55, 112, pl. 56, 120