[Agora Deposit] H 12:4: Gravelly Pocket Beside Drain

Actually in 38/ΙΕ, nbp. 766). Pit contained at top much pottery and a few coins; sand for about 0.70m below, produced little pottery but many coins including some 2nd century Imperial and one of Salonica ... 3rd c. A.D ... Coins: 10 May 1933 #84-#86 11 May 1933 #1-#76 12 May 1933 #8-#16

[Agora Deposit] H-I 14:1: Kleiner Coin Deposit III

Hellenistic fill South of Middle Stoa near NW corner of Heliaea. This fill contained material later in date than that which made up the middle Stoa Building Fill. Only the coins (and a few amphora handles ... To ca. 140 B.C ... finds are with H-K 12-14 ... deposit H-K 12-14.

[Agora Deposit] H-K 12-14: Middle Stoa Building Fill

Middle Stoa Building Fill (with filling to S) (See also Κ: H-I-J 14-15 and Λ: K-M 13-14) This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; ... To ca. 180 B.C ... Hesperia 44 (1975), pp. 303-311, pls. 75-76.

[Agora Deposit] M 11:3: Well

7th c. well below east part of Odeion Cavea Trench K). Use filling negligible; dumped filling of the second half of the 7th c. B.C. Brann Well H. Diameter 1.10m. Cut into bedrock. During excavation seepage ... 650-600 B.C ... Brann Well H. Diameter 1.10m.