"Id","Collection","Title","Date","Chronology","Icon","UserLevel","Name","Type" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-113","Agora","Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Epitynchanos; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Karpos; Broneer 691, fig. 137, pl. XXX; CL 2286; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Kreskes; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Eros; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Leo-; Delphes, V, 541, fig. 830; Broneer 744, pl. XXXI; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Zosimos; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Loukios; CL 2097; Broneer 694, pl. XXXI; CL 2650; Walters 1222, pl. XXXIV; Broneer 1429, pl. XXXIII; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Onesimos; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Bases; Kallistos; Broneer p. 310; St. Germain, Paris, no. 12522; Wollmann, ""Retiarer-Darstellungen auf römischen Tonlampen,"" Röm. Mitt., XXXII, 1917, p. 166, fig. 21","","2nd half of 2nd A.D.; 3rd A.D.; 1st half of 2nd A.D.; 2nd A.D.; Late 2nd-Early 3rd A.D.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-113::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 113 (97).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 113, p. 97","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-266","Agora","pl. 9","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-266::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 266.png::1465::2048","","Agora 7, s. 266","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-247","Agora","Demeter, temenos of, at Knidos; Graindor; Demos and the Graces, shrine of; Gray ware lamps; Deposits, Index of; Greek lamps; Dio Chrysostom; Dionydia; Dionysia; Hadrian; Dionysius; Handle shields; Dipoleia; Disk representations; Harpokrates; E-; Head vases; EA; Helios lamps; Egypt; Hellenistic; Egyptian cults; Egyptian lamps; Hephaistion; EL; Hermes, bronze statuette; Eleusinian mysteries; Herodes Atticus; Elpidephoros; Herulian destruction; Emblemata; Hinges, on lamps; Howland types; Emborion, Chios: fortress; Howland Type 2; Epagathos; Howland Type 4; Ephesos; Howland Type 6; Howland Type 8; Ephesos type; Howland Type 12; Epi-; Howland Type 26; Epiktetos; Howland Type 29; Epiphanes; Howland Type 33; Epiphanides; Howland Type 35; Well; Epiphanios; Epitynchanos; Howland Type 37; Erigone, relief of; Eros, lampmaker; Howland Type 39; Cistern; Euboea; Howland Type 40; Eudoros; Eukarpos; Howland Type 43; Eukleides; Howland Type 44; Eunomos; Eutyches; Fill; Howland Type 45; Howland Type 46; Howland Type 47; Factory Lamps; Howland Type 48; Howland Type 49; Filling-hole lids; Pit; Fronto; Howland Type 50; Gaios; Galenos; Howland Type 51; Gallienus, coin of; Genymede, relief; Howland Type 52; Gladiatorial combats; Glaze","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-247::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 247 (231).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 247, p. 231","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-254","Agora","Ευ Σω; Eutyches and Soteros; Κρατ; Krateros Shop; Ευτ; Eutyches Shop; Κρατ Ε; Ευτύ; Κρατερός; Κρατερου; Ευτύχ; Κραυγάτου; Ευτύχη; Κρησκέντ; Ευτύχι; Κρησκέντος; Ευτύχης; Κυ; Ky - Shop; Ευτύχης εποίησε; Ευτύχους; Ευ Χ; Ζ; Maker's mark; Ζοι..μ; Ζωσιμας; Ζωσιμαδος; Ζώσιμος; Κυνηγίου; Ζωσίμου; Κύρακος; Κύραξ; Η; Λ; ΗΛ; Ηρακλίδου; ΛΑΔΟΣΩ[Δ]; Θ; ΛΑΔΣΙΣΩΔ; Λε; Leonteus Shop; Θαυμάσις; Θε; Theodoulos Shop; Θεο; Θεοδού; Λε Ναυ; Double signature of Leonteus and Naumachios; Θεόδουλος; Θεοδούλου; Λεοντεύς; Λεοντέως; Ι; Λε Π; Leonteus and second signer; ΙΗ; Λε Πιρείθου; Leonteus and Pireithos; Ιπ; Λε Πρείμου; ΙΧ; Λεω; Λήναιος; Κ; Preimos; Ky- Shop; Λμναίου; Λουκίου; Μ; Martyrios Shop; Κα; Karpeme Shop; Καλλίστου; Μ Α; Καρπή; Μαρτύριος; Καρπήμη; Μηνόδωρος; Καρπήμης; Μενοδώρου; Κάρπου; Μινικιαιανός; Κλάρος; Μινικιανου; Κλάρου; Κλήμης; Ν; Naumachios Shop; Κ Πρείμου; Να; Κρα; Να Πρείμου; Κρα Ε; Να Ρου","","1st B.C.; Early 4th A.D.; Early Roman; Late 3rd-Early 4th A.D.; Mid 4th A.D.; Early 3rd A.D.; Late 3rd-4th A.D.; 1st-2nd A.D.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-254::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 254 (238).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 254, p. 238","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-219","Agora","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-219::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 219 (203).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 219, p. 203","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-232","Agora","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-232::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 232 (216).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 232, p. 216","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-253","Agora","Index of Greek and Latin Inscriptions; Greek Inscriptions; Α; Δι; Dionysia Shop; Διονη; Διονυδία; Διονυσία; Διονυσίας; Διονυσίου; Ε; Eutyches Shop; Maker's mark; Ε..; ΕΑ; ΕΘ; Theodoulos Shop; Ειλθ; Ειμ; ΑΑ; Ελπιδηφόρος; Αγ; Agapios Shop; Ελπιδηφόρου; Αγά; Αγάπιος; Επ; Αγαπίου; Επα; Αθα; Επάγαθος; Αθη; Επαγάθου; Ακταίου; Επι; Αλεχάνδρου; Επιγόνου; ΑΜ; Επιτυγχάνου; Αντωνίου; Επιφα; Απαν Ταχύ; Έρωτος; Άπεκτος; Ευ; Απολλοφάνου; Αρι; Ασ...; Ατειμή; Ατειμήτου; Αφροδα; Εύδ; Β; Εύδω; Βι; Εύδωρος; Βρόμιος; Ευ Κ; Βρομίου; Ευκαρ; Ευκάρπο; Γ; Εύκαρπος; Γαίου; Ευκάρπου; Γαλήνου; Ευκλείδης; Δ; D - Shop; Ευκλείδου; Εύνομος; Ευνόμου; Δε; Εδπ...δο; Δευ; Ευπλουδ","","1st-2nd A.D.; Early 3rd A.D.; 3rd-4th A.D.; 6th A.D.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-253::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 253 (237).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 253, p. 237","PublicationPage" "Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-8","Agora","Imported Lamps; Lamps of the Mid-1st Century through the 2nd Century; Ear Lamps; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the Mid-1st Century through the 2nd Century; Factory Lamps; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the Mid-1st Century through the 2nd Century; Short Nozzles of Various Shapes; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the Mid-1st Century through the 2nd Century; Various and Fragments; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the Mid-1st Century through the 2nd Century; Red-on-White Lamps; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Late 1st Century; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the Latest 1st Century through the 3rd Century; Imported Lamps; Corinthian Lamps of the Late 1st to Late 5th Century; Lamps of the 4th and 5th Centuries; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the 4th to 7th Century; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the 4th to 7th Century; North African Shapes; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the 4th to 7th Century; Asia Minor Lamps; Imported Lamps; Lamps of the 4th to 7th Century; Various Imported Lamps; Attic Lamps; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the Late 1st Century Before Christ through the 2nd Century After Christ; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the Late 1st Century Before Christ through the 2nd Century After Christ; Lamps of the Late 1st Century Before Christ and the First Half of the 1st Century After Christ; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the Late 1st Century Before Christ through the 2nd Century After Christ; Alpha Ear Lamps; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the Late 1st Century Before Christ through the 2nd Century After Christ; Alpha Globule Lamps; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the Late 1st Century Before Christ through the 2nd Century After Christ; Various Lamps of the 1st and 2nd Centuries; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Plain and Patterned Disk; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Central Handle and Multi-Nozzle; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Multi-Nozzle and More than One Disk; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Handle Shields; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Filling-hole Cover; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Imitations of Asia Minor Lamps; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Moulds; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Wasters; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Fragments; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Bases; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Bases; Signed Bases; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Figured Disk; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Plain or Patterned Disk; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Various Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Multi-Nozzle Lamps; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Moulds; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Signed Bases; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 5th and 6th Centuries; Bases; not Signed; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 7th and 8th Centuries; Attic Lamps; Bronze Lamps; Attic Lamps; Supplement; Concordances; Index of Deposits; Index; General; Representations; Inscriptions","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-8::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 008 (vii).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 8, p. vii","PublicationPage"