Agora 8, s. 142, p. 128Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 44-55, Grave XI, figs. 29-31
Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 71-73, Grave XIV
Hesperia XIV, 1945, p. 306, no. 83
Hesperia, Supplement II, p. 98, Grave XXII, fig. 1
Grave XI
Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 42-44, fig. 26, Grave X
Cup X 2
Pitcher X 3
Hesperia, Supplement IV, p. 12
Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 76-87, fig. 51, Grave XVII
Hesperia, V, 1936, pp. 30-31, figs. 28-30
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, p. 474
Hesperia, Supplement IV, pp. 95-96
Hesperia, Supplement IV, p. 7
B 22-24
Hesperia, Supplement II, Grave XVII
Hesperia, Supplement IV, p. 106
Hesperia, Supplement II, p. 21, Grave I
Hesperia, Supplement IV, pp. 6-7
Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 55-67, Grave XII
Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 550, fig. 9, p. 544, fig. 2
Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 55-67, Grave XI
Hesperia, II, 1933, figs. 1, 3
Agora 8, s. 74, p. 60Geometric Amphora Fragment
Grave Group
Young C 134
Byvanck, Mnemosyne, XIII, 1947, p. 249
Young XVII
G. Nottbohm, Jahrb., LVIII, 1943, p. 2, M 1, fig. 1
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 22 and pp. 6-7
Chamoux, Rev. Arch., XXIII, 1945, pp. 54ff.
Young, fig. 73
Neck Fragment of Amphora; Dipylon
Hesperia XVII, 1948, p. 158, pl. 41, 1
Athens 804
CVA Athens 1, pl. 8
Fragments of Belly-Handled Amphora; Dipylon
Young XVII 19
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 110, grave 27
CVA Cambridge 1, III H, pl. 1, no. 22
CVA Athens 1, pl. 4
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. 22, 2 and 3
CVA Athens 1, pl. 7, 1
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. 23, 3
Trefoil Oinochoe; Dipylon
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 271, fig. 7
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 404, no. 1, pl. 89
Young XVII, 18
CVA Mannheim 1, pl. 5, 4
Pyxis and Lid
Young XVII 17
CVA Munich 3, pl. 112, 1 and 2
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 33, 73-75, figs. 8, 103-106
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 59
Arch. Anz., LXX, 1955, pp. 95-98, figs. 1-4
Ohly, Goldbleche, p. 116
Young XVII 7
Agora 8, s. 64, p. 50B.S.A., LXIII, 1948, p. 55, note 2
Kraiker, Aigina, pl. 2, 30
Corinth, VII, i, pl. 13, 80
Mon. Ant., XIII, 1903, p. 274, fig. 58
Kotyle; Imitation of Early Protocorinthian
Young XXIII, 1
Byvanck, Mnemosyne, IV, 1936-1937, p. 223
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 132, inv. 651, grave 64
Kotyle; Early Protocorinthian
Brann E 5
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 132, inv. 5498, grave 98
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pl. 75, C 12
Skyphos; Protocorinthian
Young C 12
A.J.A., XLVI, 1942, p. 36, fig. 19, grave 48, 5
Kotyle; Late Protocorinthian
Kerameikos, V, 1, p. 72 and note 104
A.J.A., XLVI, 1942, p. 39, fig. 21, grave 32, 2
Brann F 71
Kotyle; Attic Copy of Earliest Protocorinthian
Kotyle; Early Corinthian
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 408-409, no. 2, pl. 90
Brann G 53
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 222, D 46ff., pl. 81
Kerameikos, V, 1, p. 72, pl. 132, inv. 1355
Fragments of Kotyle; Imitation of Early Protocorinthian
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, p. 479, pl. 28, 1
Πρακτικά, 1911, p. 120, fig. 15
Kotyle; Imitation of Middle Protocorinthian
B.S.A., XLVIII, 1953, pls. 41-43
Agora 7, s. 13, p. xiiAgora 4
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