P 3040Black Figure Siana Cup Fragments  
Agora 1, s. 12, p. xiiDelbrück, Richard, Antike Porträts (Tabulae in usum scholarum, editae sub cura Iohannis Lietzmann, VI). Bonn, 1912
Delbrück, Richard, Die Münzbildnisse von Maximinus bis Carinus (Herrscherbild, III 2). Berlin, 1940
Delbrück, Richard, Spätantike Kaiserporträts (Studien zur spätantiken Kunstgeschichte, VIII). Berlin and Leipzig, 1933
Exploration archéologique de Délos, faite par l'école française d'Athènes. Paris, 1909-
Αρχαιολογικον Δελτιον
Δράγμα, Martino P. Nilsson dedicatum (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. Series altera, I). Lund and Leipzig, 1939
Encyclopédie photographique de l'art, III, Le Musée du Louvre, Grèce (suite), Rome. Editions "Tel". Paris, 1938
Fünfundzwanzig Jahre römisch-germanische Kommission, herausgegeben von der römisch-germanischen Kommission des archäologischen Instituts des deutschen Reiches. Berlin and Leipzig, 1930
Goldscheider, Ludwig, Roman Portraits (Phaidon edition). New York, 1940
Graindor, Paul, Album d'inscriptions attiques d'époque impériale. Université de Gand, Recueil de travaux publiés par la faculté de philosophie et lettres, fasc. 53 and 54. Gand, 1924
Paul Graindor, "Les cosmètes du Musée d'Athènes, B.C.H., XXXIX, 1915, pp. 241-401
Paul Graindor, Un milliardaire antique: Hérode Atticus et sa famille. Cairo, 1930
Graindor, Paul, Athènes de Tibère à Trajan. Cairo, 1931
Graindor, Paul, Athènes sous Auguste. Cairo, 1927
Graindor, Paul, Athènes sous Hadrien. Cairo, 1934
Graindor, Paul, Bustes et statues-portraits d'Egypte romaine. Cairo, n. d.
Gross, Walter, Bildnisse Traians (Herrscherbild, II 2). Berlin, 1940
Giudi, Giacomo, "Il muro valeriano a S. Demetrio Katiphori e la questione del Diogeneion", Annuario, IV-V, 1921-22, pp. 33-54
Antal Hekler, Die Bildniskunst der Griechen und Römer. Stuttgart, 1912
Antal Hekler, Greek and Roman Portraits. New York, 1912
Antal Hekler, Portraits antiques. Paris, 1913
Hekler, Antal, "Philosophen- und Gelehrtenbildnisse der mittleren Kaiserzeit", Die Antike, XVI, 1940, pp. 115-141
Antal Hekler, "Neue Porträtforschungen in Athen", Arch. Anz., 1935, cols. 398-407
Antal Hekler, "Studien zur römischen Porträtkunst" pp. 172-202
Das römische Herrscherbild, herausgegeben von Max Wegner, Archäologisches Institut des deutschen Reichs
Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Hinks, Roger Packman, Greek and Roman Portrait Sculpture. London, British Museum, 1935
Inscriptiones Graecae, II-III (iditio minor, Berlin, from 1913), Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, edited by Johannes Kirchner
Inscriptiones Graecae, IV (editio minor, Berlin, 1929), Inscriptiones Argolidis, edited by F. Hiller von Gaertringen
Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts
Jahreshefte des österreichischen archäologischen Institutes in Wien
Franklin P. Johnson, Corinth, IX, Sculpture 1896-1923. Cambridge, Mass. 1931
Jones, Henry Stuart, A Catalogue of the Ancient Sculptures preserved in the Municipal Collections of Rome: I, The Sculptures of the Museo Capitolino. Oxford, 1912
Jones, Henry Stuart, A Catalogue of the Ancient Sculptures preserved in the Municipal Collections of Rome: II, The Sculptures of the Palazzo dei Conservatori. Oxford, 1926
Judeich, Walther, Topographie von Athen. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft. 2nd edition. Munich, 1931
Guido von Kaschnitz-Weinberg, Sculture del magazzino del Museo Vaticano. (Monumenti Vaticani di archeologia e d'arte, IV). Vatican City, 1937
Guido von Kaschnitz-Weinberg, "Studien zur etruskischen und früh-römischen Porträtkunst", Röm. Mitt., 1926, pp. 133-211
Kerameikos, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. Archäologisches Institut des deutschen Reichs. Berlin, 1939-
Kunstmuseets Aarskrift, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Laurenzi, Luciano, Ritratti greci (Quaderni per lo studio dell'archeologia, diritti da R. Bianchi-Bandinelli, III-V). Florence, 1941
Agora 15, s. 10, p. xDow, Sterling, Prytaneis, Hesperia, Supplement I, 1937
Dumont, Albert, Fastes éponymiques d' Athènes, Paris, 1874
Ἐλευσινιακά, I, Athens, 1932, edited by K. Kourouniotes
Ἐφ. Ἀρχ.; Ἐφημερίς Ἀρχαιολογική
Eranos, Acta Philologica Suecana
F. Gr. Hist.; Felix Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, Berlin, 1923
Ferguson, William Scott, The Athenian Secretaries, 1898 (Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, VII)
Fouilles de Delphes, École française d' Athènes, Fouilles de Delphes, III, 2: Épigraphie, Inscriptions du Trésor des Athéniens, Paris, 1909-1913
Froechner, W., Musée national du Louvre, Les inscriptions grecques, Paris 1865
Geagan, Daniel J., The Athenian Constitution after Sulla, Hesperia, Supplement XII, 1967
Γέρας Ἀντωνίου Κεραμόπουλου, Athens, 1953 (Ἐταιρεία Μακεδονικῶν Σπουδῶν, Ἐπιστημονικαί Πραγματεῖαι, Σειρά Φιλολογική καί Θεολογική)
Gilbert, G., The Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens, London and New York, 1895
Gomme, Arnold W., The Populations of Athens in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C., Oxford, 1933
Graindor, Paul, Album d' inscriptions attiques d' époque impériale, Paris, 1924
Graindor, Paul, Athènes sous Hadrien, Cairo, 1934
Graindor, Paul, Chronologie des archontes Athéniens sous l' empire, Brussels, 1922
Guarducci, Margherita, Epigrafia Greca, II, Rome, 1970
H. (cited in the indexes); Hesperia
Harv. St. Cl. Phil.; Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
Harv. Th. Rev.; Harvard Theological Review
Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Hicks, E.L., The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum, I, Attika, London, 1874
Hignett, Charles, A History of the Athenian Constitution, Oxford, 1952
Hondius, J.J.E., Novae Inscriptiones Atticae, Leiden, 1925
I.G., I; Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. I: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno vetustiores, Berlin, 1873, edited by Adolph Kirchhoff
I.G., II; Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. II: Inscriptiones Atticae
I.G., III; Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. III: Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis Romanae, Parts I and II, Berlin, 1878-1882, edited by Wilhelm Dittenberger
I.G., VII; Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. VII: Inscriptiones Megaridis et Boeotiae, Berlin, 1892, edited by Wilhelm Dittenberger
I.G., XII; Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. XII: Inscriptiones Insularum Maris Thracici, Berlin, 1909, edited by C. Fredrich
I.G., I²; Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. I: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores, Berlin, 1924, edited by F. Hiller von Gaertringen
I.G., II²; Inscriptiones Graecae, Vol. II-III, editio minor: Inscriptiones Atticae anno posteriores, Berlin, 1913-1940, edited by Johannes Kirchner
Inscr. Délos; Inscriptions de Délos (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres), Paris, 1926
Kahrstedt, Ulrich, Untersuchungen zur Magistratur in Athen. Studien zum öffentlichen Recht Athens, II, Stuttgart, 1936
Kerameikos, III; Werner Peek, Kerameikos, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, Vol. III, Inschriften, Ostraka, Fluchtafeln, Berlin, 1941
Kirchner, Johannes, Imagines Inscriptionum Atticarum ein Bilderatlas epigraphischer Denkmäler Attikas, second edition, edited by Günther Klaffenbach, Berlin, 1948
Kirchner, Johannes, Prosopographia Attica, 2 vol., Berlin, 1901-1903
Kilo, Beiträge zur alten Geschichte
Knipovitch, T.N., Levi, E.I., et al., Inscriptiones Olbiae 1917-1965, Nadpisi Olvii 1917-1965, Leningrad, 1968
Kraay, Colin M., Coins of Ancient Athens, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1968 (Minerva Numismatic Handbooks, 2)
Kraay, Colin M., in Colin M. Kraay-Max Hirmer, Greek Coins, New York, 1966
Kroll, John H., Athenian Bronze Allotment Plates, Cambridge, Mass., 1972
Larsen, J.A.O., Representative Government in Greek and Roman History, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1955 (Sather Classical Lectures, Vol. 28)
Le Bas, Philippe, Inscriptions: Mégaride et Péloponnèse; Philippe Le Bas-W.H. Waddington, Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure, Vol. II, Paris, 1870
Agora 13, s. 305, p. 284The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Swindler Mary H
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tsountas Chr.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Swords
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Unfinished Chamber Tombs
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Talcott Lucy
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tankard
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Urfirnis
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Urfirnis; Early Helladic II
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Teacup
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tell el Amarna
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tell el Amarna; Importance for Mycenaean Chronology
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Valmin Natan
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tell el Amarna; Pottery from Tell el Amarna
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vanderpool Eugene
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Buttons
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Figurines; Middle Helladic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vaphio Tholos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vari; Mycenaean Tholos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Spindle Whorls; Early Helladic to Middle Helladic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Spindle Whorls; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Varkisa
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Varkisa; Minoan Late Minoan I B Import
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Varkisa; Mycenaean Tombs
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thebes Kadmeion
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thebes Kadmeion; Moulds from Thebes Kadmeion
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vasiliki Ware
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thebes Kadmeion; Mycenaean Pottery from Thebes Kadmeion
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vent Holes in Mycenaean Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Theochares
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vermeulle Emily T.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thera; Mattpainted Pot from Thera
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thermi Lesbos; Pottery from Thermi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vinča A Period
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Theseus Legend
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Volo; Gulf of Volos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessalian Neolithic Periods
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Volos Region; Iolkos and Neleia
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Volos Region; Iolkos and Neleia; Mycenaean Pottery from Volos Region
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Figurines
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Handaxes
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; A 1 Red Monochrome
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Voula
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; B Wares
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; Γ1 α Ware
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vourvatsi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vourvatsi; Mycenaean Pottery from Vourvatsi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; Γ 3 Ware
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tholoi; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tholoi; Mycenaean; Absence in Athens
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wace Alan J.B.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thompson Homer A.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Water Supply
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Water Supply; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Water Supply; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thorikos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thorikos; Neolithic Pottery from Thorikos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thorikos; Tholoi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Webster
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Threpsiades J.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Weinberg Saul S.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tin
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tin; Incrustation for Imitation Silver Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tin; Lining of Large Ivory Pyxis
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Middle Helladic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Submycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Early Helladic Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Mycenaean Palace Cisterns
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Destruction
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Fortifications
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wishbone Handle; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Stucco Pavements
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Mycenaean Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wood; Carbonized in Tomb I
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Mycenaean Signet Ring
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wood Rebecca; Mrs Henry S. Robinson
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Townsend Emily
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Trachones Attica; Mycenaean Pottery from Trachones
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden; Biers
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden; Coffins
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tragana; Bronze Bowl from Tragana
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden; Table
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Travlos John
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Travlou Nina
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Young Rodney S
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tripod
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tripod; Mycenaean Cooking Pots
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zafer Papoura Cemetery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Trojan War
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Andler Fragments
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Date of Troy
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Battle Axe
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Handaxes
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Arrow Head
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Celts
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Loomweights
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Pottery from Troy
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Spindle Whorls
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Statuettes
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Saddle Querns
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Scarcity of Obsidian
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Middle Helladic Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Spindle Whorls
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Mycenaean Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery; Dark Burnished Jars
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery; Pithos with Incised Decoration
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery; Spoons
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Potter's Shop
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Potter's Shop; Burning of Potter's Shop
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Potter's Shop; Pottery from Potter's Shop
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy VI; Oval Shaped Grinders
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tsangli Thessaly