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267 A.D.
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Pnyx, no. 109
Thompson D 41
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210 B.C.
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ARV² 890, 175
Addenda 302
T.L. Shear Jr., Hesperia 42, 1978, pl. 67:a
ARV² 798, 152
Paul-Zinserling, Jena-Maler, pp. 118-119
Burn, Meidias Painter, pp. 40 and 43
ARV² 1312, 1
Paralip. 477
Addenda 361
Esposito and de Tommaso, Vasi attici, p. 79, fig. 132
Wehgartner, Attisch weissgrundige Keramik, p. 220, note 3
ARV² 964, 107
H.A. Shapiro, Greek Bobbins: A New Interpretation, Ancient World 11, 1985, p. 117, note 20
ARV² 775, 3
Addenda 288
P . Wolters and G Bruns, Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben I, Berlin 1940, pl. 24
Délos XXI, pl. 44:114
Wehgartner, Attisch weissgrundige Keramik, pp. 156-157
Paralip. 269
Lekythoi; The Lekythos Painters VII; The Haimon Group
ABV 543, 131
E. Vanderpool, Hesperia 15, 1946, p. 307, no. 175, pl. 55
Haimon Painter
ABV 542, 112
H. A. Thompson, Hesperia, Suppl. IV, Baltimore 1940, p. 31, fig. 23:b
W. B. Dinsmoor, Hesperia, Suppl. V, Baltimore 1941, p. 131, no. 8 and p. 130, fig. 57
ABV 542, 89
ABV 542, 118
ABV 542, 119
ABV 542, 92
ABV 542, 120
ABV 542, 97
ABV 542, 121
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Van Horn, G., Choes and Anthesteria, Leyden, 1951, fig. 19, 68, 77, 105, 111, 119, 163, 167, 177, 183, 197, 342, 381-382, 383, 388, 418, 462, 525
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Hesperia Supplement, IV, H.A. Thompson, The Tholos of Athens and Its Predecessors, Princeton, 1940, pp. 11, 14, 25-26, 29, 30, 32, 38, 99, 126, 127, 129-130, 133, 135, 143
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Heidemann, H., Mitteilungen aus den Antikensammlungen in Oberund Mittelitalien (Drittes Hallisches Winckelmannsprogram) Halle, 1879, pl. 1, 1
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Hood, R.G., Greek Vases in the University of Tasmania, A Short Guide, University of Tasmania, 1964, pl. 23c, no. 36
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Hesperia Supplement, VII, Gladys R. Davidson and Dorothy Burr Thompson, Small Objects from the Pnyx, I, Princeton, 1943, p. 31, fig. 14, 29
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Jacobsthal, P., Göttinger Vasen, Berlin, 1912, vol. XIV, pl. 21, 60
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Black-Glazed Votive Skyphos
Pollitt, 1979, XL.1, p. 225, pl. 67:a
D.B. Thompson, 1962, nos. 19, 20, p. 262, pl. 90
D.B. Thompson, 1963b, no. 19, p. 289, pl. 75
D.B. Thompson, 1952b, pp. 120, 153-154
Rotroff, 1983, pp. 268-270
Agora 12, no. 1385, p. 333, pl. 45
Young, 1951b, pyre 6, pp. 120-121, pl. 51:c
kerameikos XIV, pyre 37, p. 44, pl. 40:7
Young, 1951b, pyres 2-4, 11, pp. 115-119, 127, pls. 50:b, c, 51:a, 53:b
kerameikos XIV, pyres 18, 57, 60, pp. 17, 59, 60, pls. 30:5, 44:7, 45:4
H.A. Thompson, 1934, E 59, pp. 398-399, figs. 87, 88
Rotroff, 1991, no. 98, p. 93, fig. 22, pl. 41
Rotroff, 1991, no. 119, p. 102, fig. 32, pl. 46
Romano, 1994, no. 26, pp. 70-71, pl. 17
Rotroff, 1991, no. 106, p. 95, fig. 29, pl. 44
Δελτ 19, B' 1, 1964 [1966], p. 68, pl. 65:γ
Rotroff, 1991, no. 118, p. 102, fig. 31, pl. 45
Rotroff, 1991, no. 117, p. 102, fig. 30, pl. 45
140 B.C.
100-86 B.C.
120-110 B.C.
120-86 B.C.
Late 2nd-86 B.C.
Honorary Decree Fragment  
Black Glaze Lid  
Plate: Banded  
Other Vessels for Wine Service; Storage Vessels
West Slope Amphora
Alt-Ägina II, i, nos. 525, 526, 553, 554, pp. 72, 74, pls. 40, 42
Corinth VII, iii, no. 187, p. 44, pls. 6, 47
Gravani, 1988-1989, p. 107, pl. 5:ε
BCH 89, 1965, p. 772, fig. 3
Kabirion III, no. 390, p. 138, pls. 18, 50:22
Délos XXVII, D 74, p. 251, pl. 44
Zapheiropoulou and Hatzidakis, 1994, p. 245, pl. 200:β
Samos IV, nos. 298-300, pp. 18-119, pl. 58
Samos XIV, p. 116, figs. 191:Α, Β, 192:B
Williams and Toli, 1990, p. 104, pl. 61:γ
Forti, 1965, pp. 75-77, pls. XXV:c, XXVIII:e
Green, 1979, p. 85
PF II, D 67-D 72, p. 62, pls. 17-20
Tarsus I, no. 117, p. 219, fig. 125
Jacquemin and Maffre, 1986, no. 15, pp. 201-204, figs. 30-33
CVA, Mainz 2 [Germany 43], pp. 72-73, pl. 36 [2093]: 5, 6
CRPétersb, 1880, no. 68, pp. 19-20, plate facing p. 12:5
Maximova, 1979, no. 1, pp. 112-114, fig. 53, pl. IV:5
Loeschcke, 1891, no. 2, p. 19
Histria II, XXXVII:7, p. 194, pls. 94, 96
Paphos III, no. 1, pp. 6, 108, fig. IV, pl. II:16
H.A. Thompson, 1934, p. 444
Jacquemin and Maffre, 1986, pp. 202-203
PF II, p. 50
Robertson, 1985, p. 23
Webster, 1969, AV, p. 56
Webster, 1960, C 10, C 15, pp. 277, 283, pl. 68
Plate: Banded  
Vessel: Cooking Ware  
Black Glaze Salt Cellar  
Black Glaze Skyphos  
Black Glaze Cup Kantharos with Rouletting  
Black Glaze Cup Kantharos with Rouletting  
Breccia, E., Catalogue générale des antiquités égyptiennes, musée d' Alexandrie: La Nécropole di Sciatbi, Cairo, 1912, pl. 43, 59, pl. 52, 96-98, pl. 55, 112, pl. 56, 120
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXVI, 1951, p. 273, fig. 77
Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., LXIII, 1965, p. 47, fig. 15
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXIX, 1955, p. 253, fig.
Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bervordering der Kennis van de antieke Beschaving, The Hague and 's-Gravenhage, XXXII, 1957, p. 62, fig. 2
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXIII, 1959, pl. 33, p. 719, figs. 16, 16 bis
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXV, 1961, p. 199, fig. 24
Brief Communications of the Institute of Material Culture (Academy NAUK) (Kratkie Sdobshcheniya Moscow-Leningrad, 1939-1958), 1956, pp. 130, fig. 63, 4, 6
Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bervordering der Kennis van de antieke Beschaving, The Hague and 's-Gravenhage, XXXIII, 1958, p. 51, figs. 12-14
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXVI, 1962, p. 360, fig. 42, 10 and p. 361, fig. 47
Bullettino archeologico Napoletano, Naples, 1843-1863, II, 1844, pl. II, 1844, pl. IV, figs. 5-6
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXVIII, 1964, p. 830, fig. 11
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXIX, 1965, p. 780, fig. 4 at right, p. 808, fig. 1, p. 907, fig. 12 at left, p. 959, fig. 20
Buschor, E., Grab eines attischen Mädchens, 1st edition (Grab¹) Munich, 1939, p. 20, fig. 13 left and 2nd edition (Grab²), Munich, 1941, p. 20, fig. 13 left
British Museum. Catalogue of the Bronzes, Greek, Roman and Etruscan, in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, H.B. Walters, London, 1899, p. 48
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, XCI, 1967, p. 767, fig. 7
Bulletin d la société royale d' archéologie d' Alexandrie, Alexandria, 1898-1956, 1930, no. 25, pl. 20, lower right
Buschor, E., Grab eines attischen Mädchens, 1st edition (Grab¹) Munich, 1939, p. 20, fig. 13 right and 2nd edition (Grab²), Munich, 1941, p. 20, fig. 13 right
British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases iii H.B. Walters, London, 1896, pl. 21, 2-3
Buschor, E., Griechische Vasen, Munich, 1940
Buschor, E., Griechische Vasenmalerei, 2nd ed., Munich 1914
British Museum, Catalogue of the Greeks and Roman Lamps, H.B. Walters, London, 1914
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, from 1919
Callipolitis-Feytmans, D., Les Loutéria Attiques, Athens, 1965 (Publications of the Archaeologikon Dltion, no. 6), p. 35, fig. 10
British Museum. A Guide to the Exhibition illustrating Greek and Roman Life, 3rd ed., London, 1929, p. 47, fig. 37
Bulletin of the City Art Museum, St. Louis (Missouri), IX, 1924, p. 28
Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, XV, 1928, pp. 193 and 197
Carapanos, C., Dodone et ses ruines, Paris, 1878, pl. 24, 5 and 5 bis
British Museum, Quarterly, London, XIX, 1954, pl. 26
Caskey, L.D., Geometry of the Greek Vases, Boston, 1922, p. 119, 72, p. 137, 89, p. 138, 90, p. 139, 91, p. 154, 110, pp. 232-233
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XXII, 1927, p. 17, fig. 1
Brommer, F., Herakles, Münster, 1953
Brommer, F., Saturspiele, Berlin, 1944, p. 22, fig. 13
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, IV, 1945-1946, p. 250
Caskey, L.D., and Beazley J.D., Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Oxford, i, 1931, p. 15, fig. 13, p. 16, fig. 15, p. 17, figs. 16, 17, p. 18, fig. 18, p. 21, fig. 21
Brommer, F., Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage, Marburg, 1956
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XV, 1956-1957, p. 165
Bronzegefäɓe und Bronzegeräte der Antike, Sonderliste J, ed. H.A. Chan, Münzen und Medaillen, A.G., Basel, March 1968, no. 5, 6, 9-10
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XIX, 1960-1961, pp. 138-139, figs. 7-8, p. 139, fig. 9, p. 152, fig. 1, p. 155, fig. 5
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XXI, 1962-1963, p. 163, figs. 15-16, p. 164, fig. 17
Brückner, A., Der Friedhof am Eridanos, Berlin, 1909, p. 120
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XXIV, 1965-1966, p. 202, fig. 3
Caskey, L.D., and Beazley J.D., Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Oxford, ii, 1934,
Caskey, L.D., and Beazley J.D., Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Oxford, iii, 1963, pl. 71, 133, pl. 99, 163, pl. 106, 174-175
Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., XXXVII, 1939, p. 77
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LI, 1927, p. 337, figs. 10-11, nos. 14-15, p. 341, fig. 23, no. 28, p. 342, fig. 24, no. 30
Casson, S. and Brooke, D., Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum, II, Cambridge, 1921, pp. 310-313, 68
Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., LXI, 1963, pp. 73-74, figs. 12, 14