"Chronology","Collection","Name","Type","UserLevel","Title","Date","Icon","Id" "4th quarter of 8th B.C.; 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.; 5th B.C.; 2nd-3rd quarter of 6th B.C.; Latest 5th B.C.; Turn of the 8th to 7th B.C.; Mid 8th B.C.; Early 6th B.C.; 2nd-3rd quarter of 7th B.C.","Agora","Agora 8, s. 142, p. 128","PublicationPage","","Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 44-55, Grave XI, figs. 29-31; Burial; Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 71-73, Grave XIV; Hesperia XIV, 1945, p. 306, no. 83; Hesperia, Supplement II, p. 98, Grave XXII, fig. 1; Well; Grave XI; Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 42-44, fig. 26, Grave X; Cup X 2; Pitcher X 3; Pit; Hesperia, Supplement IV, p. 12; Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 76-87, fig. 51, Grave XVII; Hesperia, V, 1936, pp. 30-31, figs. 28-30; A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, p. 474; Dump; Hesperia, Supplement IV, pp. 95-96; Other; Hesperia, Supplement IV, p. 7; B 22-24; Hesperia, Supplement II, Grave XVII; Road; Hesperia, Supplement IV, p. 106; Hesperia, Supplement II, p. 21, Grave I; Kiln; Pyre; Hesperia, Supplement IV, pp. 6-7; Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 55-67, Grave XII; Fill; Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 550, fig. 9, p. 544, fig. 2; Hesperia, Supplement II, pp. 55-67, Grave XI; Hesperia, II, 1933, figs. 1, 3","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-8-142::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 008/Agora 008 142 (128).png::1465::2048","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-8-142" "","Agora","Agora 7, s. 13, p. xii","PublicationPage","","Agora 4; Hug, A., ""Lucerna,"" Pauly-Wissowa, R.E., XIII, 1566-1613; Inscriptiones Graecae, Berlin, 1873-; J. H. Iliffe, ""Imperial Art in Trans-Jordan,"" Q.D.A.P., XI-XII, 1941-1946, pp. 1-26; F. Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner, A Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias (reprinted from J.H.S., VI-VIII, 1885-1887), London; Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, Neue Bearbeitung, Stuttgart, 1894; Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts; Jahreshefte des österreichischen archäologischen Instituts in Wien; Kahrstedt, U., ""Die Stadt Athen in der Kaiserzeit,"" Mitt. D. Inst., III, 1950, pp. 51-67; Papaspyridi-Karusu, S., ""Alkamenes und Das Hephaisteion,"" Ath. Mitt., LXIX-LXX, 1954-55, pp. 67-94; Kourouniotis, J. and Thompson, H. A., ""The Pnyx in Athens,"" Hesperia, I, 1932, cf. pp. 183-185; Kübler, K., ""Mitteilungen aus dem Kerameikos IV,"" Ath. Mitt., LIII, 1928, pp. 181-182; Kübler, K., ""Mitteilungen aus dem Kerameikos V,"" Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. 75-86; K. 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Anz., 1916, pp. 203-211; Lord, Louis E., ""Blockhouses in the Argolid,"" Hesperia, X, 1941, cf. pp. 110-111; Heinz Menzel, Antike Lampen im römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz, 1954; Merlin, A. and Poinssot, L., Cratères et candelabres de marbre, Tunis and Paris, 1930; Messerschmidt, F., ""Tragödienszenen auf römischen Lampen,"" Röm. Mitt., XLIV, 1929, pp. 26-42; Michalowski, K., ""La fin de l'art grec,"" B.C.H., LXX, 1946, pp. 385-392; Miltner, F., ""die antiken Lampen in Eisenstadt,"" Jahreshefte, XXIV, 1929, Beiblatt, pp. 144-179; Miltner, F., ""Die antiken Lampen im Klagenfurter Landesmuseum,"" Jahreshefte, XXVI, 1930, Beiblatt, pp. 67-114; Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, 1948; Muehsam, Alice, ""Attic Grave Reliefs from the Roman Period,"" berytus, X, 1952, pp. 51-114; J. L. Myres, Handbook of the Cesnola Collection of Antiquities from Cyprus, New York, 1914; J. Hackin, Nouvelles recherches archéologiques à Begram, Paris, 1954; Neugebauer, K. A., Die griechischen Bronzen der klassischen Zeit und des Hellenismus (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Katalog der Statuarischen Bronzen im Antiquarium, II), Berlin, 1951; R. V. Nicholls, ""Type, Group and Series: A Reconsideration of some Coroplastic Fundamentals,"" B.S.A., XLVII, 1952, pp. 217-226; Beschreibung römischer Altertümer gesammelt von Karl Anton Niessen, Cologne, 1911; Nilsson, M. P., ""Lampen und Kerzen im Kult der Antike,"" Opuscula Arceologica, VI, 1950, pp. 96ff.; Noll, R., ""Die antiken Lampen im Landesmuseum zu Innsbruck,"" Jahreshefte, XXX, 1936, Beiblatt, pp. 219-251; Noll, R., ""Eine neue oberitalische Lampentöpferei,"" Jahreshefte, XXX 1936, Beiblatt, pp. 109-119; Barrao Oleiro, J. M., Museu Machado de Gastro: Catalogo de Lucernas Romanas, Coimbra, 1952; Orlandos, A. K., Ανασκαφή του εν Αθήναις Ωδείου του Ρερικλέους, Πρακτικά, 1931, cf. pp. 28-30; Osborne, A., Lychnos et Lucerna, Alexandria, 1924; Pagenstecher, R., ""Die Auferweckung des Lazarus auf einer römischen Lampe,"" Bull. Soc. Arch., X, 1908, p. 261; D. Ivanyi, Die pannonischen Lampen, Budapest, 1935","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-13::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 013 (xii).png::1449::2048","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-13"