Agora 2, s. 9, p. ixTable of Contents
Roman and Byzantine Coinage Ratios
Abbreviations in the Catalogue
Roman Republican Coinage
Roman Imperial Coinage
"Vandalic" Coinage
Byzantine Imperial Coinage
Frankish Coinage
Minor Coinages of Greece and the Islands
French Coinage
Italian Coinage
Venetian Coinage
Numerical Summary
Agora 17, s. 13, p. 1The Athenian Agora; Volume 17; Inscriptions; The Funerary Monuments; Introduction
J. Kirchner, Die Antike, XV, 1939, pp. 93-97
S.V. Tracy, G.B.R.S., XI, 1970, pp. 325-326, note 35
S. Dow, A.J.A., XL, 1936, pp. 58-59
H. Riemann, Kerameikos, II
A. Muehsam, Berytus, X, 1952-1953, pp. 55-114
Agora VITerracottas and Plastic Lamps of the Roman Period1961  
Agora 13, s. 28, p. 7The Neolithic Period; Introduction; Pottery; Decoration
The Neolithic Period; Introduction; Pottery; Affinities
D.S., pls. 10, 30 (B 3β)
Orchomenos, II, pl. II, 3
Weinberg, Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 502, note 2
Naissance, II, fig. 840
D.S., pl. 10 and pl. 22
Hesperia, 28, 1959, p. 205, pl. 41,b
Troy, I, Tyoe C34, pp. 72, 102, fig. 230 (35.539)
There, pls. VIII, 114, IX, 506, 201, XII, 126, 63, 115
Cyclades, figs. 86-87, 88
P.T., pp. 13, 87-90, figs. 40, 41, 42, b-d
Weinberg, Aegean Chronology: Neolithic Period and Bronze Age, A.J.A., LI, 1947, pp. 165-182
C.A.H., I. Ch. X, pp. 16-19, 34-35
Holmberg, Neon. Pot., pp. 15-16, 34-36
P.T., pp. 87, 89, figs. 40, a, 42, c
P.T., p. 87, fig. 40, b
Agora 29.1, s. 42, p. 3Introduction and Overview
Agora 22
Mary Moore, Agora 30
Moreno 1964-1965, p. 43, fig. 34
Knigge and Kovacsovics 1981, p. 386, fig. 3
Vierneisel 1964, col. 456, fig. 50
Knigge 1988, p. 93, fig. 85, left
History of the Study of Hellenistic Pottery from the Athenian Agora
G.R. Edwards 1957
Pollitt 1979
Waagé 1933, pp. 279-285
Agora 15, s. 7, p. viiThe Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Preface
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Abbreviations and Bibliography
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Introduction
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Introduction; Prytany and Bouleutic Inscriptions from the Period of the Original Ten Phylai
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Introduction; Prytany and Bouleutic Inscriptions from the Macedonian Era
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Introduction; Prytany Inscriptions from the Creation of Attalis to the Sack of Athens and Sulla
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Introduction; Prytany Inscriptions from the Sack of Athens by Sulla to the Creation of Hadrianis
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Introduction; Prytany Inscriptions after the Creation of Hadrianis
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Appendix
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Indices
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Indices; Prosopographical Index of Greek Names
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Indices; Index of Demes; Ethnic Phylai
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Indices; Index of Months; Gods; Festivals
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Concordances
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Concordances; Inscriptiones Graecae; Editio Minor
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Concordances; Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Concordances; Hesperia and Supplements
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Concordances; Other Publications
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Concordances; Epigraphical Museum Numbers
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Concordances; Agora Inventory Numbers
The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Table of Contents; Plates
Agora 25, s. 20, p. 2Date and Purpose of Introduction
Harpokration, s.v. Ιππάρχος
Diodorus, 11.55
Aristotle, AthPol 22.1, 3
FGH IIIB, 328 F 30
FGH IIIB, i, p. 310
Wycherley, JHS 75, 1955, pp. 117-118
Pollux, 8.19
Willemsen, Δελτ, pp. 28-29
Reinmuth in RE, s.v. ostrakismos, cols. 1678-1680
Jacoby, FGH IIIB, on Philochoros F 30
Thomsen, pp. 66-67, note 23
Vanderpool, Semple Lectures II, pp. 217-218
Rhodes, p. 270
AJP 93, 1972, pp. 87-91
Thomsen, pp. 12-16
Agora 15, s. 29, p. 17The Athenian Agora; Volume 15; Inscriptions; The Athenian Councillors; Introduction; The Painted Portrait
Margaret Thompson, The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens, New York, 1961
Margaret Thompson, Numismatic Chronicle (Series 7), II, 1962, pp. 301-333
The American Numismatic Society, Museum Notes, XI, 1964, pp. 119-129
David M. Lewis, Numismatic Chronicle (Series 7), II, 1962, pp. 275-300
Colin M. Kraay in Kraay-Hirmer, Greek Coins, New York, 1966, p. 325
Colin M. Kraay, Coins of Ancient Athens (Minerva Numismatic Handbooks, 2), 1968, pp. 12, 21-22
B.D. Meritt, the Athenian Year, p. 181
Sterling Dow, Prytaneis, Hesperia, Suppl. I, 1937, p. 25