Agora 22, s. 119, p. 102Other
Svoronos, pl. 88:49-50
Grace and Savvatianou-Petropoulakou, pp, 290-291
Agora 004
Agora 010
Kleiner, II, pp. 11-15
Thompson, pp. 119-121
Grace and Savvatianou-Petropoulakou, pp, 320
Agora 012
Agora 014, pp. 66-68
D.B. Thompson, Hellenistic Terracottas, IV, P. 317
Kleiner I, pp. 303-311
Kleiner II, pp. 29, 32
Grace, Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology, p. 194
Grace and Savvatianou-Petropoulakou, pp, 290-291, 382
Grace, Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology, p. 197
Grace, The Canaanite Jar, pp. 97, 109, nos. 9-11
Svoronos, pl. 22:67
Thompson, pp. 330-345
Agora 021
Vanderpool, Mc Credie, and Steinberg, Koroni: A Ptolemaic Camp, p. 59
Grace, Notes on the Amphoras, pp. 327-329
Vanderpool, Mc Credie, and Steinberg, Koroni: The Date of the Camp, pp. 74-75
Mc Credie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, p. 13
Grace and Savvatianou-Petropoulakou, p. 292, 381
Kleiner I, pp. 311-313
Thompson, pp. 369-392
 180 B.C.
320-240 B.C.
2nd B.C.
3rd quarter 2nd B.C.
Agora 22, s. 118, p. 101Cistern
Agora 004
Agora 012
Grace, Amphora Handles, p. 269, no. 199
Svoronos, pl. 24:25-27
Thompson, pp. 345-369
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 251, no. 131
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 221, no. 18
Hesperia 002, 1933, p. 453-454
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 208
Études thasiennes IV, p. 392, no. 1607
Pnyx, p. 136, under no. 56
Thompson, pp. 313-330
Vanderpool, Mc Credie, and Steinberg, Koroni: A Ptolemaic Camp, p. 59
Grace, Notes on the Amphoras, p. 329
Vanderpool, Mc Credie, and Steinberg, Koroni: The Date of the Camp, pp. 74-75
Mc Credie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, pp. 11-13
Agora 010
R. Stilwell, Architectural Studies, Hesperia 002, 1933, pp. 126-128, figs. 13-14, p. 454
Hesperia 006, 1937, pp. 207-208
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 221, no. 17
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 224, no. 32
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 226-227, no. 41, 43-45
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 236, no. 81
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 247, no. 118
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 249, no. 122
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 283, no. 243
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 286, no. 255
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 289, no. 269
 1st-2nd quarter 2nd B.C.
2nd half 2nd B.C.
4th quarter 3rd-2nd quarter 2nd B.C.
2nd half 3rd B.C.
Late 3rd-1st half 2nd B.C.
1st quarter 1st B.C.
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