"Collection","Id","Type","Name","UserLevel","Chronology","Icon","Title","Date" "Agora","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-1-13","PublicationPage","Agora 1, s. 13, p. xiii","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-1-13::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 001/Agora 001 013 (xiii).png::1438::2048","Hans Peter L'Orange, Studien zur Geschichte des spätantiken Porträts (Instituttet for sammenlignende Kulturforskning. Series B: Skrifter, XXII). Oslo, 1933; Magnesia am Maeander: Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1891-1893, von Carl Humann: Die Bauwerke bearbeitet von Julius Kohte: Die Bildwerke bearbeitet von Carl Watzinger. Königliche Museen zu Berlin. Berlin, 1904; Melanges Gustave Glotz. Paris, 1932; Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire offerts à Charles Picard. Paris, 1949; Kasimierz Michalowski, ""La fin de l'art grec"", B.C.H. LXX, 1946, pp. 385-392; Kasimierz Michalowski, Delos, XIII, Les portraits hellénistiques et romains. 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London, 1904; Lietzmann, H., und Rodenwaldt, G., Studien zur spätantiken Kunstgeschichte, im Auftrage des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, herausgegeben von Hans Lietzmann und Gerhart Rodenwaldt; Emerson H. Swift, ""A Group of Roman Imperial Portraits at Corinth"", A.J.A., XXV, 1921, pp. 142-159; Emerson H. Swift, ""A Group of Roman Imperial Portraits at Corinth"", A.J.A., XXV, 1921, pp. 248-265; Emerson H. 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Hansen, Apagoge, Endeixis and Ephegesis against Kakourgoi, Atimoi and Pheugontes (Odense University Classical Studies 8), Odense 1976; A.R.W. Harrison, The Law of Athens: Procedure, Oxford 1971; Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Suppl. II, R.S. Youn, Late Geometric Graves and a Seventh Century Well in the Agora, with an Appendix on the Skeletal Remains by J. Lawrence Angel, Athens 1939; Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Suppl. 4, H.A. Thompson, The Tholos of Athens and Its Predecessors, Baltimore 1940; Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Suppl. 8, Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear, Princeton 1940; Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Suppl. 10; Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Suppl. 14, J.S. 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Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century B.C., Oxford 1969; Mélanges Gustave Glotz II, Paris 1932; S.G. Miller, Mortgage Horoi from the Athenian Agora, Hesperia 41, 1972, pp. 274-281",""