"Collection","Type","Title","Id","UserLevel","Date","Icon","Chronology","Name" "Agora","PublicationPage","""New Illustrations to the Iliad,"" A.J.A., LIV, 1950, p. 118; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Bust of Aphrodite Wearing Stephane; Cistern; Robert, Sarkophagreliefs, II, pl. XXIV, 54; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Armed Aphrodite; Kübler, figs. 17, 39; R. Schilling, La relition romaine de Venus, pls. XXVII-XXXII; A. Alföldi, Insignien und Tracht der römischen Kaiser,"" Röm. Mitt., L, 1935, pp. 122-124; O. Broneer, ""The 'Armed Aphrodite' on Acrocorinth and the Aphrodite of Capua,"" University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, Vol. I, No. 2, pp. 66-84; Kübler, p. 118, with footnote 71; Ephesos, IV, pl. I, 75; Broneer, p. 98, fig. 44; Other; Fill; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Ares; Corinth, Cheliotomylos 108; Pagenstecher 163, pp. 90, 191, fig. 40; Syll. Num. Graec. D.N.M.; Corinth, no. 346, pl. 7; Corinth, no. 375, pl. 8; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Artemis; Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Aphrodite and the Three Graces; Well; Walters 1210, pl. XXXIV; Αρχ. Εφ., 1922, p. 70, fig. 10, 3; ""Hellenistische Kunst auf römischen Lampen,"" Ganymed, Heidelberger Beiträge zur antiken Kunstgeschichte, 1949, pp. 48-51; Haken, under 84, p. 78; P. C. Sestieri, ""'Diana Venetrix',"" Riv. Inst. Arch., VIII, 1941, PP. 107-129; Hesperia, Suppl. VIII, p. 92; Agora, III, p. 61, 130; Agora, III, p. 61, 131; Kübler, figs. 3, 4, 5 with discussion pp. 108, 116","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-126","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-126::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 126 (110).png::1449::2048","Mid 3rd A.D.; 3rd quarter of 3rd A.D.; 1st half of 3rd A.D.; 3rd A.D.; Early 4th A.D.; Mid 4th A.D.","Agora 7, s. 126, p. 110" "Agora","PublicationPage","Abbreviations and Select Bibliography; The Athenian Agora, Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Agora 1; Agora 2; Agora 3; Agora 4; Agora 5; Agora 6; American Journal of Archaeology; Alföldi, A., ""Die Vorherrschaft der pannonier im Römerreiche und die Reaktion des Hellenentums unter Gallienus,"" 25 Jahre römisch-germanische Kommission, Berlin and Leipzig, 1931, pp. 11-51; Almagro, Martin, Las Necropolis de Ampurias, Vol. II, Necropolis Romanas y Necropolis Indigenas, Barcelona, 1955; F. Alvarez-Ossorio, Lucernas o lamparas antiguas, de barro cocido del Museo Arquelogico Nacional,"" Archivo Espanol de Arqueologia, XV, 1942, pp. 271-287; Antioch-on-the-Orontes, I, The Excavations of 1932, ed. by G. W. Elderkin, Princeton, 1934, Lamps, by F. O. Waage, pp. 58-67; Antioch-on-the-Orontes, III, The Excavations of 1937-1939, ed. by R. Stillwell, Princeton, London, The Hague, 1941. Lamps, by F. O. Waage, pp. 55-82; Archäologischer Anzeiger; Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς; Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung; Bulletin van de Vereniging tot Bevordering der Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving; J. J. Bachofen, Römische Grablampen nebst einigen andern Grabdenkmälern, Leipzig, 1912; M. L. Barré et H. Roux, Herculanum et Pompéi, Tome VII, Paris, 1840; P. S. Bartoli and G. P. Bellori, Le antiche lucerne sepolcrali figurate, Rome, 1729; Samuel E. Bassett, ""The Cave at Vari, VI, The Terracotta Lamps,"" A.J.A., VII, 1903, pp. 338-349; Paul V. C. Baur, The Lamps, Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report IV, Part III, New Haven and London, 1947; P. V. C. Baur, Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in Yale University, New Haven 1922; Begerus, Laurentius, Thesaurus electoralis Brandenburgici, III, Coloniae Marchicae, 1696, cf. pp. 435-454; B ---, Em., ""Symbolique chrétienne,"" Bulletin de l'école française d'Athènes, I, 1868, pp. 65-67; M. L. Bernhard, Lampki Starozytne, Warsaw, 1955; Bigot, C., ""Les lampes in terre cuite du Musée de la société archéologique d'Athènes,"" Bulletin de l'école française d'Athènes, I, 1868, pp. 33-47; J. Brants, Antieke Terra-Cotta-Lampen, Vit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Leiden, 1913; Breccia, E., ""Lampes 'Africanes' du Musée Greco-Romain,"" Le Musée Greco-Romain au cours de l'année 1922-1923, pp. 25-31; Corinth IV, ii; Broneer, O., ""A Late Type of Wheel-made Lamps from Corinth,"" A.J.A., XXXI, 1927, pp. 329-337; Broneer, O., ""Eros and Aphrodite on the North Slope of the Acropolis,"" Hesperia, I, 1932, cf. pp. 48-49; Broneer, O., ""The 'Armed Aphrodite' on Acrocorinth and the Aphrodite of Capua,"" University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, Vol. I, 1929-1944, pp. 65-84; Bulletin de la Société Royale d'Alexandrie d'Archéologie; Bulletin de correspondance hellénique; Cesnola, L. P. di, A Descriptive Atlas of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 3 vols., Boston, 1885-1903","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-11","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-7-11::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 007/Agora 007 011 (x).png::1449::2048","","Agora 7, s. 11, p. x"