Agora 22, s. 25, p. 8Kraus, Zentralmuseum, p. 2
Courby, pp. 425
Adriani, p. 124
Harden, The Canosa Group of Hellenistic Glasses, p. 41
Von Saldern, Glass Finds at Gordion, p. 46
Oliver, A Gold-glass Fragment, pp. 9-10
Oliver, A Gold-glass Fragment, p. 16
Wuilleumier, Le trésor de Tarente, pp. 29-31, pls. 11,12
Adriani, pp. 119-120
Les bols hellénistiques en verre doré, pp. 139-140
Kraus, Antithetische Böcke, pp. 119-123
Adriani, pl. 1
Adriani, pp. 105-111, 124, pls 2,3
Oliver, A Gold-glass Fragment, pp. 16
Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, Les bols hellénistiques en verre doré, pp. 130, 139
Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, Les bol hellénistique en verre doré au Corning Museum of Glass, pp. 47-48, figs 3,4
Edgar, The Treasure of Toukh-el-Qarmous, pp. 57-62, pls 27, 28:2
Hausmann, p. 20, pl. 1
Rubenshohn, Hellenistisches Silbergerät, p. 3
Rubenshohn, Hellenistisches Silbergerät, p. 88
Les bols mégariens, p. 15
Richter, Ancient Plaster Casts, pp. 370-371
Rubenshohn, Hellenistisches Silbergerät, nos. 18-20, pls. 7,9
Agora 22, s. 100, p. 83Pnyx, no. 43
Oliver, A Gold-glass Fragment, p. 10, figs. 1-3
Thompson D 39, D 40
 225-175 B.C.
100-86 B.C.
225-150 B.C.
110-86 B.C.
145 B.C.
145-100 B.C.
Agora 22, s. 24, p. 7Courby, pp. 424-426
Kraus, Zentralmuseum, p. 2
Noshy, The Arts in Ptolemaic Egypt, p. 130
Parlasca, pp. 132-134
Dèlos XXXI, pp. 1-3
Dèlos XXXI, pp. 7
Kraus, Antithetische Böcke, pp. 119-123
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, p. 99, pl. 25:a
Oliver, Persian Export Glass, pp. 9-13, figs. 1-9
Von Saldern, Glass Finds at Gordion, pp. 41-42, figs. 27-29
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, p. 65, pl. 12:a
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, pp. 56-57, fig. 12
I. Rabinowitz, Aramaic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century B.C.E. from a North-Arab Shrine in Egypt, JNES 15, 1956, pls. 1, 3-5
Les bols mégariens, p. 14, fig. 10
A. Lansing, A Silver Bottle of the Ptolemaic Period, Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 33, 1938, p. 199, fig. 1
C.F.A. Schaeffer, Les fouilles de Ras Shamra-Ugarit, sixième campagne (printemps 1934), Syria 16, 1935, pp. 152-154, pl. 30:4
Zahn, Makedonischer Schild, makenischer Becher, p. 58
Parlasca, pp. 136-146
L. Kreimer, The Decoration of a New Kingdom Vase, JNES 8, 1949, p. 4, pl. 7
I. Rabinowitz, Aramaic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century B.C.E. from a North-Arab Shrine in Egypt, JNES 15, 1956, pp.1-2, pls. 1, 3-5
I. Rabinowitz, Five Years of Collecting Egyptian Art, 1951-1956, pp. 43-45, pls. 69, 75, now. 50,51
I. Rabinowitz, Five Years of Collecting Egyptian Art, 1951-1956, p. 38, pl. 64, no. 42
Adriani, pls. 2-4
Tarsus I, no. 183, p. 225, fig. 132
Labraunda II, i, pp. 19-20
Parlasca, p. 154
Hausmann, pp. 19-20
Agora 22, s. 51, p. 34Long Petal Bowls
Long Petal Bowls; Origins
Courby, pp. 329-334
Corinth VII, iii, p. 176
Thompson, p. 456
F. Bisson de la Roque, G. Contenau, and F. Chapouthier, Le trésor de Tôd, Cairo 1953, pls. 12, 18-38
C. R. Williams, News Items from Egypt: The Season of 1935 to 1936 in Egypt, AJA 40, 1936, pp. 551, 553, fig. 5
Rabinowitz, pl. 3
Oliver, Persian Export Glass, p. 15, figs. 13-16
Vickers, An Achaemenid Glass Bowl in a Dated Context, p. 15, figs. 1, 2
Swedish Cyprus Expedition III, no. 292c, pp. 238, 278, 288-290, pls. 90, 92
Segall, p. 9, fig. 2
Cambridge Ancient History, pl. vol. III, pp. 70-71, b
M. Comstock and C. Vermeule, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Bronzes in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Greenwich, Conn. 1971, nos. 423, 436, 437, 441
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, pls. 17:b, 19:b, 20:a, 26:a
K.A. Neugebauer, Reifarchaische Bronzevasen mit Zungenmuster, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung 38/39, 1923/1924, pp. 341-440
Agora XII, nos. 201, 203, 204, 213, 214, 216, 217, 230; nos. 673, 674, 679, 704, 711
Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, Un bol d'argent hellénistique en Suéde, p. 122, fig. 2
Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, Un bol d'argent hellénistique en Suéde, p. 120-121, fig. 1
R. Zahn, Ein goldener Becher in der Ermitage zu Leningrad, JdI82, 1967, p. 3, figs. 1,2
R. Zahn, Ein goldener Becher in der Ermitage zu Leningrad, JdI82, 1967, p. 12
Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World, Oxford 1941, pp. 534, 540
H. Küthmann, Beiträge zur hellenistisch-römischen Toreutik, p. 108
Five Years of Collecting Egyptian Art, 1951-1956, no. 50, pp. 43-44, pl. 72
Agora 22, s. 15, p. xvKroll, J.H., Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology:Numismatic Appendix, AthMitt 89, 1974, pp. 201-203
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 Publications: Monographs