Agora 7, s. 126, p. 110"New Illustrations to the Iliad," A.J.A., LIV, 1950, p. 118
Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Bust of Aphrodite Wearing Stephane
Robert, Sarkophagreliefs, II, pl. XXIV, 54
Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Armed Aphrodite
Kübler, figs. 17, 39
R. Schilling, La relition romaine de Venus, pls. XXVII-XXXII
A. Alföldi, Insignien und Tracht der römischen Kaiser," Röm. Mitt., L, 1935, pp. 122-124
O. Broneer, "The 'Armed Aphrodite' on Acrocorinth and the Aphrodite of Capua," University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, Vol. I, No. 2, pp. 66-84
Kübler, p. 118, with footnote 71
Ephesos, IV, pl. I, 75
Broneer, p. 98, fig. 44
Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Ares
Corinth, Cheliotomylos 108
Pagenstecher 163, pp. 90, 191, fig. 40
Syll. Num. Graec. D.N.M.
Corinth, no. 346, pl. 7
Corinth, no. 375, pl. 8
Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Artemis
Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Aphrodite and the Three Graces
Walters 1210, pl. XXXIV
Αρχ. Εφ., 1922, p. 70, fig. 10, 3
"Hellenistische Kunst auf römischen Lampen," Ganymed, Heidelberger Beiträge zur antiken Kunstgeschichte, 1949, pp. 48-51
Haken, under 84, p. 78
P. C. Sestieri, "'Diana Venetrix'," Riv. Inst. Arch., VIII, 1941, PP. 107-129
Hesperia, Suppl. VIII, p. 92
Agora, III, p. 61, 130
Agora, III, p. 61, 131
Kübler, figs. 3, 4, 5 with discussion pp. 108, 116
 Mid 3rd A.D.
3rd quarter of 3rd A.D.
1st half of 3rd A.D.
3rd A.D.
Early 4th A.D.
Mid 4th A.D.