Agora 29.1, s. 222, p. 183Moldmade
Ring Vase; Feeder
Agora 12, p. 161
Charitonides, 1981, no. 5, p. 178, fig. 4:θ, pl. 45:α
Schlörb-Vierneisel, 1966, no. 155:3, p. 90, pl. 58:2
Andreiomenou, 1973, p. 177, pl. 62:γ
Δελτ 18, 1963, B' 2 [1965], p. 223, pl. 261:δ
PF II, C 28, C 29, p. 44, pls. 5, 21
Sciatbi, no. 151, p. 60, pl. LI:95
Pagenstecher, 1913, pp. 141-142, figs. 148, 149:f, h
Adriani, 1940, p. 117, fig. 53:49
Agora 12, no. 1198, p. 320, pl. 39
PF II, C 28, p. 44, pl. 5
Corbett, 1949, pp. 316-317
Rolley, 1965, pp. 471-477
Furumark, 1941, pp. 32, 67
Mountjoy, 1986, pp. 80-81, 189, 199
Agora 29.1, s. 147, p. 108Net-Pattern Cup
Alt-Ägina II, i, nos. 523, 546, pp. 72, 74, pls. 40, 41
Corinth VII, iii, nos. 525, 526, p. 88, pl. 54
Broneer, 1958, nos. 37, 38, pp. 31-32, pl. 13:d
Anderson-Stojanovic, 1993, nos. 89, 124, pp. 290, 294, figs. 15, 20, pls. 64, 67
Gravani, 1988-1989, p. 107, pl. 6:α
Kalydon, no. 8, p. 129 (417), figs. 144, 145
Albania Antica III, no. 9, p. 132, pl. XIX
Demetrias I, no. 136, p. 123, pls. 43:1, XIX:4
Watzinger, 1901, no. 20, pp. 75-76
Callaghan, 1978a, no. 83, p. 20, pl. 6
COurby, 1913, no. 721, pp. 427-428, fig. 6
Buchholz, 1975, E 101, p. 108, pl. 20:c
AvP IX, p. 122, pl. 58:f:1, 4
Priene, nos. 7, 8, pp. 397-398, fig. 526:7
Samos XIV, pp. 157-158, fig. 256:E-G
Wintermeyer, 1980, no. 35, p. 129, pl. 53
Ephesos IX, ii/ii, C 31-C 39, pp. 62-63, 65-66, pls. 73-75
Labraunda II, i, nos. 338, 371-373, pp. 45, 74, 76, pls. 17, 18
G. Kleiner, 1975, p. 217, pl. 44:a, b
Breccia, 1930, no. 21881, p. 126, pl. XX:2
Pagenstecher, 1913, p. 21, fig. 29
Paphos III, no. 5, p. 131, fig. IV, pl. IV:12
Morel, 1981, Series 2131-2133, p. 139, pl. 31
Pagenstecher, 1909, no. 101, pp. 68-69
Bisi, 1970, no. 77, p. 548, fig. 38
Ferron and Pinard, 1955, no. 129, p. 71, pl. LXIII
Bothmer, 1984, nos. 105, 106, pp. 59-60
Villefosse, 1899, pp. 62-63, fig. 14
Agora 12, nos. 1, 2, p. 45, pl. 1
Kabirion III, no. 314, p. 136, pl. 14
Corinth VII, iii, nos. 530, 531, p. 90, pl. 54
H.S. Robinson, 1969, no. 61, p. 28, fig. 3 on p. 12, pl. 3
Corinth VII, iii, C 65-97, pp. 89-90, pl. 17
Bruneau, 1970, no. 185.18, pp. 498-499, figs. 163, 164
FdD V, i, no. 408, p. 174, fig. 733
PF II, G 3, p. 117, fig. 10, pl. 51 and Z 132-137 A, p. 154, fig. 20
AvP XI, ii, nos. 296, 297, p. 89, pls. 51:3, 52:8, no. 407, p. 99, pl. 52"2
AvP IX, p. 120, pl. 57:c:8
Tarsus I, no. 113, p. 219, fig. 125
Tarsus I, no. 128, p. 220, fig. 126
Antioch IV, i, no. 57, p. 13, fig. 3:21, 23
Hama III, ii, no. 84, p. 20, figs. 8, 9
Paphos III, no. 27, p. 105, fig. III:7, pl. XXVI:17
CVA, Amsterdam 2 [Netherlands 2], pl. 4 [86]:13, 14
Veroia, Π1460, pp. 78-79, fig. 20 on p. 127, pl. 53
Corinth VII, iii, nos. 605-607, pp. 102-103, pls. 19, 58
La Rosa, 1990, p. 162, pl. 83:a
P 19233Oinochoe8-10, 12 April 1948  
P 19236Oinochoe8-10, 12 April 1948  
P 19237Oinochoe8-10, 12 April 1948  
P 19238Oinochoe8-10, 12 April 1948  
Agora 12.2, s. 89, p. 462Olynthus: Robinson, D.M., and others, Excavations at Olynthus, Baltimore, XII, Public and Domestic Architecture, pls. 186-187, 191, 218-219, pl. 191, 2, pl. 219, 2
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1898 (1901), p. 18, fig. 17
Persepolis: University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications, II, E.F. Schmidt, Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries, Chicago, 1957, Frontispiece and pl. 70 c
Olynthus: Robinson, D.M., and others, Excavations at Olynthus, Baltimore, XIII, Vases found in 1934 and 1938, pl. 4, P 3, pl. 82, 510A, pl. 82 and 191, 521, pl. 136, 216, pl. 137, 217-218, 219, pl. 138, 231, pl. 138-139, pl. 138, 225-226, pl. 148-149, pl. 168, pl. 170-171, pl. 172, 460 A, pl. 173, 456, pl. 173-177, pl. 174, 461 A, B, pl. 175, 476, pl. 176, 465, pl. 178-179, 477-87, pl. 183, 493-395, pl. 183 and 185, 497, pl. 183, 502, pl. 183 and 191, 503, pl. 184 and 185, 497, pl. 184 and 187, 498, pl. 184, 500, pl. 185, 510, pl. 186-188, 501, pl. 186, 519, pl. 188, 510-511, pl. 189, 517, pl. 189 and 191, 518, pl. 189-192, 522, pl. 190 and 191, 520, pl. 190 and 191, 521 A, pl. 190 and 191, 521 B, pl. 190 and 192, 522 A, B, B 119, pl. 194, pl. 195, 466, pl. 196-202, 559-567 and 575-590, pl. 198, pl. 200-202, pl. 203, pl. 204-211, pl. 220, 772, pl. 224, 779 and 784, pl. 239, pl. 244-245, pl. 246, 1021-1022, pl. 247, 1023-1024, pl. 249, 1026, pl. 249, 1027, pl. 249, 1028-1029 and 1034, pl. 250, 1030, pl. 252 and 265, 1119, pl. 253, 1047-1049, 1053, pl. 263-266
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1903 (1906), p. 32, figs. 35 a-b
Pfuhl, E., Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen, Munich, 1923, fig. 209, 611, 770, 777
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1909-1910 (1913), p. 131, figs. 198 a-b
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1912 (1916), p. 43, fig. 59 a-b
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1913-1915 (1918), p. 29, figs. 23-24, p. 44, figs. 65-66
Philippaki, B., The Attic Stamnos, Oxford, 1967, pl. 8
Oudheidkundige Mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Leyden, XXXIV, 1953, pp. 2-3, figs. 1-2 and pl. I, 2
Philologische Wochenschrift, Leipsic, 1882-1940
Philologus, Leipsic, LXXII, 1913, pp. 546-548
Oudheidkundige Mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Leyden, XXXVIII, 1957, p. 56, fig. 16 and pl. V, 2
Packard-Cambridge, A.W., Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, 2nd ed., revised by T.B.L., Webster, Oxford, 1962
Pagenstecher, R., Expedition Sieglinden, II, iii: Die griechischen-ägyptische Sammlung Ernst von Sieglinden, Leipsic, 1913, p. 21, fig. 28, p. 139, fig. 144c and 144d
Pottier, E., Vases antiques du Louvre, Paris, 1897-1922, pl. 68, F 66, pl. 132, G 247
Papers of the British School at Rome, London, XXVI, 1958, pl. 3 c
Powell, J.U., and Barber, E.A., New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature, iii, Oxford, 1933, fig. 5 (between pp. 104 and 105)
Payne, H.G.G., Necrocorinthia, Oxford, 1931, p. 33, fig. 10 D, p. 308, figs. 144-146, 913-915, pl. 13, 1
Powell, T.G., The Celts, New York, 1958, figs. 16-17
Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἐταιρείας, Athens, 1956, pl. 80 β, pl. 83
Pellegrini, G., Catalogo dei vasi greci dipinti delle necropoli felsinee, Bologna, 1912, p. 22, fig. 10, 58, p. 37, fig. 21, 117, p. 53, fig. 32, 159, p. 164, fig. 95, 327, p. 225, fig. 142, 575, p. 228, fig. 147, 629, p. 229, fig. 148, 649
Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἐταιρείας, Athens, 1961, pls. 124-125
Quagliati, Q., Il Museo Nazionale di Taranto, Rome, 1932, pl. 69, at left
Pennsylvania University Museum Exhibit from Private Collections, August 24-29, 1964, no. 56, no. 69
Raubitschek, A.E., Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis, Cambridge, Mass., 1949, p. 371, p. 371, 337, p. 371, 363-370
Perachora, The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia, 1930-1933, II, T.J. Dunbabin, and others, Oxford, 1962, pls. 124-125, pls. 126-128, pls. 128, 3329, pl. 129, 3903-3905, pl. 151, 3862
Revue archéologique, Paris, XXIII, 1914, pl. IX
Revue archéologique, Paris, IV, 1916, p. 151, fig. 3
Pernice, E., Die Hellenistische Kunst in Pompeji, Berlin, 1932, pls. 24-35
Revue archéologique de l' Est et du Centre-Est, Dijon, from 1950
Agora 5, s. 29, p. 15Ornavasso, pp. 266-267, pl. XXIII
Ornavasso, pp. 46, 98, pl. XVII, 7, from tomb 7
Willers, Neue Untersuchungen über die röm. Bronze-industrie von Capua und Niedergermanien, Hannover, 1907, pp. 11, 13-19, fig. 12, 7
Hesperia 7, 1938, pp. 347-348, fig. 31
Hill, Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, IX, 1946, pp. 68-79
J.H.S., LXXIV, 1954, p. 175, pl. XI, b
Ornavasso, pl. XXVI, 11, 12, 13, from tombs 69, 26, and 94, pp. 235-236, 211, 248-249
Morin-Jean, La verrerie en Gaule sous l'empire Romain, Paris 1913, forms 22, 26, 39, pp. 73-79, 91
Hardin, Roman Glass from Karanis, Ann Arbor, 1936, pp. 265-274
Neuburger, Glass in Antiquity, London, 1949, p. 42, fig. 82