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Agora 23, s. 37, p. 21Bothmer, Bull. Metr. Mus. 19, 1960-61, pp. 141-142
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J. Boardman, ABFV, p. 188
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Athens, N.M. 1045
ABV 186
Jahr. Berl. Museen 3, 1961, p. 123, fig. 8
Bonn, inv. no. 574
Painter of the Vogell Pelike
ABV 339, 1
Paralip. 152, 1
Bothmer, AA (JdI 91), 1976, p. 487
Menil psykter
Hoffman, Ten Centuries, fig. 175
Brussels A 1652
Acheloös Painter
ABV 387, 19
S. Drougou, Der attische Psykter, Würtzburg 1975, pl. 13:1
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New York, M.M.A. 60.11.3
Heidelberg 279
CVA, Heidelberg 1 [Germany 10], pl. 42 [476]:7
Bull. Metr. Mus. 19, 1960-61, pp. 138-139, figs. 7, 8
Antimenes Painter
Vienna 137
CVA, Vienna 1 [Austria 1], pl. 1 [1]:2
Hoffmann, Ten Centuries, fig. 175
Heidelberg 215
CVA, Heidelberg 1 [Germany 10], pl. 32 [466]:8
Leipzig T 367
Berlin, inv. no. 3251
ABV 280, 57
CVA, Leipzig 2 [DDR 2], pl. 27 [88]
ARV (2) 113, 7
Paralip. 332, 3
Berlin 1960.32
ARV (2) 1630
Florence 8 B 17
ARV (2) 238, 8
Greifswald 316
ARV (2) 342, 2
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