Jentel, 1976, pp. 199, 205-206, 361-364, figs. 189-191, pl. LVIII
Hobling, 1923-1925, iv, p. 296, fig. 7:e
Agora 27, no. 221, pp. 197-187, pl. 51
Courby, 1922, no. 15:B, p. 234, pl. VIII:b
Alt-Ägina II, i, no. 666, p. 83, pl. 50
Bar-Sharrar, 1987, TC 55-TC 63, pp. 136-138, pl. 68
Schwabacher, 1941, no. 1 d, p. 206
Alt-Ägina II, i, no. 665, p. 83, pl. 50
Hausmann, 1959, pl. 4
Agora 22, nos. 181-183, pp. 65-66, pl. 33
Pagenstecher, 1909, no. 39, p. 43, fig. 19
Jentel, 1976, pp. 325-327, 338-340, 369, figs, 170, 174-178, 195, pls. LIII, LV, LX
Richter, 1959, p. 244, figs. 26, 28, pls. 54, 55
Courby, 1922, no. 22, p. 239, fig. 40 on p. 239
Carapanos, 1878, no. 5, p. 111, pl. LXI:8
PF II, E 23, E 28, p. 97, pl. 27
Courby, 1922, no. 38, p. 248
AvP I, ii, no. 4, p. 277, Beiblatt 44:4
FdD V, no. 455, p. 179
Svoronos, 1904, pls. VII-IX, XI-XIV
Kraay and Hirmer, 1966, nos. 799-801, p. 382, pls. 218, XIX
Richter, 1962, pp. 1322-1326
Rubensohn, 1911, p. 24, fig. 1
R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, 1978, pp. 1-7, figs. 1-11
Kyrieleis, 1975, pp. 7-8, pl. 7:1,2
D.B. Thompson, 1973, nos. 278-280, 282, 286, 288, 290, pp. 201-204, pls. LXV-LXVII
Rubensohn, 1911, nos. 12, 13, pp. 24-25, pl. X
Queyrel, 1984, pp. 267-300
D.B. Thompson, 1965, no. 3, p. 71, pl. 21
Courby, 1922, p. 224
D.B. Thompson, 1963c, pp. 304-305, pl. 80
Zanker, 1989, pp. 46, 47, figs. 31, 32
Kossatz-Diessmann, 1995
Bieber, 1961b, p. 81, fig. 284, p. 141, fig. 586
Oliver, 1977, no. 36, pp. 72-73, no. 50, p. 88, and no. 53, p. 90
Bothmer, 1984, no. 95, p. 55
Agora 22, no. 181, pp. 65-66, pl. 33
Hausmann, 1959, pl. 4
Pagenstecher, 1909, no. 39, p. 43, fig. 19
Jentel, 1976, pp. 325-327, 338-340, 369, figs. 170, 174-178, 195, pls. LIII, LV, LX
Richter, 1959, p. 244, figs. 26, 28, pls. 54, 55
Carapanos, 1978, no. 5, p. 111, pl. LXI:8
AA [JdI 25], 1910, cosl. 219-220, figs. 18, 19
PF II, pp. 79-80
Sinn, 1979, MB 67-MB 70, pp. 120-125, pls. 26, 27
Siebert, 1984, pp. 14-20, pls. 4, 5
Akamatis, 1985, nos. 322, 323, M 79-M 88, pp. 207-210, 325-329, pls. 226-232, 294-302
AvP I, ii, no. 4, p. 277, Beiblatt 44:4
FdD V, i, no. 455, p. 179
Nicole, 1911, no. 1338, p. 308
PF II, E 23, pp. 80, 97, pl. 27