Agora 16, s. 277, p. 259J.D. Mikalson, Sacred and Civil Calendar, pp. 100-101
L. Threatte, Grammar, p. 378
A.S. Henry, Prescripts, pp. 64-65 and 68
P.J. Rhodes, Athenian Boule, p. 264
PA 180
PA 179
J.K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families, pp. 277-282
IG II², 653
Athenaios, 8.340e
Aristotle, Athenaion Politeia 56.4
IG II², 668, line 14
IG II², 668
L. Daubner, Attische Feste, pp. 138-142
Henry, Honours, pp. 42-44
Henry, Honours, pp. 311-315
Rhodes, Athenian Boule, pp. 281-283
C. Habicht, Untersuchungen, p. 99
L. Moretti, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche I, p. 30
T.L. Shear, Kallias, p. 28, note 58
P. Gauthier, REG 92, 1979, pp. 349-399
IG II², 1534A, lines 47-48
S.B. Aleshire, The Athenian Asklepieion, 1989, pp. 177-248, inventory IV, lines 70-71, esp. pp. 233
IG II², 488
Agora 16, s. 267, p. 249A.S. Henry, Honours, pp. 68, 91, note 27, 93, note 40
P.J. Rhodes, Athenian Boule, p. 252
Henry, CQ n.s. 16, 1966, pp. 292-297
IG II², 3425
SEG I, 363, line 7
Syll³, 390, line 2
Henry, Honours, pp. 69 and 95, note 52
Osborne, Naturalization I, p. 21
W.S. Ferguson, Hellenistic Athens, p. 151, note 5
SEG XXV, 209
Osborne, Naturalization II, p. 163
T.L. Shear, Kallias, p. 34, note 79
W.W. Tarn, JHS 53, 1933, p. 67
RE IIA, ii, col. 2224, s.v. Sidon
C. Habicht, Untersuchungen, pp. 80-81
L. Moretti, Iscrizioni ellenistiche greche I, pp. 36-37, no. 17
W. Peremans and E. van't Dack, Prosopographia Ptolemaica VI, 1968 (=Studia Hellenistica 17), pp. 95-97, no. 15085
I.L. Merker, Historia 19, 1970, pp. 143-150
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 5, 1936, pp. 416-417, no. 13, with photograph
Agora 3, pp. 28-29, no. 38
29 April 1933  
Agora 16, s. 280, p. 262W.B. Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 292
T.L. Shear, Kallias, pp. 31-32, with note 71
E. Will in CAH VII, 2nd ed., i, 1984, p. 113, with note 43
Henry, Honours, pp. 46-47
W.B. Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, pp. 292-293
IG II², 7795
IG VII, 4266
A.E. Raubitschek, Hesperia 11, 1942, p. 305
Henry, Honours, p. 43
Agora 3, pp. 174-177
Aischines, 2.85
Agora 14, pp. 73-74
J.M. Camp, Athenian Agora, pp. 116-118
W.B. Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, pp. 295-296
Henry, Honours, pp. 42-44
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 10, 1941, pp. 57-58, no. 21, with photograph
3 February 1934  
Agora 16, s. 275, p. 257IG II², 657
W.B. Dinsmoor, Archons of Athens, pp. 30, 60-61, 69
W.B. Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 40-41
IG II², 657, line 39
Dinsmoor, Hesperia 23, 1954, p. 314
B.D. Meritt, Athenian Year, p. 233
Historia 26, 1977, p. 173
C. Habicht, Untersuchungen, p. 99, note 24
M.J. Osborne, ZPE 58, 1985, p. 275
IG II², 1273, lines 1-27
B.D. Meritt, Hesperia 7, 1938, p. 108
W.B. Dinsmoor, Athenian Archon List, pp. 45-46
A.N. Oikonomides, ZPE 32, 1978, pp. 85-86
IG II², 1273
Habicht, ZPE 39, 1980, pp. 1-5
A.N. Oikonomides, ZPE 32, 1978, note 6
S.V. Tracy, Attic Letter-Cutters, p. 259
IG II², 682, lines 53-54
T.L. Shear, Kallias, pp. 66, 87-89, 100
IG II², 644 and 645
Meritt, TAPA 95, 1964, p. 236
Meritt, Ἀρχ. Ἐφ., 1968, pp. 92-105
SEG XXI, 525
SEG XXV, 147
Agora 22, s. 29, p. 12IG II2, 1303, lines 9-12
T.L. Shear Jr., The Monument of the Eponymous Heroes in the Athenian Agora, Hesperia 39, 1970, pp. 171-176, 181-186, 196-203, esp. p. 199
W.K. Pritchett, Note on the Attic Year 307/6, AJP 58, 1937, pp. 220-221
W.K. Pritchett, The Five Attic Tribes, pp. 5, 33, 37
S. Follet, Athénes au IIe et au IIIe siècle, Paris 1976, pp. 119-121
Pausanias x.10.1
H Pomtow, Studien zu den Weihgeschenken und der Topographie in Delphi. II, Klio 8, 1908, pp. 73-120
D. Kluwe, Das Marathonweihgeschenk in Delphi, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität-Jena 14, 1965, pp. 21-27
RE Suppl. IV, 1924, cols. 1214-1218, no. 7
IG II2, 4676
L Moretti, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche I, Florence 1967, pp. 58-60, no. 27
Ferguson, p. 242
Ferguson, Researches in Athenian and Delian Documents, Klio 8, 1908, pp. 339-341
L. Robert, Revue des études grecques 54, 1941, pp. 246-247
M. Mitsos, Eine agonistische Inschrift aus Argos, AthMitt 65, 1940, p. 49
RE XXIII, ii, 1959, s.v. Ptolemaia 2, cols. 1585-1586
W.S. Ferguson and S. Dow, The Decree of the Athenian Garrisons Honoring Theophrastos I.G.2 II 1303, Hesperia 2, 1933, p. 448
L Moretti, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche I, Florence 1967, pp. 69-71, no. 31
B.D. Meritt, Greek Inscriptions, Hesperia 5, 1936, pp. 419-428, no. 15, line 49
IG II2, 891, line 14, 900, line 10, 956, lines 34-35
B.D. Meritt, Greek Inscriptions, Hesperia 4, 1935, pp. 525-528, no. 39
L Moretti, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche I, Florence 1967, pp. 60-63, no. 28