Agora 7, s. 65, p. 49Achilles
Walters 1217, fig. 261
Inscriptiones Creticae, II, XIII, 22
Candia Museum no. 903
Sammlung Sabouroff, I, pl. LXXV
Centaur attacking, left
Dioskouros with horse
KL 1791
Eros playing double flute, right
Walters 1213
KL 1783
KL 1784
Eros with torch and thyrsos
KL 1785-1789
CL 3751
KL 1790
God with trident
Goddess in naiskos
Walters 1222, pl. XXXIV
Athens N.M. 3102
Inst. phots. N.M. 2499, 2503
Walters 1204, pl. XXXIV
Symplegma and footstool
Athens N.M. 3200
Inst. phot. N.M. 2501
Symplegma and child
Figure with cymbals
Broneer 667-668, pl. XXVIII
Youth with stag
C.I.G., IV, 8491
Museo Naniano, pl. 342, 7
Kübler, pp. 102, 107-108
Agora 7, s. 127, p. 111Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Asklepios
CL 2243
Walters 1217, fig. 261
CL 1832
Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Athena Parthenos
Broneer 582
Broneer 583
Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, Beilage XXVII, 4
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pp. 182-183, pl. LXII
Hesperia, XXVII, 1958, pp. 159-160, pl. 46
Broneer 1102-1108
Attic Lamps; Lamps of the 3rd and 4th Centuries; Figured Disk; Bust of Athena Promachos
Agora, V, L 63, p. 81, pl. 36
Tarsus, I, 209, p. 116, fig. 102
"Die 'Promachos' des Pheidias und die Kerameikos-Lampen," Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. 59-74
Waldhauer 476, pl. XLV
"Die große eherne Athena des Pheidias," Ath. Mitt., LVII, 1932, pp. 151-157
"The Bronze Athena at Byzantion," J.H.S., LXVII, 1947, pp. 31-33
Les reproductions de statues sur les monnaies grecques, Liege, 1949, pp. 281-286
"Die 'Promachos' des Pheidias und die Kerameikos-Lampen," Ath. Mitt., LVI, 1931, pp. 63-64
Group 1
Group 2
 Mid 3rd A.D. 
Agora 23, s. 129, p. 113Frel, PPA, p. 11, fig. 7
Baltimore 48.13
Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 3, 1940, p. 114, fig. 6
Würzburg 261
Langlotz, pl. 72
One-Piece Amphorae; Panel Amphorae
Painter of Boulogne 441
Boulogne 441
ABV 290, 1
Munich 1461
N. Gardiner, Athletics in the Ancient World, Oxford 1955, fig. 164
Hypobibazon Class
Paralip. 150
Rycroft Painter
Munich 1720
ABV 337, 24
Hamburg 1917.476
ABV 337, 25
CVA, Hamburg 1 [Germany 41], pl. 25 [1991]:2
New York, M.M.A. 06.1021.67
ABV 338
Paralip. 148, 5 ter
Boston, M.F.A. 01.8060
Karithaios Painter
ABV 161
CVA, Boston 2 [USA 19], pl. 78 [912]:2
London, B.M. B 303
Class of Munich 2418
Munich 2418
ABV 342, 2
Cambridge 56
Leagros Group
ABV 364, 52
Philadelphia 2493
Class of Vatican G. 47
Vatican G. 47
ABV 429, 3
Leipzig T 49
CVA, Leipzig 2 [DDR 2], pl. 23 [84]
Bologna 41292
CVA, Bologna 2 [Italy 7], pl. 7 [306]:4
E. Vanderpool, Hesperia 15, 1946, p. 123, no. 3, pl. 14:4
Kerameikos PA 443
 520 B.C.
520-510 B.C.
510 B.C.