L 4570Lamp19 April 1949 
L 4613Lamp9 July 1949 
L 4615Lamp13 July 1949 
 P 22274Amphora Fragment22 April 1952 
P 22275Skyphos22 April 1952 
P 22277Bowl Fragments22 April 1952 
 T 19:3WellMay 1937 
Agora 10, s. 11, p. xiThe Athenian Agora; Volume 10; Weights Measures and Tokens; Part I; Weights and Measures by Mabel Lang; Abbreviations and Bibliography
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Metrologicorum Scriptorum Religuiqe, ed. F. Hultsch, I, Leipzig, 1864
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Michon, E., Pondus, Daremberg Saglio, et Pottier, Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romains, IV, pp. 548-559
Milbank, S.R., Coinage of Aegina, Amer. Num.Soc.N.Mon., XXIV, New York, 1925
Milne, J.G., The Monetary Reform of Solon, J.H.S., L., 1930, pp. 179-185
Murray, A.S., Greek Weights in the British Museum, Num.Chron., VIII, 1868, pp. 57-73
E. Bernie, Griechische Gewichte, Berlin, 1894
Pink, K., Römische und Byzantinische Gewichte in österreichischen Sammlungen, Sonderschriften des sterreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien, XII, Wien, 1938
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Robinson, D.M., Excavations at Olynthus, Part X, Metal and Minor Miscellaneous Finds, Baltimore, 1941
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Agora 7, s. 13, p. xiiAgora 4
Hug, A., "Lucerna," Pauly-Wissowa, R.E., XIII, 1566-1613
Inscriptiones Graecae, Berlin, 1873-
J. H. Iliffe, "Imperial Art in Trans-Jordan," Q.D.A.P., XI-XII, 1941-1946, pp. 1-26
F. Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner, A Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias (reprinted from J.H.S., VI-VIII, 1885-1887), London
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Kourouniotis, J. and Thompson, H. A., "The Pnyx in Athens," Hesperia, I, 1932, cf. pp. 183-185
Kübler, K., "Mitteilungen aus dem Kerameikos IV," Ath. Mitt., LIII, 1928, pp. 181-182
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Lehmann-Hartleben, K., "Second Campaign of Excavation in Samothrace," A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, cf. p. 348, fig. 27
Guido Libertini, Il Museo Biscari, Milan and Rome, 1930
S. Loeschcke, Lampen aus Vindonissa, Zurich, 1919
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Lord, Louis E., "Blockhouses in the Argolid," Hesperia, X, 1941, cf. pp. 110-111
Heinz Menzel, Antike Lampen im römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz, 1954
Merlin, A. and Poinssot, L., Cratères et candelabres de marbre, Tunis and Paris, 1930
Messerschmidt, F., "Tragödienszenen auf römischen Lampen," Röm. Mitt., XLIV, 1929, pp. 26-42
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D. Ivanyi, Die pannonischen Lampen, Budapest, 1935
P 16453Black Glaze ChousMay, June 1939 
Agora 22, s. 14, p. xivCorinth VII, iii, G.R. Edwards, Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Princeton 1975
Corinth XII, G.R. Davidson, The Minor Objects, Princeton 1952
F. Courby, Les vases grecs
A. Laumonier, La céramique hellénistique à reliefs, 1, Ateliers, ioniens, Paris 1978
Deonna, W., Brûlr-parfums en terre cuite, Revue archèologique 19, pp. 245-256
Edgar, C. C., The treasure of Toukh-el-Qarmous, Le musée égyptien 2, 1907, pp. 57-62
Edwards, G. R., Koroni: The Hellenistic Pottery, Hesperia 32, 1963, pp. 109-111
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Harden, D.B., The Canosa Group of Hellenistic Glasses in the British Museum, JGS 10, 1968, pp. 21-47
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I. Scheibler, Kerameikos: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, XI, Griechische Lampen, Berlin 1976
Kleiner, Athenian Bronze Coin as Given in Kleiner I, pp. 3-8, 38, Table IV
F.S. Kleiner, The Agora Excavations and Athenian Bronze Coinage, 200-86 B.C., Hesperia 45, 1976, pp. 1-40
F.S. Kleiner, The Earliest Athenian New Style Bronze Coins. Some Evidence from the Athenian Agora, Hesperia 44, 1975, pp. 302-330
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Kraus, T., Antithetische Böcke, AthMitt 69-70, 1954-1955, pp. 109-124
Kraus, T., Megarische Becher im Römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Mainz 1951
 L 3858Multiple Nozzle Lamp1 June 1939 
Agora 1, s. 11, p. xiGriechische und römische Porträts, herausgegeben von Paul Arndt
American Journal of Archaeology
Andras Alföldi, "Die Vorherrschaft der Pannonier im Römerreiche und die Reaction des Hellenentums unter Gallienus", pp. 11-51
Allard Pierson Stichting, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Archaeologisch-Historische Bijdragen. Amsterdam, from 1932
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Archäologischer Anzeiger
Archaeologiai Ertesitö, Magyar Tudomanyos Akadémia. Budapest.
Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique
Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, London, from 1923
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York
Johann J. Bernoulli, Griechische Ikonographie. Munich, 1901
Johann J. Bernoulli, Römische Ikonographie. Stuttgart, 1882-94
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Billedtavler til Kataloget over antiker Kunstvaerker. Copenhagen, 1907
Carl Blümel, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Katalog der Sammlung antiker Skulpturen, V, Römische Bildnisse. Berlin, 1933
Bovini, Giuseppe, "Osservazioni sulla ritrattristica romana da Treboniano Gallo a Probo", pp. 180-369
Brendel, Otto, Ikonographie des Kaisers Augustus. Diss Nürnberg, 1931
Broneer, Oscar, Corinth X, The Odeum. Cambridge, Mass., 1932
Buschor, Ernst, Das hellenistiche Bildnis. Munich, 1949
The Cambridge Ancient History, XII, edited by S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock, M. P. Charlesworth and N. H. Baynes. Cambridge, 1939
The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume of Plates, V, prepared by C. T. Seltman. Cambridge, 1939
Rhodos, Clara, Studi e materiali pubblicati a cura dell'instituto storico-archeologico di Rodi. Rhodes, 1928-1941
Alexander Conze, Die attischen Grabreliefs, 4 v. Berline, 1893-1922
Corinth, Results of the Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Cambridge, Mass. and Princeton, 1929-
Johann Friedrich Crome, Das Bildnis Vergils. Reale accademia virgiliana di Mantova, Atti e memorie, Nuova serie, XXIV, pp. 1-73. Mantua, 1935
Curtius, Ludwig, "Ikonographische Beiträge zum Porträit der römischen Republik und der julisch-claudischen Familie", I-III, Röm. Mitt., XLVII, 1932, pp. 202-268
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Curtius, Ludwig, "Ikonographische Beiträge zum Porträit der römischen Republik und der julisch-claudischen Familie", VI, Röm. Mitt., XLIX, 1934, pp. 119-156
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John Day, An Economic History of Athens under Roman Domination. New York, 1942
H 12:6Rubbish Dump7 June 1937 19 March-17 May 1938 
 L 1788Two Nozzle Lamp17 May 1935 
 L 3875Lamp10 June 1939 
P 34437Stemmed Dish16-19 July 2002 
 P 30972Amphora Fragments with Graffito11 March 1935 
Agora 4, s. 114, p. 104Type 33 B; "Poor Relations"; Lamps Mounted on Columnar Stands
Type 33 A; "Poor Relations"; Generally Curved Profiles; Tops Rounded or Concave
Type 34 A; "Poor Relations"; Generally Angular Profiles; Depressed Tops
Broneer, Corinth, Vol. IV, Part II, Terracotta Lamps, Type XII
Type 32; Closed Bodies with Concave Tops; Double Convex Profile; Flat-Topped Nozzles
Type 35 A; Late Hellenistic; Deeply Depressed Tops; Deeply Sloping Side Walls
Type 47 A; Decorated Lamps of Unusual Shapes; Columnar Lamps
Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 438-440
 C 19:5House R Fillings27 May-29 October 1947 
P 19313Red Figure Lekanis with Lid8 April 1948 
Agora 26, s. 12, p. xiiI. Carradice, ed., Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires (BAR International Series 343), Oxford 1987
E. Cavaignac, Les monnaies d'Eleusis, RN, ser. 4, 12, 1908, pp. 311-333 (idem, Le trésor sacré d' Eleusis jusqu' en 404, Versailles 1908)
L. Cerfaux and J. Tondriau, Le culte des souverains dans la civilisations gréco-romaines, Tournai 1957
K. Clinton, The Eleusinian Mysteries: Roman Initiates and Benefactors, Second Century B.C. to A.D. 267, ANRW 2.18.2, 1989, pp. 1499-1539
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A.B. Cook, Zeus, A Study in Ancient Religion III, I, Cambridge 1940
SNG, The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum, Copenhagen 1942-1979
K.A. Edwards, Corinth, Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, VI, Coins 1896-1929, Cambridge, Mass. 1933
H.M. Crawford, Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic: Italy and the Mediterranean Economy, Berkeley/Los Angeles 1985
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J.H. Kroll, A Chronology of Early Athenian Bronze Coinage ca. 350-250 B.C., in Essays Thompson, pp. 139-154
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Essays in Greek Coinage Presented to Stanley Robinson, C.M. Kraay and G.K. Jenkins, eds. Oxford 1968
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M.G. Colin, Inscriptions du Trésor des Athéniens (Fouilles de Delphes III, ii), Paris 1909-1913
W.S. Ferguson, Hellenistic Athens, London 1911
H.B. Earle Fox, Note sur quelques monnaies attiques, RN, ser. 3, 8, 1908, pp. 58-64
A. Giovannini, Rome et la circulation monétaire en Grèce au IIe siècle avant Jesus-Christ, Basel 1978
V.R. Grace, The Middle Stoa Dated by Amphora Stamps, Hesperia 54, 1985, pp. 1-54
C. Grandjean, Le monnayage d' argent et de bronze d' Hermioné (Argolide), RN, ser. 6, 32, 1990, pp. 28-55
The Greek Renaissance in the Roman Empire: Papers from the Tenth British Museum Classical Colloquium (University of London Institute for Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 55), S. Walker and A. Cameron, eds., London 1989
G.T. Griffith, The Mercenaries of the Hellenistic World, Cambridge 1935
S. Grunauer-von Hoerschelmann, Die Münzprägung der Lakedaimonier (AMUGS 7), Berlin 1978
C. Habicht, Zur Geschichte Athens in der Zeit Mithridates VI, Chiron 1976, pp. 127-142
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C. Habicht, Studien zur Geschichte Athens in hellenistischer Zeit (Hypomnemata 73), Göttingen 1982
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Hackens, T. 1969, La circulation monétaire dans la Béotie hellenistique: Trésors de Thèbes 1935 et 1965, BCH 93, 1969, pp. 701-729
K.W. Harl, Civic Coins and Civic Politics in the Roman East, A.D. 180-275, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London 1987
B.V. Head, On the Chronological Sequence of the Coins of Boiotia, NC, ser. 3, 1, 1881, pp. 177-275
B.V. Head, Historia Numorum, 2nd ed., Oxford 1911
M. Hoff, The Early History of the Roman Agora at Athens, in Greek Renaissance, pp. 1-8
R.J. Hopper, Observations on the Wappenmünzen in Essays Robinson, pp. 16-39
C.J. Howgego, Greek Imperial Countermarks, London 1985
 Agora XXIX, no. 271   
P 6878Kantharos with Graffito: West Slope27-29 February, 10 March 1936 
Agora 12.2, s. 76, p. 449Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1503, 5
Benndorf, O., Das Heroon von Gjölbaschi-Trysa, Vienna, 1889, pl. 21
Bloesch, Hansjörg, Antike Kleinkunst in Winterthur, Winterthur, 1964, pl. 7, 33, pl. 9, 32
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1514, 48-49
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1514-1515
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1515, 79
Benson, J.L., Ancient Leros, Durham, N.C., 1963
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1516 below
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1516, 1-2
Bloesch, Hansjörg, Formen attischer Schalen, Berne, 1940, pl. 8, 1-4 and pls. 9-10, pl. 32-36, pl. 32, 3, pl. 37, 3, pl. 38, pl. 39, 1, pl. 39, 2, pl. 39, 3, pl. 40
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1519, 15 and 17
Berliner Museum, Berlin, XIV, 1964, pp. 41-42
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1519, 21
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1519-1521
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1527, 4
Bernabó-Brea, L. and Cavalier, M., Melingunis-Lipara, II, Palermo, 1965: La Necropoli Greca e Romana nella Contrada Diana, p. 192, 24a, pl. 47, 5a, pl. 57, 9a, pl. 59, 1c and 5c, pl. 60, 3a and 3b, pl. 89, 4, pl. 92, 1c, pl. 120, 1 b-c, pl. 127 a and pl. 128, 4b, pl. 135, 3h, pl. 218, 27, pl. 220, 11, pl. k, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1527, 11
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1554, 1-2
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1555
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1556 bottom
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1561, 1-3 above
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1578 below
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1610 middle
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1611, 7
Boardman, John, Greek Art, New York, 1964, p. 92, fig. 77
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1611, 8
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1612
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1622, 7 bis
Boardman, John, Greek Emporio: Excavations in Chios 1952-1955 (British School of Archaeology in Athens, Supplementary volume no. 6), Oxford, 1967, p. 155, fig. 104, 712 and pl. 58, 712, pl. 97, 614
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1630 addenda to p. 164, addenda to p. 169
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1632 below
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1634, 1 bis
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1638, 2 bis
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1651 bottom
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1666 added as 31 bis
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1666 to p. 691
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1669 below middle addenda to p. 772
Bernard, M.L., Greckie Malarstwo Wazowe, Warsaw, 1966, fig. 52
Boardman, John, The Greeks Overseas, Aylesbury, 1964
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1691, addenda to p. 1343
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1694, 13 bis, addenda to p. 1455
Bernardini, M., Vasi dello stile di Gnathia, Vasi a vernice nera, Baari, pl. 68, 8
Boardman, J. And Hayes, J. Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965. The Archaic Deposits I (British School of Archaeology in Athens, Supplementary volume no. 4), Oxford, 1966, pl. 65, 951, 952, 954, pl. 66, 973, 974, pl. 80, 1081
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 1704, 12 bis, addenda to p. 1322
Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-figured Vases in American Museums, Cambridge, Mass., 1918 [Beazley VA]
Berytus, Copenhagen, XII, 1956-1957, pl. 1, 7, pl. 2, 2, pl. 2, 3, pl. 2, 13, pl. 3, 1, pl. 3, 4, pl. 3, 13, pl. 5, 14, pl. 7, 3
Beazley, J.D., Campana Fragments in Florence, Oxford, 1933 [Beazley CF.], pl. 2, B 2
Bulletin d'Arte, Milan and Rome, XLIV, 1959, p. 7, fig. 1a and 1 e
Beazley, J.D., Etruscan Vase Painting, Oxford, 1947, EVP
Bulletin d'Arte, Milan and Rome, XLVI, 1961, p. 269, fig. 1, p. 270, fig. 2 b-c, p. 278, fig. 12 e, pp. 278-281, figs. 12i and 15-16
Beazley, J.D., Greek Vases in Poland, Oxford, 1928 [Beazley VPol.]
Bielefeld, E., Die Antiken-Sammlung des Archaeologischen Instituts, Wissenschaften Zeitschrift der Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenburg, II, 1952-1953, p. 131, fig. 1, K-N 80
Beazley, J.D., Potter and Painter in Ancient Athens, London, 1946
Bonner Jahrbücher, Bonn, 1842
Beazley, J.D., Some Attic Vases in the Cyprus Museum, London, 1948
Bother, D., von, Ancient Art from New York Private Collections, New York, 1961, pl. 100, 270, pl. 100, 276
Bielefeld, E., Zur griechischen Vasenmalerei des 6 bis 4. Jahrhunderts vor Christus, Halle, 1956, pl. 32, fig. 47 a-b
Beazley, J.D. and Magi, F., La racolta Benedetto Guglielmi nel Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Rome, Città del Vaticano, 1939, pl. 18, 56, pl. 22, 76, 77 and 78
Brashinski, I.B., Athens and the Northern Black Sea, Moscow, 1963 (published by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Institute of Archaeology, p. 49 a-b, pp. 86, 88
The Birth of Western Civilisation, ed., M. Grant, New York, 1964, p. 154, fig. 78
Blavatsky, B.D., Antichhaya Arkheologiya, Moscow, 1961, p. 141, fig. 63
Benndorf, O., Griechische und sicilische Vasenbilder, Berlin, 1883, pl. 44
Bloesch, Hansjörg, Antike Kunst in der Schweiz, Zurich, 1943, pl. 47, 25
Breccia, E., Catalogue générale des antiquités égyptiennes, musée d' Alexandrie: La Nécropole di Sciatbi, Cairo, 1912, pl. 43, 59, pl. 52, 96-98, pl. 55, 112, pl. 56, 120
Agora 1, s. 13, p. xiiiHans Peter L'Orange, Studien zur Geschichte des spätantiken Porträts (Instituttet for sammenlignende Kulturforskning. Series B: Skrifter, XXII). Oslo, 1933
Magnesia am Maeander: Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1891-1893, von Carl Humann: Die Bauwerke bearbeitet von Julius Kohte: Die Bildwerke bearbeitet von Carl Watzinger. Königliche Museen zu Berlin. Berlin, 1904
Melanges Gustave Glotz. Paris, 1932
Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire offerts à Charles Picard. Paris, 1949
Kasimierz Michalowski, "La fin de l'art grec", B.C.H. LXX, 1946, pp. 385-392
Kasimierz Michalowski, Delos, XIII, Les portraits hellénistiques et romains. Paris, 1932
Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts
Monumenti antichi pubblicati per cura della [reale] accademia nazionale dei Lincei
Mühsam, Alice, Die attischen Grabreliefs in römischer Zeit. Diss. Berlin, 1936
James Notopoulos, "Studies in the Chronology of Athens under the Empire", Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pp. 1-57
Notopoulos, James, "Studies in the Chronology of Athens under the Empire", Hesperia XVIII, 1949, pp. 1-57
Oliver, James H., The Athenian Expounders of the Sacred and Ancestral Law. Baltimore, 1950
Olympia; die Ergebnisse der von dem deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung, herausgegeben von Ernst Curtius und Friedrich Adler. Berlin, 1890-97
Olympische Forschungen, herausgegeben von Emil Kunze. Archäologisches Institut des deutschen Reichs. Berlin, 1944-
Roberto Paribeni, Il ritratto nell'arte antica. Milan, 1934
Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Neue Bearbeitung. Stuttgart, 1894-
Poulson, Frederik, Ny Carlsberg Glypotek, Katalog over Antike Skulpturer. Copenhagen, 1940
Poulson, Frederik, Greek and Roman Portraits in English Country Houses. Oxford, 1923
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Πρακτικα της εν Αθηναις Αρχαιολογικης Εταιρειας
Reinach, Salomon, Repertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine. Paris, 1897-1930
Richter, Gisela, Roman Portraits. New York, 1948
Richter, Gisela, "Who Made the Roman Portrait Statues - Greeks or Romans?" Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, XCV, 1951, pp. 184-191
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Hans Riemann, Die Skulpturen vom 5. Jahrhundert bis in römische Zeit. Kerameikos, II. Berlin, 1940
Gerhart Rodenwaldt, "The Transition to Late-Classical Art", C.A.H., XII, pp. 544-570
Gerhart Rodenwaldt, "Der Klinensarkophag von S. Lorenzo", Jahrb., XLV, 1930, pp. 116-189
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Gerhart Rodenwaldt, "Griechische Porträts aus dem Ausgang der Antike", 76 Winckelmannsprogram, Berlin 1919
Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung
Schefold, Karl, Die Bildnisse der antiken Dichter, Redner und Denker. Basle, 1943
Schweitzer, Bernhard, Die Bildniskunst der römischen Republik. Leipzig, 1948
Arthur Hamilton Smith, A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum, III. London, 1904
Lietzmann, H., und Rodenwaldt, G., Studien zur spätantiken Kunstgeschichte, im Auftrage des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, herausgegeben von Hans Lietzmann und Gerhart Rodenwaldt
Emerson H. Swift, "A Group of Roman Imperial Portraits at Corinth", A.J.A., XXV, 1921, pp. 142-159
Emerson H. Swift, "A Group of Roman Imperial Portraits at Corinth", A.J.A., XXV, 1921, pp. 248-265
Emerson H. Swift, "A Group of Roman Imperial Portraits at Corinth", A.J.A., XXV, 1921, pp. 337-363
Symbolae Osloenses, auspiciis societatis graeco-latinae
Agora 24, s. 22, p. xixThe Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Bibliography and Abbreviations
Agora 1, Evelyn Harrison, Portrait Sculpture, 1953
Agora 2, Margaret Thompson, Coins from the Roman through the Venetian Period, 1954
Agora 3, R.E. Wycherley, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia, 1957
Agora 5, Henry S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology, 1959
Agora 6, Claireve Grandjouan, Terracottas and Plastic Lamps of the Roman Period, 1961
Agora 7, Judith Perlzweig, Lamps of the Roman Period, First to Seventh Century after Christ, 1961
Agora 14, Homer A. Thompson and R.E. Wycherley, The Agora of Athens, 1972
Agora 15, Benjamin D. Meritt and John S. Trail, Inscriptions: the Athenian Councillors, 1974
Agora 20, Alison Frantz, The Church of Holy Apostles, 1971
Hesperia, Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1, 1932
Hesperia, Supplement IV, The Tholos of Athens and its Predecessors, by Homer A. Thompson, Baltimore, 1940
Hesperia, Supplement VIII, Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear, Princeton, 1949
Hesperia, Supplement XII, The Athenian Constitution after Sulla, Daniel J. Geagan, Princeton 1967
The Athenian Agora, a Guide to the Excavation and Museum, 3rd edition, 1976
Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, P. Σύνταγμα τῶν Παλαιοχριστιανικῶν Ψηφιδοτῶν τῆ Ὲλλάδος, ΙΙ, Πελοπόννεσος-Στερεά Ὲλλάδα, Thessalonica 1987
Cambridge Ancient History
Alan Cameron, PCPS; Alan Cameron, The Last Days of the Academy at Athens, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, n.s. 15, 1969, pp. 7-29
Cameron, Averil, Agathias, Oxford, 1970
Cameron, Averil, Agathias and Sassanians, DOP 23/24, 1969/1970, pp. 67-183
Charanis, Observations; P. Charanis, Observations on the History of Greece in the Early Middle Ages, Balkan Studies 11, 1970, pp. 1-34
Charanis, Significance; P. Charanis, The Significance of Coins as Evidence for the History of Athens and Corinth in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries, Historia 4, 1955, pp. 163-172
CIL; Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, B.G. Niebuhr, ed., Bonn 1828-1897
J. Day, An Economic History of Athens under Roman Domination, New York, 1942
Dunbabin, Mosaics; K.M.D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Oxford 1978
EAA; Enciclopedia dell'arte antica, classica e orientale, Rome, 1958-
EMME I; Ἐυρετήριον τῶν Μεσαιωνικῶν Μνημείων τῆς Ὲλλάδος, Athens, 1927-1929
Frantz, DOP, A. Frantz, From Paganism to Christianity in the Temples of Athens, DOP 19, 1965, pp. 187-205
Frantz, Julian, A. Frantz, Did Julian the Apostate Rebuild the Parthenon, AJA 83, 1979, pp. 395-401
Γενική συνέλευσι; Γενική Συνέλευσις τῶν μελῶν τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ὲταιρίας
Glucker, Antiochus; J. Glucker Antiochus and the Late Academy, Hypomnemata 56, 1978
Graindor, Archontes; P. Graindor, Chronologie des archontes athéniens sous l' empire, Brussels 1922
Gregorovius, Ferdinand, Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter, Stuttgart 1889; also published as Ὶστορία τῆς πόλεως Ἀθηνῶν κατά τούς μέσους αἰῶνας, translated from the German and revised by S. Lambros, Athens 1904
BI 602Bone Theatre Ticket1 April 1948 
L 1524Three Nozzle Lamp11 May 1934 
L 407Lamp Fragment1 March 1932 
 L 2925Lamp17 April 1935 
P 25895Brazier Lugs: Bearded Head25 April 1957, 14 May 1958 
P 22276Hydria22 April 1952 
P 1000Black Figure Skyphos18 June 1932 
Agora 12.2, s. 89, p. 462Olynthus: Robinson, D.M., and others, Excavations at Olynthus, Baltimore, XII, Public and Domestic Architecture, pls. 186-187, 191, 218-219, pl. 191, 2, pl. 219, 2
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1898 (1901), p. 18, fig. 17
Persepolis: University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications, II, E.F. Schmidt, Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries, Chicago, 1957, Frontispiece and pl. 70 c
Olynthus: Robinson, D.M., and others, Excavations at Olynthus, Baltimore, XIII, Vases found in 1934 and 1938, pl. 4, P 3, pl. 82, 510A, pl. 82 and 191, 521, pl. 136, 216, pl. 137, 217-218, 219, pl. 138, 231, pl. 138-139, pl. 138, 225-226, pl. 148-149, pl. 168, pl. 170-171, pl. 172, 460 A, pl. 173, 456, pl. 173-177, pl. 174, 461 A, B, pl. 175, 476, pl. 176, 465, pl. 178-179, 477-87, pl. 183, 493-395, pl. 183 and 185, 497, pl. 183, 502, pl. 183 and 191, 503, pl. 184 and 185, 497, pl. 184 and 187, 498, pl. 184, 500, pl. 185, 510, pl. 186-188, 501, pl. 186, 519, pl. 188, 510-511, pl. 189, 517, pl. 189 and 191, 518, pl. 189-192, 522, pl. 190 and 191, 520, pl. 190 and 191, 521 A, pl. 190 and 191, 521 B, pl. 190 and 192, 522 A, B, B 119, pl. 194, pl. 195, 466, pl. 196-202, 559-567 and 575-590, pl. 198, pl. 200-202, pl. 203, pl. 204-211, pl. 220, 772, pl. 224, 779 and 784, pl. 239, pl. 244-245, pl. 246, 1021-1022, pl. 247, 1023-1024, pl. 249, 1026, pl. 249, 1027, pl. 249, 1028-1029 and 1034, pl. 250, 1030, pl. 252 and 265, 1119, pl. 253, 1047-1049, 1053, pl. 263-266
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1903 (1906), p. 32, figs. 35 a-b
Pfuhl, E., Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen, Munich, 1923, fig. 209, 611, 770, 777
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1909-1910 (1913), p. 131, figs. 198 a-b
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1912 (1916), p. 43, fig. 59 a-b
Otchët Imperatorskot Arkheologicheskoǐ Komissii, St. Petersburg, 1913-1915 (1918), p. 29, figs. 23-24, p. 44, figs. 65-66
Philippaki, B., The Attic Stamnos, Oxford, 1967, pl. 8
Oudheidkundige Mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Leyden, XXXIV, 1953, pp. 2-3, figs. 1-2 and pl. I, 2
Philologische Wochenschrift, Leipsic, 1882-1940
Philologus, Leipsic, LXXII, 1913, pp. 546-548
Oudheidkundige Mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Leyden, XXXVIII, 1957, p. 56, fig. 16 and pl. V, 2
Packard-Cambridge, A.W., Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, 2nd ed., revised by T.B.L., Webster, Oxford, 1962
Pagenstecher, R., Expedition Sieglinden, II, iii: Die griechischen-ägyptische Sammlung Ernst von Sieglinden, Leipsic, 1913, p. 21, fig. 28, p. 139, fig. 144c and 144d
Pottier, E., Vases antiques du Louvre, Paris, 1897-1922, pl. 68, F 66, pl. 132, G 247
Papers of the British School at Rome, London, XXVI, 1958, pl. 3 c
Powell, J.U., and Barber, E.A., New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature, iii, Oxford, 1933, fig. 5 (between pp. 104 and 105)
Payne, H.G.G., Necrocorinthia, Oxford, 1931, p. 33, fig. 10 D, p. 308, figs. 144-146, 913-915, pl. 13, 1
Powell, T.G., The Celts, New York, 1958, figs. 16-17
Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἐταιρείας, Athens, 1956, pl. 80 β, pl. 83
Pellegrini, G., Catalogo dei vasi greci dipinti delle necropoli felsinee, Bologna, 1912, p. 22, fig. 10, 58, p. 37, fig. 21, 117, p. 53, fig. 32, 159, p. 164, fig. 95, 327, p. 225, fig. 142, 575, p. 228, fig. 147, 629, p. 229, fig. 148, 649
Πρακτικά τῆς ἐν Ἀθήναις Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἐταιρείας, Athens, 1961, pls. 124-125
Quagliati, Q., Il Museo Nazionale di Taranto, Rome, 1932, pl. 69, at left
Pennsylvania University Museum Exhibit from Private Collections, August 24-29, 1964, no. 56, no. 69
Raubitschek, A.E., Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis, Cambridge, Mass., 1949, p. 371, p. 371, 337, p. 371, 363-370
Perachora, The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia, 1930-1933, II, T.J. Dunbabin, and others, Oxford, 1962, pls. 124-125, pls. 126-128, pls. 128, 3329, pl. 129, 3903-3905, pl. 151, 3862
Revue archéologique, Paris, XXIII, 1914, pl. IX
Revue archéologique, Paris, IV, 1916, p. 151, fig. 3
Pernice, E., Die Hellenistische Kunst in Pompeji, Berlin, 1932, pls. 24-35
Revue archéologique de l' Est et du Centre-Est, Dijon, from 1950
P 1495Moldmade Krater: West Slope8 March 1933 
 L 1994Lamp FragmentApril-May 1935 
P 13385Black Figure Amphora Fragment6-7 June 1938 
 P 22278Jug Fragment22 April 1952 
Agora 4, s. 109, p. 99Type 30 C; Lamps with Open Bodies; Curved Profiles; Wick-Holes Encroaching on Rims
Type 31; Closed Body, Rounded Profile; Wheelmade Counterpart of Type 43 A
Type 43 A; Concave or Ridged Tops; Delphiniform Lugs Cast in Upper Mould
Type 28 B; Blister Ware Lamps; Angular Profiles
Type 29 A; Lamps with Watch-Shaped Lagynos Profiles; Narrow Ridges around Filling-Holes
Type 32; Closed Bodies with Concave Tops; Double Convex Profile; Flat-Topped Nozzles
Broneer, Corinth, Vol. IV, Part II, Terracotta Lamps, Type XII
Type 29 B; Lamps with Watch-Shaped Lagynos Profiles; Flat Rims around Filling-Holes
Broneer, Corinth, Vol. IV, Part II, Terracotta Lamps, Type XVI
Agora 24, s. 179, p. 155The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Index II; Inscriptions
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Index II; Inscriptions; Inscriptiones Graecae
IG II², 958
IG II², 5021
IG II², 3193
IG II², 5184
IG II², 3198
IG II², 5199
IG II², 3504
IG II², 5200
IG II², 3669
IG II², 5201
IG II², 3670
IG II², 5205
IG II², 3689
IG II², 5208
IG II², 3690
IG IV, 209
IG II², 3692
IG IV, 666
IG II², 3818
IG IV, 1608
IG II², 4209
IG V 1, 455
IG II², 4222
IG VII, 26
SEG XIV, 379
IG II², 4224
IG VII, 93
IG II², 4225
IG VII, 96
IG II², 4841
IG VII, 1855
SEG XV, 322
IG II², 4842
IG XII 9, 907
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Index II; Inscriptions; Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
SEG III, 834
ILS 7784
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Index II; Inscriptions; Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
CIL VI, 1779
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Index II; Inscriptions; Athens Agora Museum
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Index II; Inscriptions; Athens Asklepieion
Β-10-91 (pp. 1947-1948)Cut to South of Metroon; Layer V; With Marble Chips
Cut to South of Metroon; Drain Channel in Cut beneath Layer V
Cut to South of Metroon; Layer VI
Cut to South of Metroon; Layer VII
Cut to South of Metroon; Layer VIII
Cut to south of Metroon; Layer VIII
Cut to South of Metroon; Layer IX
Cut to South of Metroon; Layer X
Cut to South of Metroon; Layer XI
Cut to south of Metroon; Layer XII
15 Apr 1935
16 Apr 1935
17 Apr 1935
18 Apr 1935
 P 19171Jug with Relief Decoration31 March 1948 
P 9275Black Figure Stand: Inscribed1 March 1937 
ΜΜ-5-29 (pp. 847-848)North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XI
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XII (a)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XII (b)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XIII (a)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XIII (b)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XIV (a)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XIV (b)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XIV (c)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XV (a)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XV (b)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XVI(b)
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XVII
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Stoa, Layer XVIII
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area North of Stoa, Layer I
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area North of Stoa, Layer II
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area North of Stoa, Layer III
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area North of Stoa, Layer IV
North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area North of Stoa, Layer V, Below House Floor
18 Mar 1939
20 Mar 1939
30 Mar 1939
1 Apr 1939
8 Mar 1939
9 Mar 1939
10 Mar 1939
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Cook, R.M. 1960. Greek Painted Pottery, London
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Corbett, P.E. 1955. Palmette Stamps from an Attic Black-Glaze Workshop, Hesperia 24, pp. 172-168
Results of Corinth Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Corinth 7, G.R. Edwards, Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Princeton 1975
Corinth 12, G.R. Davidson, The Minor Objects, Princeton 1952
Agora 13, C.W. Blegen, H. Palmer, and R.S. Young, The North Cemetery, princeton 1964
Agora 14, iii, A.N. Stilwell and J.L. Benson, The Potter's Quarter: The Pottery, Princeton 1984
Corinth 18, i. E.G. Pemberton, The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Greek Pottery, Princeton 1989
Agora 18, ii, K.W. Slane, The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Roman Pottery and Lamps, Princeton 1990
Cornell, L.A., Jr. 1981. Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Red-Slipped Pottery from Tel Anafa 1968-1973 (diss. University of Missouri 1980)
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Coulson, W.D.E. 1987. Chatby Reconsidered, JEA 73, pp. 234-236
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Crosby, M. 1957. Fragments of Mining Leases from the Athenian Agora, Hesperia 26, pp. 1-23
P.M. Kenrick, Part III: Hellenistic and Roman Fine Wares, in the Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya: Final Reports III (University Museum Monographs 66), D. White, ed., Philadelphia 1987, pp. 1-18
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Délos XVIII, W. Deonna, Le mobilier délien, Paris 1938
Délos XXVII, P. Bruneau et al. L'ȋlot de la Maison des comédiens, Paris 1970
Délos XXXI, A. Laumonier, La céramique hellénistique à reliefs: 1. Ateliers ioniens, Paris 1977
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 Agora XXX, no. 383   
Agora 24, s. 164, p. 140The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Appendix; The Post Herulian Wall; Description of the Post Herulian Wall by Sections; The Gates; North Flank; Gate of Megali Panagia
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Appendix; The Post Herulian Wall; Description of the Post Herulian Wall by Sections; The Gates; North Flank; Krystalliotissa Gate
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Appendix; The Post Herulian Wall; Description of the Post Herulian Wall by Sections; The Gates; East Flank
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Appendix; The Post Herulian Wall; Description of the Post Herulian Wall by Sections; The Gates; East Flank; Saint Demetrios Gate
IG II², 5199
IG II², 5200
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Appendix; The Post Herulian Wall; Description of the Post Herulian Wall by Sections; The Gates; East Flank; Panagia Sarres Gate
The Athenian Agora 24; Late Antiquity A.D. 267-700; Appendix; The Post Herulian Wall; Description of the Post Herulian Wall by Sections; The Gates; Smaller Gates
G. Dontas, Δελτ 24, 1969, B' 1 (1970), p. 23
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 L 559Seven Nozzle Lamp22 April 1932 
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 Birth of Democracy: State Religion   
Ζ-15-18 (pp. 2767-2768)Tholos Trench I; Layer V
Tholos Trench I; Layer VI
Tholos Trench I; Layer VII
Tholos Trench I; Layer VIII
Tholos Trench I; Layer IX
Tholos Trench I; Layer X
Tholos Trench I; Layer XI
Tholos Trench L
Tholos Trench I; Layer XII
Tholos Trench I; Layer XIII
Tholos Trench L; Layer I
Tholos Trench L; Layer II
Tholos Trench L; Layer III
Tholos Trench L; Layer IV
Jun 15 1937
May 4 1938
May 5 1938
Feb 15 1938
Feb 16 1938
 Agora XXX, no. 986   
 L 557Two Nozzle Lamp22 April 1932 
L 558Lamp22 April 1932 
Ζ-15-37 (pp. 2805-2806)Great Drain; West Branch; Clearing to South of Fork
Great Drain; West Branch; Clearing to South of Fork; Layer I
Great Drain; West Branch; Clearing to South of Fork; Layer II
Great Drain; West Branch; Clearing to South of Fork; Layer III
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer V
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer VI
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer VII
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer VIII
Corner of South Archaic House and of Cemetery
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer IX
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer X
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer XI
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer XII
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer XIII
Great Drain; From Stone Packing Between Drain and Early Wall; Layer XIV
Feb 25 1938
Feb 24 1938
Feb 26 1938
Feb 27 1938
Feb 28 1938
Mar 1 1938
Agora 12.2, s. 72, p. 445Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1953-54, Part 1, pp. 205-206
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Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1953-54, Part 2, p. 146, figs. 1-2 and pl. 1, 1-2
Archaeologia, Warsaw, XV, 1964, p. 195, fig. 31
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), pls. 18-19, 20β, 22β, 23 below
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Ashmolean Museum: Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley's Gifts, 1912-1966, London, 1967 [Beazley Gifts 1912-1966], pl. 55, 387, 389, 391, 392, 393
Ashmolean Museum: Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley's Gifts, 1912-1966, London, 1967 [Beazley Gifts 1912-1966], pl. 56, 398, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407
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Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 79, fig. 136
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 80, fig. 137
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 93, fig. 159
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 99, fig. 168
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Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 99, fig. 171
Ashmolean Museum: Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley's Gifts, 1912-1966, London, 1967 [Beazley Gifts 1912-1966], pl. 58, 414, 415, 420
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 105, fig. 179
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 106, fig. 181 α-β
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1958 (1961), p. 112, fig. 187
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Archivo de prehistória levantina, Valencia, X, 1963, p. 120, fig. 21, 83
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Ars Antiqua Auktion IV, Lucerne December, 7 1962, pl. 44, 131, pl. 47, 134
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SEG X 241
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Hesperia, 38, 1969, 459-494
Hesperia, Supplement I, 89-91
Hesperia, Supplement I, 162-165
Hesperia, 38, 1969, 530
Hesperia, Supplement I, 91-92
Hesperia, Supplement I, 165-166
Hesperia, Supplement I, 92-93
Hesperia, Supplement I, 166-169
Hesperia, 39, 1970, 308-309
Hesperia, Supplement I, 93-94
Hesperia, Supplement I, 169-170
Hesperia, Supplement I, 94
Hesperia, Supplement I, 170
Hesperia, 40, 1971, 308-311
Hesperia, Supplement I, 94-95
Hesperia, Supplement I, 170-171
Hesperia, 40, 1971, 311-313
Hesperia, Supplement I, 95-96
Hesperia, Supplement I, 171-172
Hesperia, 40, 1971, 313-315
Hesperia, Supplement I, 96-100
Hesperia, Supplement I, 173
Hesperia, 40, 1971, 315-321
Hesperia, Supplement I, 100-105
Hesperia, 40, 1971, 321-326
Hesperia, Supplement I, 105-107
Hesperia, Supplement I, 173-174
Hesperia, 40, 1971, 322-323
Hesperia, Supplement I, 107-108
Hesperia, Supplement I, 174
Hesperia, 40, 1971, 326-329
Hesperia, Supplement I, 108
Hesperia, Supplement I, 175-176
Hesperia, Supplement I, 108-109
Hesperia, Supplement I, 176
Hesperia, 41, 1972, 428-430
Hesperia, Supplement I, 109-110
Hesperia, Supplement I, 176-178
Hesperia, 41, 1972, 431-432
Hesperia, Supplement I, 110-111
Hesperia, Supplement I, 178-181
Hesperia, Supplement I, 111-112
Hesperia, Supplement I, 181
Hesperia, Supplement I, 31-36
Hesperia, Supplement I, 112-113
Hesperia, Supplement I, 182
Hesperia, Supplement I, 36
Hesperia, Supplement I, 113
Hesperia, Supplement I, 182-183
Hesperia, Supplement I, 36-38
Hesperia, Supplement I, 114-115
Hesperia, Supplement I, 183-185
Hesperia, Supplement I, 38-39
Hesperia, Supplement I, 115-116
Hesperia, Supplement I, 185-186
Hesperia, Supplement I, 39-42
Hesperia, Supplement I, 116-117
Hesperia, Supplement I, 186-191
Hesperia, Supplement I, 42
Hesperia, Supplement I, 117-118
Hesperia, Supplement I, 192
Hesperia, Supplement I, 43
Hesperia, Supplement I, 118-119
Hesperia, Supplement I, 193
Hesperia, Supplement I, 119
Hesperia, Supplement I, 43-47
Hesperia, Supplement I, 120-124
Hesperia, Supplement I, 193-197
Hesperia, Supplement I, 47-52
Hesperia, Supplement I, 125
Hesperia, Supplement VIII, 279-280
Hesperia, Supplement I, 52-54
Hesperia, Supplement I, 125-126
Hesperia, Supplement VIII, 281-284
Hesperia, Supplement I, 54-55
Hesperia, Supplement I, 126
Hesperia, Supplement XII, 194-155
Hesperia, Supplement I, 55
S 1631Portrait Head of Female Figure15 April 1952 
 AgoraPicBk 4 2004: Military Service   
Agora 13, s. 305, p. 284The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Swindler Mary H
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tsountas Chr.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Swords
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Unfinished Chamber Tombs
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Talcott Lucy
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tankard
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Urfirnis
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Urfirnis; Early Helladic II
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Teacup
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tell el Amarna
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tell el Amarna; Importance for Mycenaean Chronology
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Valmin Natan
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tell el Amarna; Pottery from Tell el Amarna
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vanderpool Eugene
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Buttons
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Figurines; Middle Helladic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vaphio Tholos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vari; Mycenaean Tholos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Spindle Whorls; Early Helladic to Middle Helladic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Terracotta; Spindle Whorls; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Varkisa
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Varkisa; Minoan Late Minoan I B Import
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Varkisa; Mycenaean Tombs
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thebes Kadmeion
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thebes Kadmeion; Moulds from Thebes Kadmeion
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vasiliki Ware
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thebes Kadmeion; Mycenaean Pottery from Thebes Kadmeion
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vent Holes in Mycenaean Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Theochares
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vermeulle Emily T.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thera; Mattpainted Pot from Thera
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thermi Lesbos; Pottery from Thermi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vinča A Period
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Theseus Legend
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Volo; Gulf of Volos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessalian Neolithic Periods
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Volos Region; Iolkos and Neleia
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Volos Region; Iolkos and Neleia; Mycenaean Pottery from Volos Region
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Figurines
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Handaxes
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; A 1 Red Monochrome
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Voula
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; B Wares
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; Γ1 α Ware
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vourvatsi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Vourvatsi; Mycenaean Pottery from Vourvatsi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thessaly; Neolithic Pottery; Γ 3 Ware
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tholoi; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tholoi; Mycenaean; Absence in Athens
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wace Alan J.B.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thompson Homer A.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Water Supply
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Water Supply; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Water Supply; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thorikos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thorikos; Neolithic Pottery from Thorikos
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Thorikos; Tholoi
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Webster
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Threpsiades J.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Weinberg Saul S.
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tin
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tin; Incrustation for Imitation Silver Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Neolithic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tin; Lining of Large Ivory Pyxis
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Middle Helladic
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wells; Submycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Early Helladic Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Mycenaean Palace Cisterns
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Destruction
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Fortifications
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wishbone Handle; Mycenaean
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Stucco Pavements
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Mycenaean Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wood; Carbonized in Tomb I
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tiryns; Mycenaean Signet Ring
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wood Rebecca; Mrs Henry S. Robinson
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Townsend Emily
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Trachones Attica; Mycenaean Pottery from Trachones
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden; Biers
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden; Coffins
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tragana; Bronze Bowl from Tragana
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Wooden; Table
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Travlos John
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Travlou Nina
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Young Rodney S
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tripod
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tripod; Mycenaean Cooking Pots
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zafer Papoura Cemetery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Trojan War
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Andler Fragments
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Date of Troy
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Battle Axe
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Handaxes
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Arrow Head
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Celts
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Loomweights
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Pottery from Troy
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Spindle Whorls
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Early Helladic Period; Statuettes
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Saddle Querns
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Scarcity of Obsidian
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Middle Helladic Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy I; Spindle Whorls
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Mycenaean Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery; Dark Burnished Jars
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery; Pithos with Incised Decoration
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy II; Pottery; Spoons
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Potter's Shop
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Potter's Shop; Burning of Potter's Shop
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Zygouries; Potter's Shop; Pottery from Potter's Shop
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Troy VI; Oval Shaped Grinders
The Neolithic and Bronze Ages; Index; Tsangli Thessaly