[Agora Lot] ΞΞ 140: Fill VI

1st Half of 5th B.C ... Fill VI

[Agora Lot] ΜΜ 215: North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Road, Layer VI.

8 March 1939 #3 ... 1st B.C.- 1st A.D ... North-South Cut on 50m Line. Area of Road, Layer VI.

[Agora Lot] ΟΟ 821: Room A2 of the Southwest Bath; Layer VI; Southeast Corner

3rd B.C ... Room A2 of the Southwest Bath; Layer VI; Southeast Corner

[Agora Lot] Ζ 348: Tholos Trench H; Between Middle and Late Drain; Layer VI

5th c. -3rd B.C ... Tholos Trench H; Between Middle and Late Drain; Layer VI