
[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 23, p. 9

The Knickerbocker Workshop. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 63-65, figs. 87-92. The Hirschfield Workshop. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 36-40, fig. 25-29. The Late Geometric Lion Painter. Davison, ... Agora 8 9 P 22427 P 24844 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 45, p. 31

Neck Amphora; Late Geometric. Brann L 2. Well. Amphora; Late Geometric. Young XI 1. I.L.N., Oct 13, 1939, p. 648, fig. 5. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 116, inv. 821. CVA Mannheim 1, pl. 2, 4. B.S.A., XII, 1905-1906, ... Agora 8 31 P 13767 P 5423 P 12105 P 8216 P 23888 P 21707 P 7492 P 5422 P 6401 P 4990 P 25630 P 25644 P 24032 V 24:2 F 12:2 S 18:1 D 12:3 N 11:6 P 7:3 D 11:5 G 12:24 G 12:19 J 14:5 J 15:1 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 53, p. 39

Small Trefoil Oinochoe. CVA Munich 3, pl. 117, 13, 14. Well. Vulture Painter. Small Oinochoe; Late Geometric. Small Trefoil Oinochoe; Semi-Black Ware. Brann I 10. Brann H 11. Young IX, 14. Oinochoe; Protoattic ... Agora 8 39 P 12331 P 8211 P 12330 P 12601 P 4971 P 20080 P 20698 P 26576 P 22442 P 7:2 D 12:3 G 12:14 D 16:3 R 12:2 S 17:2 N 11:6 ... Late 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 54, p. 40

Olpai. Young B 75. Young B 73. Corinth, VII, i, pl. 23, no. 166. B.S.A., XLVIII, 1953, pl. 57, no. 1050. Athens 897. Jug; Late Geometric. Well. Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pl. 104, b. Ath. Mitt., XVIII, 1893, ... Agora 8 40 P 19842 P 20729 P 21579 P 20730 P 23457 P 23655 P 8996 B 18:6 R 10:5 P 7:3 R 8:2 Q 8:9 J 18:8 ... 1st half of 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 56, p. 42

Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 24, inv. 1143. Brock, Fortetsa, pls. 79ff. Beazley, Dev., pl. 2. Délos, XV, pl. XLIV. Richter and Milne, Shapes and Names, p. 11, fig. 72. Fragments of Krater with Ribbed Stand. Well ... Agora 8 42 P 25633 P 20732 P 632 P 22693 P 21706 J 14:5 R 10:5 P 7:3 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 60, p. 46

Plate; Late Geometric. Fragment of Basin; Protoattic. Other. Well. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 104, inv. 1144, also inv. 365. Young VI, 3. Young C 81ff. Young B 7. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 104, inv. 1144. Fragmentary ... Agora 8 46 P 4650 P 14211 P 13291 P 13288 P 26478 P 10628 P 13336 P 12599 P 12617 P 13119 N 10:1 S 19:7 H 12:8 R 17:5 T 19:3 P 7:2 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 61, p. 47

Two-Handled Cup; Late Geometric. Young, Grave XVII, pl. 2. Well. Young, C 136. CVA Reading 1, pl. 8, 9. Athens N.M. 18422. Eva T. H. Brann, "Late Geometric Well Groups from the Athenian Agora," Hesperia, ... Agora 8 47 P 19843 P 12437 P 15126 P 17837 P 25640 P 15510 P 7014 P 21807 P 12587 P 21799 P 23431 B 18:6 L 18:2 E 19:3 J 14:5 B 21:23 D 11:5 P 14:2 P 7:2 R 8:2 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 62, p. 48

Skyphos; Subgeometric. Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pl. 80, D 34-35. Well. Young C 46. Ath. Mitt., LXXII, 1957, Beil. 72. Subgeometric Skyphoi. Young D 4. Burial. Brann H 25. Brann F 34. Brann G 24. Small Skyphos; ... Agora 8 48 P 7162 P 10223 P 9005 P 21701 P 23434 P 3621 P 13662 P 20083 P 3645 P 12107 P 20677 P 12110 D 11:5 T 19:3 J 18:8 O 7:12 R 8:2 I 14:1 D 16:3 S 18:1 R 10:5 ... 1st half of 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 64, p. 50

B.S.A., LXIII, 1948, p. 55, note 2. Kraiker, Aigina, pl. 2, 30. Corinth, VII, i, pl. 13, 80. Mon. Ant., XIII, 1903, p. 274, fig. 58. Kotyle; Imitation of Early Protocorinthian. Burial. Young XXIII, 1 ... Agora 8 50 P 3569 P 24083 P 7148 P 10644 P 5366 P 15029 P 23424 P 10153 E 14:4 J 15:1 D 11:5 B 14:5 E 19:1 R 8:2 T 19:3 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 66, p. 52

Kantharos. Burial. Young XI 5. B.C.H., LXXVII, 1953, p. 335, fig. 17. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 87, inv. 817. Burr, pp. 585ff. Young p. 204. Kerameikos, V, 1, pp. 29, 123. Courbin, B.C.H., LXXVII, 1953, pp ... Agora 8 52 P 5421 P 8243 P 6402 P 7080 P 4887 P 5397 P 4775 P 4961 G 12:24 D 12:3 L 6:2 G 12:13 F 12:5 G 12:8 G 12:14 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 79, p. 65

Well. Brann L 2. Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 191, figs. 48-51. Neck Fragment of Closed Pot; Late Geometric. Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 194, fig. 57. Sub-Dipylon Painter. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig ... Agora 8 65 P 12281 P 26283 P 10227 P 4885 P 7184 P 22435 S 18:1 T 19:3 G 12:12 D 11:5 N 11:5 ... Late 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 80, p. 66

Neck Fragment; Late Geometric. Well. Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 260, fig. 16, no. 21. CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 2, IV B, pl. 3, 12 a, b. Workshop of the Sub-Dipylon Painter. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," ... Agora 8 66 P 12499 P 10621 P 18496 P 15616 P 5732 P 10201 P 12267 P 6082 P 21442 P 13300 Q 18:1 T 19:3 C 18:2 E 16:1 B 14:5 S 18:1 H 8-10 R 9:2 G-H 11-12 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 81, p. 67

Mon. Piot, XLIX, 1957, p. 25, fig. 12. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 98. B.C.H., LXXVII, 1953, pl. XXXIII, c. Athens 805. A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. XXIV. Fragment of Oinochoe; Late Geometric. Εφ. Αρχ., 1953-1954, ... Agora 8 67 P 1667 P 4252 P 7280 P 13331 P 17196 P 26315 P 26320 P 22439 P 20085 P 21233 H 17:4 D 11:5 G-H 11-12 M 11:1 B 14:5 N 11:5 D 16:3 R 9:2 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 82, p. 68

Early Analatos Painter. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 126. Lid; Middle to Late Geometric. Well. Brann I 61. Fragmentary Oinochoe; Late Geometric. Brann Q 4. CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 3, III H b, pl. 2, 10, b ... Agora 8 68 P 7318 P 24847 P 8206 P 7317 P 7316 P 21806 P 8358 P 10665 P 21523 D 12:3 N 11:4 P 14:2 D 11:5 B 14:5 M 7:1 ... 720 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 84, p. 70

Workshop of Athens 894. Athens 894. B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pp. 144-149. Workshop of Athens 897. Athens 897. Fragmentary Oinochoe; Late Geometric. Well. Brann P 10. Neck Fragments of an Amphora. Burial. Young ... Agora 8 70 P 21440 P 4612 P 7156 P 13287 P 10228 P 13286 P 6579 P 13330 P 5286 R 9:2 G 12:4 D 11:5 H 12:8 T 19:3 F-G 12:2 F-G 12:1 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 86, p. 72

Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 212, figs. 90-91. CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 3, III H b, pl. 2, 11. CVA Munich 3, pl. 107, 2, a. Dipylon Master amphora. Running Dog Olpe; Late Geometric. Neck of Trefoil Oinochoe; ... Agora 8 72 P 23655 P 2402 P 23654 P 25645 P 22430 P 7292 P 4641 P 4923 P 20081 P 8212 Q 8:9 H 8-10 J 14:5 N 11:5 D 11:5 F-G 12:1 N 10:1 D 16:3 D 12:3 ... 750 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 87, p. 73

Neck Fragment of Oinochoe; Late Geometric. Fragment of Bowl; Late Geometric. Well. Brann I 12. Fragment of Krater; Late Geometric. Other. Young B 66. Fragments of a Stand; Late Geometric. Young B 32. Philadelphia ... Agora 8 73 P 12153 P 8240 P 4957 P 9838 P 10863 P 6083 P 19290 P 6875 P 6087 P 6094 P 2400 P 3400 P 21438 D 12:3 F-G 12:1 F 12:6 H 17:4 R 9:2 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 88, p. 74

B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 192, pl. 55, c. G. S. Kirk, "Ships on Geometric Vases," B.S.A., XLIV, 1949, pp. 93ff. Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 163, fig. 13, 20. Hydria; Early Protoattic. Well. Hesperia, VII, ... Agora 8 74 P 10154 P 25329 P 3776 P 21232 P 13771 P 13277 T 19:3 G-H 11-12 R 9:2 U 24:1 H 12:9 ... 700 B.C.